New Moon in Pisces 20th Feb 2023

Meditation to be held at 7pm on February 20th at 7pm [ moonrise 5.38p,]  Moon in Pisces 20th Feb 2023 5.35 pm [ACDT] Meditation to be held at 7pm on the 20th. You can join us here. And so we have journeyed through a relatively peaceful month re the stars influence over our lives however…

Full Moon in Aries – Meditation Live 7pm October 9th 2022

Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries To be held October 9th at 7pm [7.24am ACST 10th October 2022] You can join us here. Well dear ones we are approaching the wild end of the year astrologically – which means upticks in emotions – revelations – revolutions – physiological, psychological, soul adjustments – global upheavals…

Astrological Forecast for 2021

Western and Chinese and Numerology 3D to 5D Shifts of Consciousness Greetings lovely ones and what a wild ride we have been on this year. As predicted over the last few years – 2020 was always going to be the year that no-one forgot – the year that no-one travelled in – the year that…

Full Moon Aquarius – Neowise Comet – Uranus retro in Taurus – July 2020

  Full Moon in Aquarius – Comet Neowise – Lions Gate Portal – Mars in Aries – Uranus retro in Taurus – the energies are building intensely for the second half of 2020. The Meditation for this will be held at the Healing Ground Collective Mighty Networks social media platform and a link to join…

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – Meditation – July 4th 2020

  Meditation for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn To be held at the usual page on Saturday 4th July 2020 This eclipse will not be visible over australia however it will be unfolding at 2.14pm on Sunday 5th here in south australia. And trust me everyone will feel this one irrespective of where…

Winter Solstice Solar Eclipse in Cancer June 20th 2020

  Solar Eclipse in Cancer on Winter Solstice on 20th June. Meditation will be held at The Diamond Heart Academy – Galactic Moon Meditations – streaming page on facebook.   This is a very powerful eclipse and all the alignments here are very similar to the eclipse just prior to the 9/11 false flag. And…

Saturn – Pluto conjunction Generational Change for 2020

  The Saturn – Pluto Conjunction – the generational change. In 2019 this event is building and on May 1st this year will reach the closest pass before the main event on January 12 2020 post the Capricorn Full Moon eclipse on Summer Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere.   The Phases of the Moon…

Galactic Moon Meditations – Monthly at New and Full Moons

We have all been evolving and growing over many years – the great feminine is returning after a long slumber. Everything is changing – accelerating – you are witnessing the birth changes unfolding in your mother Gaia. Many our now directly connected to your own greater awareness and many energies are returning to the Earth…

Winter Solstice – Full Moon – Death, Renewal, Rebirth

Winter Solstice Meditation, sweat lodges, ceremony and ritual!  The age of the Feminine is here – and at Winter Solstice we are asked to unshackle ourselves from the stories of our past and to give Birth to what was always held inside – loving kindness – in all we are. Over these three days of…