Meditation for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
To be held at the usual page on Saturday 4th July 2020
This eclipse will not be visible over australia however it will be unfolding at 2.14pm on Sunday 5th here in south australia. And trust me everyone will feel this one irrespective of where you are on the planet.
July allows us to get a bit of a reboot before the intense months of September, October and then the final eclipse season of the year 2020 commencing in November.
From the 2nd to 7th of July the annual Sirius Gateway opens through which high frequency energy flows bringing uplifting to body and soul as well as a detox and purging that while uncomfortable will be ultimately be beneficial.
Sirius has been considered throughout human history to be strongly connected to us. This star shines 23 times more brightly than our own and is known as our spiritual sun. Long revered by cultures as diverse as the Egyptians whose pyramids of giza align with the constellation and the dogmen of Africa have remarkable astronomical maps of this part of the sky that make no sense for them to have them.
During this week every year Sirius is closest to the earth while our own Helios is further from us – the gateway opens and allows us to receive direct downloads of spiritual advancement during a potent time from this system. Creativity and intuition rise with this.
The build up to the third and final eclipse this week is pretty intense. Everything continues to be shaken up personally and the world and other alignments of the planetary orbs and retrogrades. Much has unfolded during this cycle which began on June with the racial protests globally and the ongoing fear and disruption to the economy and lives around the spread of the corona virus.
On the 27th Mars took up residence in Aries – its natural home of force and movement. Here for 6 months due to the retrograde period during this time and during its transit we are encouraged to experience fresh starts and take action on issues that have built up. In a positive light it encourages is to be courageous, direct, true to one self, assertive and free spirited. Also known as the god of war – here those energies are powerful.
People speaking up will be more common place for the next 6 months and we can expect the threat of war to rise in places like the south china seas, the border between india and china and in the koreas. The build up to the american election will be fraught also as the polarisation between the opposing forces continues to escalate with no room for connection in their isolated echo chambers.
There is a real culture war going on around the world and in our own lives people are much more likely to take issues and arguments to the cliff and into crisis territory. It behoves us to be careful at this time and to not react to inflammatory rhetoric however this will be harder than usual. We will be feeling passionate, purposeful and ambitious at this time. Strong and powerful. However has we approach the end of the month Mars will enter the shadow period and as it slows down and turns retro it will also make some turgid alignments with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.
These planets have had a huge influence over all that is unfolding currently and as Mars conjoins with them then the issues they bring will be conflated and stirred in a way that we saw in January and March – all rather messy. So lots of tension and unrest however a higher motivation to sort things out. And it is about us standing in our power rather than giving it away. We are invited here to be the leader in our own quest – our own hero on the hero’s journey. To move beyond our fear and looking for a saviour to take action on our own behalf and our loved ones.
It will also align at this time to conjunct with Black Moon Lilith and with Eris. So with this transit we will find the willpower we need to activate our goals, to fire the passion on projects – especially those for the greater good. There will be a need to think on our feet and act first and ask questions later at times. We will feel restless and be quick to anger in our moodiness. The likelihood of butting heads over something or someone is high and we are compelled to go slowly to avoid costly mistakes.
We will rail against the constrictions imposed and countries where hostilities already are running will ramp up further. The risk of accidents is higher unless you burn this energy off in creative ways. This will run until January 7th remember so buckle up and ride the storm as we rewrite our existence.
Venus went direct also and this will help relationships figure out what is left over and where they are at after recent turmoil and struggle – many will not have made it. Toxic ways of being are much more likely to be unacceptable to people and the narcissists in tribe are more likely to have been moved to one side, as people are no longer willing to tolerate being manipulated by such energies.
And we also are still with Mercury retrograde until July 112th which continues to impact on relationships and communications around tribe. It is a confusing time and logic is hard to hold onto which causes us to doubt our choices and decisions. It is a great time for intuition though so follow synchronicity and symbols and accept all that is unfolding with love – even the difficult bits – its they way out in truth. Own it all. It’s there for your learning – keep your projections at bay and you will adapt to the new level of ‘normal’ which will never be that again.
One world is dying and the new one is not yet arrived and this is very discombobulating to people. What often happens is that when there are not rules – people will just start making it up and there are some truly bizarre stories floating around out there about who and what is supposed to be coming to “save” us lol. I mean it could not be more fanciful if it tried. I actually listened to one of these stories the other day that someone had posted and the ridiculous number of “holes’ in the story, that a child could have seen, simply beggar’s belief.
I mean I understand the power of fear and pride that have people make stuff up – rather than dwell in the void awaiting – however it is important to not throw your capacity to think critically and analyse out the window in your fear. We are disoriented and discombobulated now – we are meant to be – as we transform the inner landscape and witness it transform our lives outside. All are looking at structures of authority now with cynicism and distrust and this will continue to grow as real history and the history of crimes is laid bare.
Commitment is required – to a new way of being – whether we understand it or not. The Age of Aquarius beckons us at Summer Solstice here in the southern hemisphere this year and it opens a powerful door for change as we enter through the powerful, generational and cultural change marker of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0 degree of Aquarius.
Also before the Eclipse later this week we will experience the 2nd of the three passes of Jupiter conjunct Pluto. It has been written about in previous posts so I will not belabour the point however it is one of the major planetary influences this year and arrives on June 30th with the final one arriving at next eclipse season on November 12th. Drawing on the forces of the God of Beneficence and the God of the Underworld with this we seek to subdue the dark with integration and love – it is the one power it cannot deal with – ever. So cast yourselves adrift into the uncertain seas of change – that you were made for and born for.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Cancer sun and Capricorn moon brings the power of the unconditional loving parent with the authoritarian parent who wants you to get it right. You can feel the tension right there. So you will be drawn to be safe and also to achieve during these times. This will impact heavily on the united states and we look here to the so called leader of the free world for as it goes so does much of the world. America’s own chart is very aligned here and much about its’ identity and expression will be challenged at this time. What america really is will be exposed.
We are moving – transitioning – to a new way of being – a new dimension of awareness. We are here on the threshold and that can be the most difficult time of all.
It is important to stay the course – to not fall into old traps of being and emoting that can haunt us if we go there.
For we have worked assiduously – clearing the decks – returning to our true and impeccable state of love – and just as we arrive – we can face our most difficult test.
For the brighter you shine in your healing – the closer you become to the souls essence radiating from you – the sharper the dark forces react to this – this light – the agony of which is the threat to their very existence.
Because the brighter the light rises around them – the closer they are to their own end – and they know it. They know the light will inevitably defeat the darkness and so they cling to their painful lives with all that they have, trying to literally draw from you the remnants of negative energy and emotion that you have not yet completely overcome.
We have all experienced the joy of release and insight and freedom from pain – only to experience a big challenge right then and right there. This happens because the Dark forces – in trying to survive -have become remarkably sophisticated in knowing all the nuances of your shadow.
They attempt to cling to this – to bring out all your old emotions – to pick the scab from the wound – to bring to the surface of distrust, pride, disappointment, self-doubt, fear, guilt and shame – for this is all they know and is the bread and butter of their control of humanity and the base of all their programming of divide and conquer and if they cannot engage you in this they simply cannot exist and they know it.
Pride in particular is their favourite tool for from pride they know how to take that small smouldering and fan it into a real flame. Pride always gets in the way of development – for along the path people fall again and again into its grip – growing – but failing to tame this old enslavement as they go. There is no delusion quite like a spiritual one after all lol.
So what is required dear ones – at this last hurdle – to keep us free of temptation of pride, fear and disappointment at the last moment. How do we not stumble here.
As we evolve it is important to trust that everything is unfolding perfectly – whether we remember the plan or not. And it becomes increasingly important not to judge what is unfolding, to not see what is happening to us as good or bad – but as an act of co-creation – a lesson as it were – necessary for our growth and release of the old and to perceive everything with gratitude and love – even the tough ones.
By not reacting to these events with our emotional body – by seeing them exactly as they are – a step forward – with gratitude and love – then we cease to fuel them and they cease to have power over us. This is hard at times – however it is consistently liberating.
It facilitates peace and harmony – and in that state – no Dark Force can intervene or impact and it allows us to raise our vibration in readiness for the next level. Humour matters too beloveds – for when you can laugh – genuinely laugh from the belly at the absurdity of what is unfolding then you are indeed removed from fear and on the threshold.
It can be difficult to see, with gratitude, the misfortunes and difficulties of our existence. But it is the only way. Be as a child in the world – free and in the now – with love filling your being. Practice this moment by moment until it becomes your natural state – until without realising, you have slipped into the dimension you have been striving towards your whole human existence – unflappable, loving, not judging, accepting of all that is. When you have reached this – you cannot be reached by the dark – and it is over for you – for you fear nothing. Humility replaces pride. Grace replaces fear.
As we move towards the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn we have Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune still in retrograde motion. On July 1st – as a consequence of this Saturn re-enters Capricorn for the final time before its continuation in Aquarius. Again this means that issues that were on the boil in March will be back – the time of lockdown and control – it will be interesting to see how this pans out.
It will also impact on us personally however remember you have been through it all and are just reviewing and last minute dead wood to move.
And then on the 4th the final eclipse of this season arrives – a Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This is the final Cancer/Capricorn eclipse that have been with us since May 2018 – and I think we can all agree the world has changed for ever since then. It will be 8 years before they come around again and as the final one it will bring detoxifying energies – a last hoorah before they begin in November/December in Gemini and Sagittarius.
So on July 5th the annular Lunar Eclipse falls at 13 degree Capricorn in decan 2. The effects of this on the emotions and the psyche will be pretty fully charged and this decan is the most strict and authoritarian of all. The term “over the top” when it comes to displays of wealth and power come to mind and there will be many dictators or wanna be dictators on the personal and on the global level flexing their neurotic muscles to show how big and tough they are lol.
Delusional belief in oneself and one’s power and hubris around this will lead to some pretty spectacular fails at this time. Petty power brokers will treat people they don’t respect as peasants and the bigots will be out on full display. I expect the race wars to accelerate with missionary zeal as these types want to control what they perceive as riff raff. They can be elitist however if there is material gain with this it will have been earned over many lifetimes of hard work. And is well respected for its efforts as it invests again in the future.
And then on the 5th at 2.14pm in Adelaide SA the Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse rises.
Capricorn is about human growth and evolution both spiritually and materially and when it rules the heavens [ie now] it pushes us to grow and stretch. When we identify with our ego we seek material gain. As we gradually come to realise that we are much more than these ant like life forms scratching out a living – our journey then looks to the return home, understanding that we are more than our programmed limitations.
The Capricorn energy reveals much about humanity – in that it displays the worst of what a man is capable of and also the best of what man is capable of. It is the energy of extremes and as it rules this year predominately – we are certainly seeing the worst and the best of people. Esoterically all world saviours and sun gods arrive in Capricorn. And so do hard men, materialistic, proud, cruel, selfish, egotistical and mean. Ruled by the head. The ideal Capricorn energy is coming out the other side of that – where head and heart are in balance and the compassion and love rule the ruling hand.
Capricorn rules the knees and this is symbolically accurate for it is only when the Capricornian entity has discovered that he must kneel in true humility – “to offer his heart and life to the soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life”
It is a long and winding road to come to this place and our conditioning and programming and the mad terrors of the ego make it arduous indeed to come to the place of recognition. Capricorn spirituality is the culmination of evolution leading to realisation of the self. The Dharma path must be navigated through first. Ruled by Saturn [another big player this year] the lessons to bring us back to ourself can be very harsh indeed however that is the way of it until we figure it out.
As a human family under these energies we are starting to work out that greed and consumption, social climbing and power “over” are shallow vessels indeed and have consistently brought the world to its ruinous knees. Particularly in lock down – where people have seen just what a travesty our lives have become – while most of the human family lives in poverty while we who have stolen it all from them live in supposed luxury – and for what – to die like everyone else – the king and the pawn go back into the same box at the end of the game after all.
And once we work that out and turn to our Soul’s path – then the lessons remain arduous at times however each one learned opens up a vast new vista of awareness as we climb that Capricorn mountain.
The key word for Capricorn is “Lost am I in the light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back”
This Eclipsed Moon in Capricorn is influenced by aspects with Mercury and Uranus and Jupiter however these are wide orbs and have good impact by the stars that bathe it along with the asteroid Vesta.
Lunar Eclipse opposite Mercury retro means it matters more than usual to communicate your feelings well. The trend is to scrambled, illogical, polarized thinking and the stupidity to need to defend it – this is not the path to take at this moon. Your emotional attachment to your bias can lead to powerful disagreements.
Mercury square Mars adds to this with the likelihood of reacting and acting without thought or rational intervention leading to things said that cannot be retrieved and further disagreements. Words have power remember – it is why it is called “spelling”. Added to by the Mercury retrograde phase of course.
Lunar Eclipse trine Uranus brings change and excitement and this time without too much chaos that this can often involve – it is more an encouragement to allow aspects of yourself out to play and this can lead to new adventures with new playmates. This energy is a good opportunity to cut the ties with all that no longer supports your journey and it can even be easier to break bad habits now.
Mercury sextile Uranus brings a vibrancy to communication that allows you to see around the corner of the discussion and open up to new levels of awareness and your intuition will be heightened also.
The Moon’s alignment with Ceres here brings two of the maternal energies together in a way that is loving and caring however there is a kind of urgent desperation to this also. This energy can easily become cloying, smothering and can be the result of abandonment or deprivation in childhood with a desperate need to fix it [nothing is broking by the way]. Victim martyrdom can abound here and if any of that rears its ugly head during this time I urge you to step away.
This energy can lavish things on those they wish to manipulate to fill the void within so any attempt by some one to buy you or your affection at this time [including the gumment] should be reviewed with caution. People are not coping well at the moment and in their attempts to fortify themselves or protect that which they love – they can go overboard and none of this is useful.
The fixed stars at this Lunar eclipsed Moon impact on both the Moon and the Sun in positive ways. Fixed Stars Sirius, Ascella and Nunki bring success in business, success through metals or other martial arenas, domestic peace, a philosophical inquiry, writing on religious or other texts. Similar to the energy of Jupiter [with a little Mercury and Mars thrown in] Sirius brings a grand vista, pride, love of power, honour and renown, wealth and faithfulness. The retrograde Mercury enhances these attributes.
The asteroid Vesta at this Lunar Eclipse Moon brings emotional security through dedication and service. Fertility [use it in many ways] in mind and body abound and a strong desire to care for family and others. It can be quite liberating sexually also.
So combining with the Winter Solstice eclipse on the 21st – this phase will last through to the November 30th 2020 eclipse cycle and we will be challenged during this time to be as flexible and as open minded as we can be in the ongoing collapse of empire, incredible changes, and the struggle between personal freedom and responsibility and expression – and the overt and covert restrictions being applied by a world gumment hell bent on crushing all such things.
We should not be fighting with each other. That is the supercharged reality that is being promulgated for if we start squabbling over red or blue or left or right – then they system has us right where it wants us – and ultimately it will bring in martial law to contain us all. So stop it – seriously. This year is going to bring many more shocks and we need to start behaving like adults – critically thinking – not like terrified children waiting for daddy or some other saviour to come and sort it out – cause that is the lie you have always been told [bloody religion] and it was never true – just a way to make you give your power to the priestly class.
This eclipse will be visible in North and South america, parts of Africa and Europe – so watch these places in particular between now and end of year.
And then from the 11th July until the 15th December Chiron also stations retrograde in Aries. Entering the underworld to join all the others in retrograde motion this wounded healer energy will have us diving deep into childhood wounds for healing. Remember a whole generation of peeps born between 1968 and 1977 are going through their Chiron returns already and this just adds to all the soul searching for healing going on now.
We are all feeling a little tired and depleted about now for even if we are not doing much physically – the changes unfolding are impacting big time on our psychology and psyche. This transit is here to remind us that we are never given anything we cannot handle – despite any screechings to the contrary of the conscious mind. There is real power that comes with real healing – resilience and strength – this transit will help you remember this.
On the 13th July Mars [recently into its home sign of Aries] conjuncts Chiron and this triggers the Mars energy that is going to have a major role in what ever unfolds for the second half of this tumultuous year of epoch endings. We will be called on to find our inner warrior and get up off our knees.
Then over the next few months Mars will also align with the Goddess energy through Black Moon Lilith and Eris which will indeed bring things to the boil. More on that later.
Then as Sun opposes Jupiter on the 14th July and the alignments here – that which was hidden in January will be exposed and the themes that unfolded then both personally and globally will be revisited – that which triggered this extraordinary year. It will be interesting to see what is uncovered.
If you wish to join us for the online meditation you can do so by clicking on the pay pal button at the page and then tune in at 6.55pm CST on July 4th
As of the 1st August 2020 all activities – including the meditations – will be transferred to the new Healing Ground Collective social media page at Mighty Networks. You will be offered an invitation to join us there over the next few weeks. We are very excited about all the changes coming and the courses coming up – Being on the Frontier – Conscious Parenting – working with Plant Consciousness – all kinds of things – and where for a very small annual fee you will also get access to all the meditations plus podcast conversations with all kinds of remarkable people who are elders and or leaders in their field of human flourishing.
More on that soon. So stay zen – be kind – be real – think critically – examine everything. See you soon xx