The Saturn – Pluto Conjunction – the generational change.
In 2019 this event is building and on May 1st this year will reach the closest pass before the main event on January 12 2020 post the Capricorn Full Moon eclipse on Summer Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Phases of the Moon are intense and local and bring us the gifts of aspects reflected in human psychology and spirituality that allow us to draw on those energies for healing and growth. The ebb and flow of these energies allows us to practice the little deaths of the psyche as we move through life and prepare for the great transition.
This upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Pluto is not like that. This is generational energy and comes around every 34 – 38 years and always portends significant events of global change. It is hauling its way in preparation for whatever significant shift will culminate or activate on January 12 2020. It will be big as we are already witnessing the brooding chaos in global government and the insanity of a global reality that tells us we owe [whomever lol] 21 trillion dollars and rising exponentially. We have lunatics and incompetents at the helm of governments and much darker forces at the helms of the corporations currently plundering what is left of the globes resources.
So while the energies are gathering for a single, wholeheartedly diabolical pass on that date – aligned with the Sun, Ceres and Mercury – all within a degree – all square to Eris – with the south nodes of Saturn and Pluto very close to this degree – then the effect of this is going to be extremely powerful all this year building and for the year after it strikes. Having these planets Nodal Axis all touching the degree the generational collective is already participating in, will greatly amplify their strength and potency and there will be no avoiding this individually and collectively.
One can seriously expect the whole cycle of power in the world to be overturned and eliminated in sweeping ways. The last time these energies played out initiated world war one in 1914, the new world order, the nuclear age and the corporatisation of the world in 1947, the great recession of 1983 where interest rates rose to 21% as corporate power began the boom bust cycle, with a vengeance, to complete the theft of the world. Fascinating to discover that rockefeller, murdoch, gates and even the creation of saudi arabia [that bastion of medieval evil] all contain this conjunction in their natal astrology – I had to laugh.
These aspects are also well known for their links to natural disasters and I strongly recommend you take time to watch the whole global catastrophe cycle at [it will be out as a feature length movie some time this year] as this process is already unfolding in its 12,500 year cycle – coinciding with the movement to from a sleeping masculine Yuga to a waking feminine Yuga as the procession of the equinoxes and planetary wobble moves us above and below the flat disc of the galaxy and stimulates this regular cataclysmic cycle. We are here. This conjunction very involved with earthquake and volcanic activity. Mount Kilauea volcano – the worlds most active – began erupting in 1983 at the last conjunction and has not stopped since really with another big uptick in its energies last year as we build up to this.
This will impact on all of this and with Uranus in Taurus for the next 7 years our very survival and how we treat the planet is up for profound change. It will impact on very large organisations like the United Nations, the World health Organisation, Hegemonies like the american empire, trading blocs and monster corporations. There will be much leverage attempts re food, wealth distribution, climate change, global health issues and other things as these behemoths attempt to assert their control over an increasingly sceptical and rebellious population who are just about over being wholeheartedly manipulated by thugs and bovver boys.
The pressure on everyone will be immense – you will be required to do more with less, you will be confronted by something in your life that needs to change and change powerfully. What ever or who ever it is – it has now outlived its usefulness in your life and is impacting you negatively even if it is comfortable in its familiarity – something keeping you comfortably numb.
What ever it is you will not enjoy the events or internal pushes that demand change but demand change they will and until you acquiesce, let go, change the dynamic – you will have no peace and may in fact experience restrictions until you unfold.
What ever it is it needs fixing or removal from your life – it’s that simple. If you ignore this [and you will see it] then the pressure will build and issues and complications related to it will make your life very unpleasant until you sort it out. IF you try and lie and steal or manipulate your way through it will come down on you like a tonne of bricks.
You are being asked here to build a new foundation – on honest reality and genuine awareness and care for all on a planet about to go through significant change. Follow your instincts – your better angels – get advice – get healing – what ever it takes to move towards comprehensive and deliberate change that allow you to build good foundations for a prosperous future ahead. I cannot stress how important it will be for all of us to do this.
What will be required is ethical leadership and entities of integrity – anything other than this over the next few years will implode and be destroyed. It will have a big impact on giant agribusiness, financial corporations and their greed, leaders etc – how, remains to be seen. While I am assured there will not be a global war ever again – these are exactly the kind of energies to ignite one – look to pakistan and india, venezuela and the united states, the abomination of horror that remains the middle east, the likelihood of a global recession of powerful proportions as the dying system attempts to bludgeon people back under their control.
If ethical leadership and the good of all, is not at the heart of this change, implosion will occur as people walk away from their jobs to renew themselves en mass, global rebellion and protest against unethical systems and governments will grow, secession and separation movements will grow as people move back into communities to support each other.
There are many other powerful alignments that flow into this volatile mix next year with Jupiter conjoining Pluto in April reflecting a deep and expansive desire to know the truth of all things. Many false empires and prophets will be exposed and again there is a scandal involving children and echelons of power that will be exposed in these energies that will sicken the world and hasten the collapse. Transformation is the name of the game indeed with this.
Saturn is a universal energy that cycles around every 29.5 years. Think of the Saturn ‘return’ in the personal horoscope at that age and what it brings in terms of evaluation of your time as a youth and have you learned your lessons to move into maturity well – or not. And again around 60 years of age when you leave maturity and enter the age of wisdom – or not. Depending on the course of your learning you will become wise and warm or dry and bitter – what do you choose. Every step matters. Saturn’s turnings require regular evaluation of the work done in each cycle and if you have learned well and good and if not you will repeat the lessons in increasing severity until you work it out.
Combined with Pluto – the relationship between them – brings the deep and darkly hidden into the light of time and structure and limitations. Coming every generation or so this conjunction again brings us to a period of evaluation of what have these two brought us in terms of learning and power, growth and renewal in the matter of the growth of humanity back to love and unity consciousness.
Together these two planets emphasise each others energies and there is nothing light about this. The tolerance for anything false, unhealthy, manipulative or controlling will be forcefully broken down – breaking into the integrated power of the light and dark woven in wisdom or the casting down into the permanent dark of all that will not suffice now. It is a high test of morality, authority and integrity and those that do this well will flourish and bring forth new resources for all or if not, ultimately be cast down – never to rise again.
Always about power and therefore corruption and abuse of power – exposure is the key – Saturn is about Karma after all and everything comes full circle – especially here.
Each return to the conjunction every 34 – 38 years [depending on Pluto’s very elliptical orbit] brings a review of what has transpired over the previous period of time – just as in a Saturn return in the natal chart. Everything will be tested for strength, flexibility and resilience. It shakes the dead wood from the tree indeed and that which is strong will survive the earthquake and that which is built on sand or made of cards – will not. The banks – too big to fail and bailed out to the tune of trillions of dollars by the long suffering taxpayer – will not be bailed out again for there is nothing in the coffers left to steal. They will fall. Big pharma – long hiding the ghastly consequences of making people sick to have them as life long customers – will be exposed and fall. All such vices that feed on the poor and downtrodden instead of feeding them – will fall. Everything that has been built on corruption since 1983 will fall.
Because both Planets are in the Sign of Capricorn [all about patriarchal structures and their integrity] conjoining at 22 degrees – a simple redistribution of wealth will not suffice – there will be total and powerful collapse this time so that something very new can arise from the ashes and this will be from the bottom up in the future – not the top down. People will be elected to govern from their ability to find a compromise and working solution – students will determine what they want to learn about and then share that knowledge with their peers – teachers are there as a guide – no more no less. Workers will determine where problems lie and how to fix the machinery or the issue on the ground – the results of which will then be transferred up – not vice versa. Incredible ways will be found to transport water from where there is too much to places where there is not enough – desalination will become so simple when they learn how to magnetize the water and extract the salt that way – no waste. And so much more besides and the people will be awake and unable to be sold the lie any longer.
This regular generational event is a bit like the Global Saturn Return of Karma that applies to the whole world as opposed to you individual Saturn returns – which we all know are very challenging indeed. This current Saturn – Pluto conjunction we are moving towards the culmination of on 12 January 2020 will mark the end of an almost 40 year cycle of these two and all that has unfolded during that time will be up for analysis, judgement and cleansing – just like on a personal level – and quite frankly it doesn’t look very good at the moment.
Saturn – Kronos in another language – is limitation and time – the creator engineer and the measurer all in one. It is the skeleton upon which matter is constructed and also the limitation of what it can hold. This can manifest in a being that is solid and can connect the dots in moving forward to achievement for the good of all or a rigid controlling being held back by beliefs, fears and self constructed limitations. It all depends on how you learn in the accurate measure of time allotted for any dance.
Also powerfully connected to the concept of karma Saturn acts as the ferryman collecting the tax to take you across the river – the spiritual ‘choice and consequence’ manager of when debts are to be paid for past reality – all in perfect good timing.
Pluto [also known as Hades in another time] commands and is the ruler of the underworld – the deep dark recesses of the psyche where no light can pierce and no human can reach the depths of without divine intervention. Pluto is death and transformation followed by resurrection and the two powerful forces blend well together for rapid and implosive change. Saturn turns the wheel of time and when the time is right – Pluto is the force of power that brings radical change as it falls due.
Saturn completes an orbit around Helios or Ra every 29 years and Pluto takes 248 years to achieve the same, hence the dense, slow crustal movement that flows – so that when they meet every 34 – 38 years – these connections have a very large impact on the world at large. The illuminating active phase lasts two years each time in which the global geosphere experiences what ever is due from the last encounter and the slow build up includes the retro movement of each planet also.
As we approach each Saturn – Pluto conjunction the slow volcanic pressure building up puts pressure – immense pressure on the structures that have been built in the interim and if they are well built and operate with truthful integrity they will withstand that pressure. If they are built on greed and lies they will not withstand the fiery pressure of forging and will collapse in the fires of perdition. A necessary cleansing fire that in truth ensures that what moves forward is indeed for the betterment of a larger reality – a kind of threshing of the grain as it were – where the chaff is indeed sorted from the wheat as the system moves ever forward in its evolution.
The challenges are already unfolding before our eyes – the way that society is structured where the few feed voraciously on the many, where the young are sacrificed to the greed of the old, the cycle of consumption gone mad to the ruination of the environment, the profoundly disturbed economic model where growth is the only reality built on robbing future generations of possibility under an impossible burden of debt.
In the build up to the exact conjunction both Saturn and Pluto will experience retrograde motion and return to direct – this creates an impossible pressure which will not be ignored – and adds immensely to the pressure for change. It finally completes the passage on January 31st 2021 and the world as we know it will be completely different by then – who knows in what ways this will unfold. Simply know it will be profound and you may not recognise the world at all any more lol.
They will be closest on May 1st this year in the build up even though bound in a strange alliance since 1916 and when they cross paths in January 2020 we shall indeed be made aware of many things!
Saturn is all about time, physical reality, karma and the father. Pluto is all about the psyche and the depths of transformation held therein. We are going to be obliged to be absolutely real and entirely authentic when both these orbs in Capricorn demand that we build a foundation of reality that we are going to have to live with from there on in – it matters how we do this – profoundly. You will need to do this well or suffer the consequences and they will be immense if we try and deny or avoid what is coming for personal and indeed global transformation. Here we get a glimpse of what is coming for us and the world of which we are a part.
Saturn demands we keep it real and Pluto equally demands we keep it authentic. What ever we build here we will have to live with it until the next pass in 2053 so we had better get it right. There is no room for denial or avoidance here – attempt it and suffer the consequences. It is a fine line between onward and upward towards a goal and a rigid demand that bends others to your will to get your needs met. Be mindful of not falling into the abyss of the latter as you navigate the delicate steps of the former. After the potent Full Moon on the 19th of this month both Pluto and Saturn station retrograde this month – thus commencing powerfully the compression and relentless grinding of the forces outlined above – more on that in the Full Moon post out later this week.