2015 – What does this Year hold for You.
Well quite frankly as on looks at all the astrology and numerology of this year coming and all the cosmic connections from the inner to the outer planes informing us of what is possible – this year is going to be one hell of a ride peeps. Softened by some of the Yin energy available in the Year of the Wood Sheep but all in all a hell of a ride.
This is an 8 year in Numerology [2+0+1+5] and 8 is a powerful symbol of infinity, balance and right focal point. In Shamanic terms it also speaks of the spider – of language – of the weaving of the fates.
So this year we are entreated to hold the balance between past and future – yin and yang – masculine and feminine – and the ebb and flow of the great wheel of life, death, transformation and rebirth.
The spider reminds us that we are at the centre of the wheel – the centre of the web – part of the realm of all things and connected. So this year amongst many things on offer – not right or wrong or good or bad – just on offer – remember to examine your own creativity, are you walking the strands of your existence in balance – between waking and sleeping – between spirit and matter. Are you allowing the juices to flow from a point of balance into projects, families, artistic endeavours and remember you are all fine artists – you were just given the same lie as everyone else as a child. For people cut off from their creativity are much easier to manage – reclaim it this year.
And spider is also about writing – so if you have been contemplating a book or play or other such adventure this year – now is the time to begin.
Your own personal numerology will be influenced by the day and month of the date you were born – as well as this year’s – however it is a universal 8 year meaning – Karmic lol. If you have been all those things you aspire to be in terms of loving and kind then this year you may reap what you sew – the opposite is also true lol – so either way things will be coming home to roost this year.
Due to its Karmic nature it is also possible that someone who comes into your life this year may have a very significant impact – even partnership – and if a child comes along there is also a deep bond between one or both of the parents that is stronger than usual.
As the threads are woven home in this year it is also possible that you may be drawn to study something that whilst never even contemplated before – may come very easily to you – a creative gift – a language – a healing craft – which indeed is a possible return to an old craft from a previous existence. Watch all contracts signed this year [karmic principles lol – there are some things you may not wish to reap right now] – just be sensible and careful in all business dealings however if you are optimistic, upright and strong then wonderful opportunities may flow from this.
Western Astrology
This year began with Saturn having left its two and a half year sojourn through Scorpio on Xmas eve just gone and has entered Sagittarius and will dance here and back into Scorpio from mid June to mid September, as it stations and turns -and ultimately dwells here until December 2017.
It was last here in the mid to late 80’s and those born then will soon be going through their Saturn returns [the time when you work out what you perceive for yourself is more important than what others think – a time of growing up – often painful] while those born in mid to late 50’s will be going through their second Saturn return this year.
Saturn in Sagittarius also reflects flight – space – the arrow loosed into the heavens so it will be interesting to watch what happens in the air over the next few years. It is particularly interesting considering planes are going missing and while some have not returned – over European air space, planes have 13 times now disappeared from radar – only to turn up again up to 25mins later! Rueters reported on this on June 12th last year [google it] and no one has any idea what is going on but 6 to 4 on we are going to see more of this in the years ahead!
There are several dates of alignments and conjunctions and moons this year where there may be major incidents to do with air or spacecraft – or significant discoveries – so keep your eye on the sky during March, June, November and December.
Saturn is Karma – a lord of time – old fashioned – mature – hard work and overcoming obstacles – we are tested and limited in all we do. He is lord of the old dead places and archaeology, engineering and mining, graveyards and bones, the patriarchy and sobriety, of rules and regulation and our need to follow them.
Sagittarius is the half horse, half human Sage with all the power of the animal kingdom and the human kingdom wedded in his very being with all the wisdom and grace that goes with it! Freedom, movement, the ability to think outside the square – the knowledge of the hidden mysteries and philosophies with a broad and open mind and large heart and generous spirit. Inspirational and a loveable rogue and outrageously truthful and easy going and generous.
This is an extraordinary marriage of energies and will lead to amazing breakthroughs in education and philosophy through hard work and application of self – of corporate cowboys becoming global citizens and the only thing that will stand up after this is that which can be soundly examined and held true.
Because of the philosophical maturity of Saturn in Sagittarius, there will be people all over the world abandoning their old fashioned and patriarchal religions in droves – which will conversely and under Saturn’s thrall also have many more people still left within it – becoming increasingly fundamental – as they see themselves abandoned in their madness which deep inside they are beginning to question anyway while being in complete denial of that. One sees how mass psychosis emerges lol. [no not kidding about that].
It is extraordinary to comprehend in the 21st century that some of the most vitriolic and mad wars will be fought over the fundamental and mad ideas of a truly insane ‘god’ [all created by man of course lol] – however the power of this cannot be thwarted – people will rise up and be willing to die for their beliefs again – and we will see book burnings [possibly even witch burnings of a different kind if they can get away with it] and attempts to crush the spirit of anything that dares to challenge the status quo.
As the great feminine continues to rise we shall see terrible things done to women again – is my sense of it – as men cannot tolerate her rising within them – any more than they can tolerate it being reflected in their women and families. And we are likely to see some serious religious nutbags out their preaching their own form of hate and bigotry in the next three years! As people break out of old styles of education [which is again simply being priced out of existence for the common man] there will be many attempts to bind people into educational straight jackets and the prevailing view as things continue to unravel.
Not a great time to do extensive travelling methinks but then you have to be where you have to be.
Also because of the nature of both Father time and Wisdom we may see a resurgence of turning to the communities elders to gain insights and wisdom for the times in which we find ourselves. While the worship of youth will continue to hold sway for awhile as the whole western world ages there will finally be a turning back from this and education in the classroom may be starting to be replaced with the old style apprenticeships in many more things besides trades.
Because of both the animal wisdom inherent within this structure for the next three years I imagine there will be a lot more done about animal rights and actually recognising the sentient nature and emotional truth of many animals. Our relationship with them is building for a profound improvement is the sense of it.
It is also quite likely during this transit that much that has been hidden from us about the true nature of the history of the planet will finally be revealed some how. Don’t forget there are 57 miles of hidden treasures under the vatican – directly under that foul nest of evil vipers that has so long tormented and terrorised the world for their own nefarious activities. How dare they hide from us all information that is counter to their twisted belief that the world is only 6,000 years old and was built by some mad vengeful ‘god’ that would condemn things to an eternity of torment for … say…. Masturbating???!! Are you for real lol!!! And that is just the beginning – with modern technology [and a fair amount of global warming] much will be revealed about civilisations from millennia ago that will further shake these old demented tyrants loose.
The heating up of tensions will continue for now though and the likelihood of serious tensions between mad old men running things will continue for the next few years however the global tension will be high between nations this year.
Mercuries Retrograde spells are all in air signs this year also, which shall continue the opportunity for the mind to awaken and quicken to new possibilities that this transit of Saturn produces. Ideas will flow easily and quickly and any thought form that offers freedom will go viral very quickly here. It will also facilitate a different and somewhat quantum form of learning for us all as we expand – we will not need to absorb the information in the same old way but will start to do what the new kids on the block are already doing lol. [google – quantum kids in japan and be blown away by how children are learning now]
These energies will add to the mix of Saturn in Sagittarius also. The Mercury retro period in Gemini also points to interesting realities regarding domestic, international and space flights. So in May and June this year, what ever unfolds – be it terrorism affecting flights, new fangled technology that can cause or cure something significant to do with flight – for good or ill lol – it is not a time that I would be planning to travel in a plane if at all avoidable. Between Mars and Mercury in opposition to this dynamic and with Mercury retro to boot – stay grounded if you can peeps lol. Along with the Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn trines this year one can kind of gather that there will be great breakthroughs of some kind or other as terrorists gain the upper hand in airports or profound ways of changing how we view flight will be discovered. Also because of where this unfolds in the cosmos we may also see some messianic nutbags exposed, assassinated or otherwise removed from their once comfortable, self built pedestals.
The northern [land based, blood soaked, masculine] hemisphere will see some terrible weather towards the end of the year also – as the energies build from October onwards and this could mean man made disasters also. More on that later.
The Uranus – Pluto square completes its final hit in March this year. This has been the single most powerful dance of the transformative process going on from 2012 until now. [remember one glancing blow of these behemoths in the late 60’s led to the black power movement, another round of feminism [still not a dirty word – no matter what latter day women, who have benefited from it, may pronounce in their ignorance lol] – civil rights movement – flower power and the hippie movement!
We have had seven direct blows here – one for each of the energy centres of the human body and if you watch how it has played out as it journeys through the degrees – it has truly gone from the base to the crown – the third eye hit was in December just gone and the crown hit of transformation – mid way through the degrees of Aries and Capricorn – the most powerful of all – will be on March 17. The whole cycle of this takes half a millennium and we are truly blessed to be alive on the planet here for this round lol. For out of this is the awakening to the great cosmic consciousness – the great feminine – the great awakener unto the inter-dimensional existence of which we are a part.
The eclipse cycle also kicks off for the year on March 20th – at the Autumn Equinox here in the Southern [water based, clear, feminine hemisphere] with a total Solar Eclipse at the 30th degree of Pisces. This is an extraordinary placement – the end of endings – the point of awakening – the ascension moment – where we awaken to all that we are – birthless, deathless, timeless or begin a new round on the karmic wheel through the womb. This eclipse represents a huge potential here for the whole race.
And it is also part of the cycle of the four blood moons so long predicted in certain traditions as indicators of massive change.
Then on the 4th of April we have a total Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees in Libra which will re-ignite the power of the Grand Cardinal Cross of April last year and all that it entails. More on that powerful moment later lol.
This month Jupiter turns direct in Leo having been retrograde since August last year so from here on we can expect all kinds of dramas playing out as peoples sense of entitlement gets a big boost lol.
We actually begin the year on the 3rd January with a Nodal T Square to the Uranus – Pluto square – being kicked up on this day and completing on valentines day on Feb 14th and these are what puts the eclipse power in motion – bringing together the many crossings and pathways in the great tree of life – Imshalla. The sun and the moon – spirit and soul – inner and outer planes meet here and from that fulcrum of perfect balance we forge ahead with new insights and understandings.
Massive Full Moon in Cancer [see face book connection re this at www.facebook.com/thrivebydesign/ and a New Moon in Aquarius on the 20th in the midst of all this also.
It is so important at this time to give your self time, to be contemplative and open and as the earth is travelling with us to these new horizons and because all birth is messy, this is another time when there may be an upheaval in global weather [storms and water issues most likely – tsunamis or flooding] and seismic activity now. This simply makes sense.
And as Mercury will be retro in Aquarius during this process [and in pre and post shadow this period extends beyond the January 21st to Feb 11th back to years beginning and first week of March] we will indeed be required to not so much look out into the world to cross T’s and dot I’s – but to actually do this process within ourselves which will make the transition so much easier in the future.
On March 11th Mars conjuncts Uranus activating the square and this will produce a lot of anger in the world and rebellious outpourings against the status quo – no matter where you are be careful and watch for mad bints on the road and other craziness looking for a bone breaking outlet. This will continue to the last hurrah of the solar eclipse on the 20th and all cardinal signs will crack something open big time here as outlined above.
And again the Lunar Eclipse on the 4th of April will reactivate the Uranus – Pluto square and due to its alignment with the star Algorab – the likelihood of terrorism is again quite high as this star is often seen as negative and there is also much strange death possible here – sudden and dramatic deaths of loved ones that impact on many.
These next few months will be very tricky, powerful and transformative – if you allow them to be and actively work with them. On April 9 Jupiter stations direct, April 17th Pluto retrogrades and on June 12th Neptune retrogrades – all just stirring things up again and we will talk more about this as the times come closer.
But as mentioned earlier Jupiter in Leo direct will inflate egos again as the pretentious wee kings and queens of the world feel the world owes them their living and all should bow down before them lol.
This is where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer again and the possibility of spontaneous combustion in the face of greedy egos is very high and risky for all. During this transit it is very easy for fire signs to be creative and potent – including pregnancy so be mindful. There is lots of room for major court battles during this time, creative self expression, children’s rights, travel, publishing and religious wars can all be on the world stage about now.
Again the Cardinal signs [especially Aries] are really going to be feeling this and doing the most profound changes so be warm and loving to your Aries, Cancer, Libran and Capricorn friends!!
On April 20th to 26th there is a Grand Earth trine with Mars, Mercury and Pluto [and even Lilith -all at 15 degrees] – a powerful day of downloading and encoding much information that will come to us from the earth and cosmos at the same time. A sensual time in which we can connect deeply to our blue print and release a lot of the constraints that have been put upon us over aeons of times and interferences. Do what ever you can during this period to be open to what comes – ritual and ceremony will help a lot during this time.
June also includes Chiron going retro – more on that as we get closer but another layer of a wound is being laid down here for healing and letting go – look to where it is in your chart as to see how it may affect you.
Some nice alignments in July with Venus and Jupiter, soften some of the raging energies this year and then at the end of the month Venus stations and retrogrades at Zero degrees in Virgo until 6th September. There is a strong sense of money running out, drying up and affecting food availability and price during this time – economic woes that have been looming since 2008 may now make them selves truly felt at this time.
During this retrograde time [which only happens every 18 months or so] there will be a big re-evaluation of our relationships – what is working – what is not and how to rejig or leave them and on the other side of this we will re-engage with love and courage for what works.
During August there are some more wonderful and interesting alignments – a repeat of the Venus [now retro] and Jupiter energies, Jupiter moves into Virgo on the 11th and all other energies here can point to a new birthing – possibly the return of an old flame – a new way of being with that person or yourself. The marriage of matter and spirit continues and allows a new form of progeny to arrive both within on the inner planes and manifested in some form in the outer planes. It is here we realise that perhaps the divine needs us at times more than we need it – so pay attention to what is arising within and without at this time and dare to grow. Your creative and alchemical potential is very large here so make the most of it to grow and expand.
During Jupiter in Virgo – until December – and this will impact on the middle east and central and southern Europe energetically. Jupiter in Virgo will bring hard and fast lessons to the big egos and profligate spending of the previous year and we will see huge austerity measures being brought in at that time when yet again the taxpayer is asked to bail out the greed of the bankers – which will impact this time not only on health and welfare but on food supplies and water and this may well be the beginning of wars of the future over food and water who owns what resources – expect the big corporations to go hard against the masses here.
In September the eclipse season moves in again and the solar eclipse in Virgo on the 13th again connects to the magical realms and what can be manifested into this reality by what is created on the inner planes. This partial eclipse begins a new 19 year cycle here and we will look more at this closer to the date. Due to the stars it dances with and Mercury going retro again here from the 17th September in Libra to October 9th the whole magical reality simply gets bigger here.
Also on the 17th Jupiter opposes Neptune in Virgo/Pisces basically saying that all that has been whooped up and wasted by all in the elite political chattering monkey class will now be required to be paid for. Expect a big rash of bankruptcies here – people will be delusional and confused and lost and bewildered during this energy that will flow into 2016 before any respite. And again because of the placement in Virgo there is a sense of food and basic security issues playing out, massive unemployment which will lead to a large upswing in recreational drugs, self experimentation with making of these and again there is a sense of big pharma politics coming in – with either an attempt to mass vaccinate the population against some plague or other and the population not wanting to have a bar of it.
There could be lots of Pisces oriented water disasters at this time – flooding, tsunamis and cyclones and also seismic activity of a particularly volatile kind – and as it also rules viruses – here is where that energy may come into play subsequent attempts to control all through it. This really is a very volatile time which could lead to riots over food, unavailability of the very basics of life, the whole thing beginning to tumble down.
The cardinal signs will be gnashing their teeth and drawing their breath after the past wee while of tumult and change – and in the middle of this retro we have an Aries eclipsed Moon on the 28th – just to take us deeper down the tunnel of hoodoo voodoo and all things being seen and manipulated to allow us to grow into the magical child again. The chaos of all this though is likely to see much turbulence on the world stage and much upheaval in the political and the personal as well as the seismic and stormy! Be very mindful of your own projections here [that which you despise or fear in another and precludes rational resolution] as it Will all be yours and so own it and deal with it – there will be enough of that madness going on with our politicians and religious nutbag types without the common man adding to the pain. Grow up peeps – the demented religious and politic is always late to follow lol.
On the 18th of this month also Saturn turns direct back into Sagittarius at 15 degrees until December 19th – watch this space – again room for high volatility and acts of madness – by freedom fighters or terrorists or terrorists masquerading as governments – but a high potential here for blowing things up. Particularly during the Mercury retro here. And Pluto turns direct on the 25th. So much fire energy this year.
And so we move from a big expansive and creative aspect of early part of the year – still with lots of issues and problems – but with real possibilities of awakening into huge downturn from August into September and then major global issues then with a clouded, angry, bitter population who have just about had enough of the monkey’s at the top and the nightmare that they have created for all humanity.
And in October it all just continues with Jupiter trining Pluto on the 11th which can lead to inflation, housing bubbles bursting, food prices and all other things going through the roof.
Most of the stressful aspects for the year settle now however the ripple out effect of the last great hit of the Uranus – Pluto square will of course be felt out there until 2027 – and by then we will have had to shed our anger, repaired the thousands of generations of human exploitation, religious brutality, corruption, slavery and greed.
And the shocks will continue to unfold mind you – that which has been put in motion cannot be undone – there is no back to return to lol. Several aspects between Neptune, Mars, Jupiter and Venus will be looked at as we come closer to this time of year and then in November on the 3rd Jupiter in Virgo opposes Chiron – again hitting the pay packet, job security, food availability, earth birth changes etc. – with big losses likely. Some forms of insurance may be abandoned at this point.
On the 11th November there is a powerful Yod [or finger of God] transiting to Uranus from Jupiter and where ever this points in your chart some life changing things will occur – and this is compounded by its sextile the New Moon and Mercury here and will influence things quite powerfully for about a week up front.
Saturn square Neptune at the end of the month is really going to test us and bring some serious reality checks to some of what we have been doing over the last little while – it wants us to work hard and figure out what can be realistically achieved and what needs to be abandoned before we waste any more time on it. Neptune goes direct on the 19th and Chiron on the 28th.
December also has some volatile flash points with an old and timely reminder of the Cardinal Grand Cross but this one more in a T Square however be sensible in your travel plans and risk taking adventure time this festive period. Uranus stations direct on the 26th.
Chinese Astrology for 2015
There was a fair amount of chaos from the Wood Horse year just completing. This year is gentler and an opportunity to reforge bonds and ties to the people that matter in our lives and practice that most virtuous of qualities – kindness. The Year of the Wood Sheep is also a very creative time and a wonderful time to let those juices flow from your being out into the world – a time to cultivate beauty.
It is a good year especially for those born in the year of the Sheep, the Rabbit, the Horse and the Pig. This year also correlates to the western sign of Cancer so the year will be beneficient for them also.
This year is a bit of a bonus and healing time following the chaos and fire of the Horse year. From the perspective of the chinese interpretations this year will actually allow a certain amount of stability to return as the conditions that have created a certain amount of the political and economic restlessness will settle now. And whilst this seems slightly at odds with the Western predictions it is also true that in the west the great Uranus – Pluto square has its last hit this year – there is a different interpretation to what will flow is all.
What is the same, is that this year 2015, is the time of an ending of one age and the creation of a new one. There is a genuine hope that at this time humanity has an opportunity to reach for a new future with all the favourable signs and fortuitous omens for this year in the chinese calendar.
Starting on Feb 19th the Year of the Wood Sheep will complete on February 16th 2016 and there is much hype in the eastern philosophical community, that a time of economic stability is feasible with these conditions – whether we seize this remains to be seen.
In traditional chinese astrology – this is the Year of Yui Wei or the the 32nd year of the Green Wooden Ram [aka sheep or goat] and is represented s the period of the passing summer – the period of harvesting the crops and prosperity and well being. .
The wording for this is, “ the creativity of the Wooden Ram – its’ diligence applied to hard work ensures prosperity” – in the understanding that hard work is the key here.
This year is a Yin [feminine] energy, a symbol of harmony and peaceful co-existence and tranquillity. What this does portend is that again as the chaos of the Uranus – Pluto Square hits cease this year in March – we have the possibility of building a better world under these conditions. We have the possibility of avoiding war and find compromise for peace and this is very valuable in the world today. This of course also applies on the personal level and means we too can work out win – win situations in our lives.
In this feminine and nurturing times will help with the healing of the past years of serious chaos within and without the individuals and states experience. There is a real opportunity to come together here in the Aquarian way of the new age – being inclusive and conciliatory – and if you take this approach to your endeavours then you can be assured of success.
With the outer planets having spent much recent time in signs of upheaval and tearing down – the year of the sheep is a great year to rebuild well. There will be a greater instinct within all of us to get back to basics and begin in a more co-operative way. to work together for the planet rather than what has been going on for far too long. The sabre rattling by our demented ‘leaders’ now has an opportunity to be restrained and calmed down and it behoves all of us to encourage our childish leaders to lean towards this.
Remember the nature of politics in its current structure is that mad children come to power and they are usually about 10 years behind the general population in ideas, so we all need to take a more active role in obliging them to grow up as best they can. Our avoidance of them has led, in part, to the chaos we see in the world today although it is true the banking industry in its greedy and mad masculine quest for global control bears most of it – we must reclaim our power in this year of opportunity and insist the frightened children in ‘power’ grow up a little.
This will unfold in our own families and business dealings also as we recognise deep within us that whatever grievances we carry – they are simply about the parts of us that are seeking healing – no matter how we project them onto others – and better ways can be found in this Year of the Sheep.
This is a real opportunity to mend fences and impose loving discipline over chaos. Do know that aggressive impulses in this year can be easily out-manoeuvered by strategy and common sense.
In this year the fiery periods that are identified correlate with the times of turbulence in western astrology also. The most turbulent and chaotic of times will be during the period of the Dragon – between March 20th and April 20th and again during the period of the Ox from 22nd December til 20th of January 2016 both being initiated by the equinox and the solstice at these times.
In Feng Shui terms however the Hostility Star seeks to dominate bringing a feeling of mistrust and misunderstanding to relationships in particular so ensure you have your cures in place to counter this.
At the Feng Fest Workshop on 17th January you can learn all about where the lucky and unlucky stars for the year dwell and how to enhance the positive and cure the negative vibes to maximise potential for a great year ahead. Follow the link to register!!! FENGFEST2015
This is considered a fertile year by the pundits and there are many babies likely to arrive – both into families and babies being created creatively – projects, art etc. There is a strong desire to renovate homes and offices under these energies and most people will do this on a budget as that is also what they are drawn to doing.
We will be drawn to the good life in the year of the sheep however we will also be drawn to put money in the bank and again we will have to negotiate with ourselves over the latest gadget vs a desire for security.
What is likely to happen this year? Due to the strong wood Yin element and its influence over earth [compounded by the flying star number 3 in the centre – also earth] March, April and September and October are quite likely to produce strong earthquakes [this also coincides with the eclipse seasons – also portents of seismic activity].
Also the flying star number 3 in the centre of things is a portent for fighting, malicious gossip, lawsuits and other disagreeable actions in the centre of your world this year so appropriate cures are very wise.
Yin Wood is Xun Gua and Xun is Wind so we are likely to see strong cyclones and hurricanes this year – if you live in that belt of the world take appropriate precautions and have adequate insurance.
Natural disasters that focus on destructive power of thunderstorms, power failures, lightening or electrical accidents are accented this year.
As Wood on top of Earth symbolises upper level controlling lower level the likelihood of mad governments using increasing force to control the people but due to the yin factor this will be done in secretive and manipulative ways – consequently leading to greater rebellion and killings.
Wei is Earth and earth is faith, traditional values, patriarchy, religion, customs etc and so these institutions will face big challenges this year also.
Earth element is also land, property, building and construction so as this is controlled by Wood in the year of the sheep one can be assured there will be new regulations controlling sale and management of property and development and as earth is suppressed here there may well be a collapse in house prices.
Earth is also for digestion, muscular system and the skin and so as it is controlled by wood these too may be some cause for concern and take the appropriate good attitude to health awareness.
Due to where the three-killing and five yellow stars are located this year the likelihood of sexual assault and harassment of younger females of the tribe [and indeed the earth] is enhanced and again the cures will help. And as we discussed at length last year the Feng Shui age of 8 impacts on children and they remain likely to be the ones that bear the brunt of what negatively unfolds this year and so keep an eye on your precious small people – we will see this continue to be reflected in incidents as the school killings and slaughter of the innocents.
And as Yin fire Ding is hidden in the Earth Branch then fire is waiting for its chance to emerge and this will happen in June in the northern hemisphere in the Horse month and in the Ox month in 2015 in the southern hemisphere in January 2015.
So again if you wish to maximise the energies flowing this year and cure the bad luck stars do come to join us at the FengFest for the Year of the Wood Sheep and discover all that is required and also participate in a manifesting ceremony to bring all you desire towards you for the year ahead.
Register here – FENGFEST2015
So here is run down on the basics – in the newsletter out a bit later today [you can sign up for free and register to get it at www.thrivebydesign.com.au ] which will have a lot more information about what is coming up and each month has more detailed astrology on what to expect, moon rituals and other interesting events, house witch tips and things to do to maximise your own growth and potential through the year ahead.
Wishing you all the best for the year ahead and hope to encounter you around the place at some event from time to time xx
For any other information about what is on offer visit the website above or contact Prue on 0419819089