And so the changes are becoming more real are they not beloveds – the games of the overlords becoming more transparent – the system collapsing becoming more obvious – the manipulations of those who consider themselves your betters more blatant – the justifications for their monstrosity more absurd.
We are unfolding into a new reality. You are multidimensional beings existing in a fractal universe in which many facets of your reality are playing out – each one being affected by each other – but none more significant than this being that you are – in this particular simulation of the wave called – life.
Many aspects of you are not in 3D but are here to help you anyway lol. Weird I know. Everyone on the planet can make the shift – some have different help to others – some will choose to leave soon – we will see lots leaving the planet soon – it is all perfect of course and the soul’s journey is way beyond the understanding of where we are at – experiencing it as us – in this limited way.

But wherever and in whatever fractal reality, other aspects of you dwell – when you shift – you will gain access to that wisdom – be it 5th, 6th, 7th or further along the vibrational scale. The issue for most of us, is our continued difficulty in letting go of the programme of what has been done to you.As long as you dwell – even those awakening now – in inferiority, in fear, in comparison to others, in the past or future – until you reach the point of knowing – not believing – that you are capable of creating anything – moment by moment – it is that fear, of not being enough, that is at the heart of this.We are all very afraid of what will come – deep down we are very afraid – because we don’t think we are enough. That we don’t have what it takes to go through. And as you believe it – so do you slow yourself down at that point. The truth is – that if you trust and believe – that no matter what storm or chaos or death and rebirth within life it is – approaches you – you are protected and safe – so shall it be.
Your mind creates it all. It is the interface between the wave form of the quantum soup and the world of the simulation that we create – that we believe is the world that is external to us. It is no more real than what is the end result of the internet appearing on your screen – that only exists on your screen lol. It is the same quantum reality. Everything is energy and our perception of and attention to any part of it – is the reality we create.

Don’t be hard on yourself for not figuring it all out yet. Trust – ask the aspects of your soul that are here to help – to help. You must ask – those are the rules – and you are trained to feel inferior to an all powerful god – thus making it difficult to reach that all powerful god [you] by lowering your vibration with inferiority.
It is so important that you stop comparing yourself to anyone. Why do you think the programmers have gone to such lengths with their social media to promote constant [negative] comparisons with others. It lowers your vibration and makes it harder to merge – with your all that is.It is like comparing apples and pears. And you are all evolving constantly so what you compared yourself and another to – is already changed 5 mins later. Just be – in the moment – in gratitude – creating with love. Not working to fulfil a desire – that is the old paradigm of enslavement – as is karma and all other lies you have been programmed with – to keep you in submission and afraid.
Be grateful for all you see, all you dream of, all you love, for the creative joy of it – moment by moment – and in that place there is no comparison – there is only now – in love. There is so much misinformation, fantasy, psychosis posing as real – that is unfolding now. Each of you is a unique soul with a unique path – the source experiencing itself with as much diversity and possibility as can be dreamt. Avoid feelings of pride – for they too are fed to you from the machine – especially spiritual pride – that one makes all particularly susceptible to being drawn down a dark path.

Just be you – ask for help from all that you are – that you cannot yet see – do this often – share your fears and ask for insight into them. Understand that nothing you are thinking or creating in fear actually matters. For it truly does not. Do not look to the ‘other’ for the solution to your doubts. Look in the right place – within.
And you will all experience this in different ways also. While some symptoms of presence and communication and awakening are similar – body fatigue, ringing in the ears, aches and pains in the joints and bones, digestion issues et al – do not measure this against another. Each path is also unique. And perfect. And incomparable to another path.
Many are already experiencing bleed throughs of past lives and lives on other worlds. Some have very awake pineal glands and see very clearly what is in front of them without clouding. Some dream in visions, some manipulate energy in new ways. Is one thing better than another? The answer is no – or more correctly there is no answer to that.
How many incarnations have you had here. The more you have had the more veils there are to peel back – how can it compare. For some there is more to dissolve around them – and for some as they dissolve, the wisdom grows from each one, quite profoundly. Has one who has been here longer than the other better? Of course not – each soul is on its own perfect journey – fulfilling their unfolding perfectly with others.
Each time you compare yourself with another – why can they see what I cannot – why can they heal what I cannot – whatever it is – you give more of your strength and power away – as you were trained to do in a brutal hierarchical system – that is now in its death throes. Rely on no path but your own. For no matter what you are listening to – or how you perceive it – it may be quite fanciful – or nonsensical – and therefore not useful.
Many receive information and then distort it with their minds to make into something they are comfortable with – and if they need to convince you of it – it means they are not believing it themselves either – this can produce real problems for all who buy in. You do not need affirmation of your own journey or experience. Just be with it and love and have gratitude for it.

Be mindful of what you share and what motivates you to do it. And what you listen to and believe and what motivates that. What ever is yours is yours – to share and spread – do not do it in comparison or pride or fear. Speak when you have that internal peace to do so. Other wise you are making connections you do not need to – experiencing energy of envy or resentment that again complicates things – as others measure themselves against you. Needlessly.
The insistence that we be happy – and only show our happiness or success – that we still spend so much time looking good and being right – tells us how we are still caught in the machine. How truly afraid we are. How many dark feelings are being buried in comparison. Each one of us plays this to some degree or other. We are conditioned to do so from birth and every day of our lives. We carry it into our spiritual journey and as said – pride is the most straightforward path into hubris meeting nemesis – available. Ignorance and arrogance can create much pain.By going within – by focusing on your own journey – by not comparing it to any other – by being love and gratitude creating moment by moment – rather than comparatively working towards a goal – measuring yourself against another’s path – then – you will move past the fear of inferiority or superiority – on your evolutionary journey to the 5D – in a way that allows you to see your own gifts and powers awakening – without fear – which only slows your progress.
So ask your own divine essence – in whatever form it supports you on your journey – to help you to eliminate all the fear you hold within, so that you may move forward. Ask and you shall receive remember. Your divine awake essence is ever present – you have simply not known.

This phase here now is the most difficult. For here you must demonstrate effectively – that you trust what is unfolding. Trust you are exactly where you need to be dealing with exactly what you need to be releasing and that you are profoundly protected and safe. No matter what storm is swirling around you.
Trust that you are safe in the Eye of the Storm. For it is that trust – so difficult – that is the path for you. It does not matter what happens next to you. It matters where you are. And as you learn to trust that – the world around you will fall and you will remain standing.Do not attempt to understand how – that is beyond your comprehension now – just trust that you are in the right place and put all doubt to one side. Trust everything that comes before you and receive it with love – knowing you are safe. There are many who will come in fear and doubt – use discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff – it matters.

Be love – for we are all here to evolve – be love – for we want to bring as many as we can with us – be love – it is why you came – be love – so that you may be the pillar of light in the darkness that all may see – in the storm arising – be love – trust that you are ready – TRUST.
And so it is xx