“Ask me Anything” – an innovative approach to Trauma by Dr Tra-ill Dowie PhD

Hi everyone – for all of you who work in the field – and remember trauma underpins all mental illness – and all of you who are touched by it in your own lives [I don’t know any one who is not] please think about a question you would like to ask and send it…

Saturn – Pluto conjunction Generational Change for 2020

  The Saturn – Pluto Conjunction – the generational change. In 2019 this event is building and on May 1st this year will reach the closest pass before the main event on January 12 2020 post the Capricorn Full Moon eclipse on Summer Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere.   The Phases of the Moon…

Galactic Moon Meditations – Monthly at New and Full Moons

We have all been evolving and growing over many years – the great feminine is returning after a long slumber. Everything is changing – accelerating – you are witnessing the birth changes unfolding in your mother Gaia. Many our now directly connected to your own greater awareness and many energies are returning to the Earth…

Winter Solstice – Full Moon – Death, Renewal, Rebirth

Winter Solstice Meditation, sweat lodges, ceremony and ritual!  The age of the Feminine is here – and at Winter Solstice we are asked to unshackle ourselves from the stories of our past and to give Birth to what was always held inside – loving kindness – in all we are. Over these three days of…

Beltane – October 31st – Sweat – 10am

Beltane, Bonfires, Horned Gods and Faeiries, The One Tree   This is a beautiful time of year and throughout history and human culture this turning of the wheel from spring towards summer is celebrated with flower festivals from the Kawoni from the Cherokee, Hanami in Japan, Florifertum in ancient Rome, to the Maypole dancing, Walpurgis…

Winter Solstice – Death, Renewal, Rebirth

  Winter Solstice Meditation, sweat lodges, ceremony and ritual!    The age of the Feminine is here – and at Winter Solstice we are asked to unshackle ourselves from the stories of our past and to give Birth to what was always held inside – loving kindness – in all we are. Over these three…

Meditations with the Masters

  These powerful meditations are unfolding beautifully and each session we are being taken deeply into the centre of being where powerful lessons about the nature of reality and consciousness are imparted on many levels. Yes we hear the words however they are heard on all levels of being – emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually.…

2015 – Western and Chinese Astrology and Numerology for the Year.

2015 – What does this Year hold for You.   Well quite frankly as on looks at all the astrology and numerology of this year coming and all the cosmic connections from the inner to the outer planes informing us of what is possible – this year is going to be one hell of a…

Beltane Sweat Lodge Ceremony and Ritual – Oct 31st – Nov 1st

Beltane, Bonfires, Horned Gods and Faeiries, The One Tree   This is a beautiful time of year and throughout history and human culture this turning of the wheel from spring towards summer is celebrated with flower festivals from the Kawoni from the Cherokee, Hanami in Japan, Florifertum in ancient Rome, to the Maypole dancing, Walpurgis…

Transpersonal Counselling – What is it, Why would I – and things often repeated to clients

What is Transpersonal Counselling – It is a way of looking at the issues of your life at a much deeper level – to see what is beneath the pain of what ever you are encountering or experiencing in life, creating or co-creating with another, feeling victimised or enraged about. It literally means – beyond the…