Full Moon in Aquarius – Comet Neowise – Lions Gate Portal – Mars in Aries – Uranus retro in Taurus – the energies are building intensely for the second half of 2020.
The Meditation for this will be held at the Healing Ground Collective Mighty Networks social media platform and a link to join us at this space will go live on the 1st August – and will be shared at the usual page for meditations.

Meditation will be on Tuesday 4th at 7pm
(It is full at 7.36 am here in Adelaide on the 4th)
You will have an opportunity to join us there in membership which means you will get the meditations all year plus many other wonderful things – for under ¼ of the price you are paying now! We are excited by all that is coming. Including the Being on the Frontier programme starting in September. But for now stay linked at the
Diamond Heart Academy – Galactic Moon Meditation Streaming and we will keep you posted.
We truly are entering a new era of human experience. Triggered by a series of major planetary configurations and the approaching Grand Solar Minimum and shifting of the Magnetic Poles. We need to be working out now about what we want from the decade ahead.
The approaching Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius on December 21st 2020 – which comes every 20 years signifying major global changes affecting culture, nations, populations et al – is already creating serious shakings of the tree. The last one was in 2000 and the next will be in 2040. This one also marks the beginning of the 2,160 year epoch of The Age of Aquarius.

This time marks a time of profound change and new beginnings for the decades ahead which require serious and industrious application of self to long term goals that are for the good of all. The requirement here is for impeccable integrity and ethical behaviour in dealing with business, professional, organisational and political matters.
And the year began with the Saturn – Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees Capricorn on 12th January and also the beginning of Solar Cycle 25 – and I assure you that despite the pandemic currently unfolding – the most dominate feature of the next decade will be the climate and the weather as the long deep winter approaches. They promise to be both extreme and historic.
If you are not paying attention to what is coming [and most are not] then your head will be spinning and upside down and inside out until Saturn and Neptune cross the Vernal Equinox in 2026 with a significant deterioration in the climate from then on.
It really has been a bumpy ride this year, however we get a brief reprieve and opportunity to take a breath in August after a string of Retrogrades and Potent Eclipses. August will also bring the magical Lionsgate Portal – which will fill us up after the deep transformative processes that have happened in the first half of the year.

Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune remain retrograde at this time [see previous posts] and will be joined here by Uranus in Aries on August 15th until January 1st 2021 [it will remain in this sign until 2026]. More on that later in post.
Pluto is interesting here – particularly in relation to america and its symbolism of witnessing empire collapse. It has a 246 year orbit around our Helios or Ra and this year it is the exact position of the america’s founding – its’ Pluto return in fact – most full in 2022. A planetary return of this power is always preceded by a breakdown of the established power base. It is completion. We are witnessing the natural order unfolding.
Meanwhile Jupiter and Saturn are still transiting through Capricorn and this perfect storm of alignments of momentous proportions is manifesting the conditions for a total breakdown of what we think we know – to ultimately lay down the ground work for a total rewrite of reality over the next 4 years to 2024.
July has been an especially powerful and important month in this process.
Since Cancer is the sign of safety, security, home and family – everything that was put away in relation to these issues in the face of the pandemic – while being heightened by the pandemic [ah the paradox of duality and insight] – are now forging to the fore again – heightened.
It is in July with the fresh outbreaks – with the reality of the economy setting in – with the realisation that for every job out there, there are now, on average, 250 applicants – with the housing bubble about to collapse – with a whole round of evictions for people who have not been able to pay their rent about to unfold – with world food production down 40% already this year globally due to weather extremes and climate change [Uranus in Taurus remember] – that these basic survival needs are screaming to the surface in plain view.
Saturn – moving in Aquarius towards the great conjunction later this year – has slipped in retrograde back into Capricorn – just to make sure we understand lol – until late December. As the planet of time and karma and task – Saturn restricts and thwarts – ensuring you have it all before you move on – querying a need to pull back into yourself – to restrain yourself – as you juggle the inevitable and irretrievable changes that are unfolding within and without.
Requiring true values of honesty, integrity, courage, detached awareness, communication. Mercury has been in a stressful alignment with Mars all through July and this leads to arguments, force and fighting. Loud voices will drown reason. And with Mars in Aries for the rest of the year will lead to certain individuals making extraordinary choices without reflection at all on the consequences.
The influence here on the emotionally and mentally disturbed and the dysfunctional personality types will be felt the strongest. Great. The “might is right” attitude will prevail and people will not be averse to forcing their bizarre ideologies onto others – violently if needed.

Mars in Aries in the second half of 2020 squares the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto and this points to an intense period of anger, confrontation and struggle throughout the rest of the year. Frustration of ambition will readily explode into conflict. This energy will also lead to issues of career and professional issues – battles with corporations, lawsuits, financial difficulties and bankruptcies. It will be on for young and old from here on in with no one really ready to give ground. Tyrannies will attempt to control people with an iron fist as they feel their power slipping.
So stay detached where you can, inform yourself well about whatever you are dealing with, be patient for many wont display any of these things. The angry, opinionated ones in the camp will be fully cranking and the levels of immaturity – even from the close minded and ignorant – will literally astound us. August, September and October will be worst for this and quite frankly I would be avoiding anything that resembles crowds at this time. With so many planets retrograde currently and with Uranus and Mars about to join in – it is essential to consider the long term ramifications of all actions – even when the heat is on.
Long standing conditions – that have been in place for decades and generations – will crumble now. People are saying enough. And that voice is going to get louder indeed. People are feeling backed into a corner and unsupported and they are right. Jupiter and Saturn are the social planets and responsible and with Pluto roiling through them – all in retro – the agreements that hold societies together are all falling down. People are demanding justice for decades of injustice and inequality.
The world is going through a profound and irretrievable change now and we are all being asked to participate in bringing it into being. It is time to throw off the shackles of programmed obedience to a system that has done nothing but exploit those over whom they pretend to hold “power” – all of this ends now. This is not the “end” however until the lessons are learned and the game released and the human heart becomes open to the spiritual reality of what we really are then we will lurch on.
The true love of the awakened heart will then blow our minds open, break us out of the boxes of containment that have nothing to do with who we are and will lead us out of the trauma of survival into the true resonance of what it is to be human.

The other interesting influence all of this month and into August is the Comet Neowise. An unexpected survivor of its sojourn around the Sun – it continues to brighten and be seen by the naked eye at dusk or dawn with its now two streaming tails. At only 123 million miles from us a couple of days ago – this celestial traveller is seen by all astrology as the harbinger of change that such denizens of heaven have always been seen.
Always here to witness major changes in the world as we now move into a new era. Astrology is often mocked by those with closed minds who are clearly ignorant and have bought the programme they have been delivered since birth. It is involved in the naming of the days and ultimately gave rise to astronomy [stellar cartography] and astrologers invented mathematics, chemistry, biology, medicine and meteorology as well as many other natural sciences taken for granted today. It does not need your belief in it to be real lol. Those who ridicule simply have not studied it and have no real appreciation of the truth that we are part of the natural world – going through the cycles and rhythms of the physical universe in which everything is connected through plasma cosmology.
So Comet Neowise [named after the telescope that spotted it in late March] is the brightest one of these seen in over 20 years. These dragons of the heavens have always filled us with awe and dread and are associated with war, heat, pestilence, famine, infertile earth, earthquakes and floods and the sign in which they appear and move through and the colours they throw determine their influence. The effects will last as long as they are present and are characterised by disturbances in people, animals and the weather.
They often also herald someone rising – whether they be for war or reform can be determined by their placement in the heavens. Always heralding disruption they are signifiers of realignment of political allies, boundaries, trade and finances and the winners and losers are usually only seen post the upheaval. There is nothing predetermined about them – only that they herald change of a certain kind. The long-term effects therefor can be felt for centuries.
Discovered at 1degree Leo – Neowise opposite Saturn and Mars and square Uranus – here is where the energies will be most illuminating. Opposite Saturn points to trade losses, unemployment, restriction, contraction, illness, poverty and applies pressure on corporations and governments. It asks of you patience, loyalty to a set of values and care for others.
Opposite Mars includes irritation, resentment, cruelty, violence, riots, fevers, risk of war and puts pressure on police, security forces and the military. It asks of you to be strong, courageous and to use initiative and take the lead.
Square to Uranus it portends great disruption and radical change with unexpected and shocking events, accidents and revolution. Other alignments suggest a particular injurious effect on kings and nations. Words that apply to other fixed stars in the discovery chart are as follows – quick temper, bad morals, drunkenness, loss of partner, legal losses, peculiar events, occult, ill-will of women, inheritances associated with evil, many miseries and melancholia – I could go on but you get the picture.
Then on the day before the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 2nd we have Sun square Uranus. Whatever has been precariously balanced – or held by a thread – is likely to unravel now. It will not surprise anyone – it is simply a confirmation of what you knew and now it’s time to sort it out. This usually is something well past its’ use by date that we have held onto out of habit or fear and if this is so for you then this energy will have you let it go. Doors close so others can open remember.

Then on the 4th August we have the Full Moon in Aquarius [7.36 am in Adelaide] and this will heighten the energies illuminated the day before. A time of shedding is here. Full moons are for purging remember. As well as cleaning your crystals. You will need to be flexible and adaptable here and not rush in where even angels would fear to tread. Square Uranus this Moon will have us shaking the dead wood from the tree and we will see clearly what needs to leave our lives at this time.
Arriving in Decan 2 of Aquarius it denotes a kind of crazed energy that has you avoid the smiling assassin and has a focused purpose that is hard to detract from. This the proverbial Ice Queen energy and any disruption is just water of the ducks back as it were as they move forward. But don’t think it doesn’t matter for these energies have a Scorpionic feel when it comes to cold revenge served later. It is an energy of finding safe harbour after turbulence and the seeking of one’s spiritual home.
The Moon in Aquarius points to us being part of a greater community having evolved from the individuality of Leo where the Sun is always with this moon. We move from self-centred to altruistic in our soul’s journey with these energies. And this is what our evolution is about – releasing our identity with the persona and merging with the presence of the Soul within. Free of the duality of extremes. We move from the boxed world view of the monkey mind to an intuitive wisdom and awareness of the synthesis of all life – while clearly seeing the illusion of separation.
The importance of this cannot be stressed enough at this time for this is the next epoch we are moving into. The Age of Aquarius. The cusp of this is about 200 years – 100 years to crossover and 1o0 after before being fully in the 2,160 year age. We formally cross into it in December this year at Summer Solstice remember. Cusp periods between all ages are known to be fraught with strife and conflict for change is difficult and resisted fiercely. And we are moving from Masculine to Feminine principles also which adds to it. All our known and safe places of reference become meaningless at this time.
This invites us finally to become the best of what it is to be us. Aquarius represents ‘humanitarian’ – to be the best humans – working for the best for us all in the clear knowledge that as our weakest goes so do we all. This is a powerful change from the greedy, selfish, war mongering energies of the Piscean masculine age and will be impossible for some to manage. They will leave. As goodwill, compassion and love for all beings, for all life on earth rise.
As an air sign communication will matter and the whole rise of the internet is very Aquarian. This will shift profoundly over time into telepathic rapport and not needing the machine but for now it is a stepping stone – manipulated by the dying age for the benefit of the few. Our whole being – heart and mind will become conscious transmitters of vibrations that create and foster group living. Service to all will be the norm and the mantra of what is unfolding. A peaceful world is required and will arise in which we nourish and nurture all life on Gaia.
“The growth of telepathic rapport will bring in an era of universality and synthesis, with its quality of recognised relationships and responsiveness. This will be, outstandingly, the glory of the Aquarian Age” – Bailey. The symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer, holding a large urn pouring water onto the land and the sea. The Key word for Aquarius is “Water of Life am I, poured forth for the thirsty”
Falling on the same day as Mercury opposite Saturn and aligning with a similar energy fixed star – Albali, Epsilon Aquarii, is a 3.8 magnitude star in the left hand of the Water Bearer of Aquarius Constellation, the energies become intensified. Along with the last new moon in Cancer means we really need to knuckle down – stay zen – be patient with all things – do the work.
Sun opposite Moon at the full moon always heightens issues of home and family and intimidate relationships into the spotlight. Balance is sought – drains are seen – all energies of felling and ‘knowing’ reach their peak at the full moon to purge what no longer serves you.
The Full Moon at 11 degrees Aquarius is square Uranus and this is a very strong influence and added to the Mercury opposite Saturn means the unpredictable and volatile changes that come with this Moon will be intensified by dark thinking and unfortunate news.

A strong Full Moon square Uranus will bring the weird and peculiar leaving you feeling anxious with a strange kind of dread for what might be coming. Affecting family issues and women predominately they will be felt by all however. Uranus events tend to affect large swathes of the population like all the outer orbs. You may find your self edgy, irritable, uneasy and unable to switch this off. Avoid volatile types at this time.
This reinforces the abandonment theme of the last moon where a child grows without the support of a loving mother or tribe – where they had to fend for themselves from an early age – and while this can lead to an early and somewhat fierce independence – it can mean trouble in relationships – where that can lead to a strong need for freedom. This means that relationships can be seen as smothering or if that is ok then the workaholic emerges.
This energy leads to feelings of rebellion at this time, against their culture, the status quo, emigration [not so easy today] and can have us feel all over the shop with an irritable unease. It brings great innovative ideas forth but these are usually ahead of their time and seen as off the wall – but they are usually spot on. The hyper energy arousal at this time can have peeps behave in quite volatile ways and it can be a good full moon for avoiding the crowds and journeying within,.
These energies are often associated with assassinations or accidents that lead to a great upheaval in public emotion [think dianna or jfk] and it usually means that whatever unfolds it changes things permanently – even in perception. It can lead to a stronger growth of feeling that one is on the outside looking in – living on the edge of a world – ready to jump ship at the first provocation. It is truly a stressful energy swinging from episodes of brilliant illumination to impending sense of doom – it can be exhausting and lead to volatility in relationships.
It is with these energies that we have the capacity to leave relationships suddenly, or jobs or careers, or do really reckless things however again caution is urged here as any decisions made now can have life altering consequences from which there may be no turning back from. So observe – be patient – be kind – be zen – be flexible – figure out what to do with what you are witnessing but do it gracefully and gently after these energies have passed. And if you go galloping off with some strange human who is unlike anything you have galloped off with before it is likely to cause ramifications at this time with family and friends – especially the mother.
And only a few hours after the Moon is full Mercury opposite Saturn arises which brings delays, serious issues, a need to knuckle down and work things out, but with poor concentration, difficulty in communicating which of course is the exact opposite of the need for freedom outlined above. Creating frustration, disagreement, pessimism, fear, bad news and an inability to handle it well can lead to feelings of hopelessness, despair, isolation and depression and anxiety. Negative thinking abounds with this energy making everything appear 10 times worse than it is and so it is critically important to control your mind at this Moon.
Seriously stay zen. Do not allow the lie of the mind to take over for it will lead to fights, blow-ups, criticisms, nagging, gossip, defamation and any one of these could blow up big time. Any negative thoughts that rise – delete them, over and over again, delete them. Get a massage, do a meditation, go for a long swim – empty the mind. This is not the Moon for making long term decisions – particularly in the heat of the moment. When communicating with others keep it simple and to the point. Keep all emotion out of it. Don’t sign anything for the week around it or if you must get the help of a valued and trusted friend to look at it first. If you control your mind, stay zen, be patient, don’t react, be kind – then you will get through it and yes I am repeating myself – it matters lol.
On the other hand this is a fabulous moon for exploring the psyche. To do deep research on an occult subject or practice that appeals to you. To produce a wildly different piece of art work. Exploring the shadow realms – find time and space to be alone where you can.
Remember due to the precession of the equinoxes over the last 2000 years means the Sun signs and Constellations they are named for have changed over time – all of this is accounted for and taken into consideration for astrological purposes and so fixed stars can be significant here also.
Fixed Star Albali can point to danger, persecution and death but is also capable of bringing good fortune to some. This star is known in Arabic astrology as the “swallower” due to its alignment with Capricorn stars it appears to overshadow. Aligned with issues of slander, scandal and theft if adds to the challenge of this Moon – which is seriously challenging enough. From the Arabic it is also associated with freedom for captives and servants and the curing of diseases. [that could be handy currently lol]
From the Chinese astrology it points to arguments and conflict within families, brawls and disturbance of the peace, epidemics and illnesses – especially of the digestive system.
So all in all a challenging moon bringing many challenging issues to bear – some of which can be truly traumatic – follow the advice and keep your head down until August 18th New Moon in Leo and hopefully we will rumble along. Stay focused on your goals with gentle and determined persistence.

On the 8th of August we have the Lions Gate Portal at its peak. This is a time of heightened cosmic energy flowing from the spiritual realms to us and back. Having ties to ancient Egypt it is marked by an alignment with the star system Sirius [think sphinx and the pyramids of giza that align perfectly with Orion’s belt] This is the brightest star that we can see from Gaia [26 times brighter than ours in fact] and the sacred traditions that honour this time have long welcomed an influx of this powerful energy annually.
Representing abundance and fertility and spiritual activation of the inner landscape it occurs in the astrological sign of Leo – long associated with the heart centre and the individual expression of the divine nature of all. This time is a time of anchoring new knowledge [remembering who we are] as codes and energies are downloaded into the system to continue the process of evolution. It all begins on the inner planes before it manifests on the outer.
Bringing an intense energy of light of activation of the DNA – still yet barely understood on any level by our 3D science – for most of it is not lol – 3D – at again shifts us into another level of awakening. The energies of this will first be felt from the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd August and lasting until around th 13th it peaks on the 8th as the Sun reaches its’ peak of Leo, aligning the Earth and Sirius at the same time is what activates the portal at its fullest.
If you work with this and focus on your heart and third eye chakras and consciously allow this energy to pour in it will continue to accelerate your growth and advancement. This can activate psychic awareness and bring healing and balance to issues you may be struggling with in your life – particularly those stimulated by the power of the recent full moon. It can be hard in 3D – particularly as we are so brutally programmed to only be aware of the limited external reality – to understand just what powers are here within and without to help us make this shift however they are here – so call on them – work with them on this day especially and allow there to be a greater fusion between your egoic structure and the Soul’s essence and abundance and peace can flow here.
It is valuable to remember not to romanticise this process. Regardless of whatever your ego wants to play with re spontaneous evens or kundalini activating – the fact is that there is no conclusion – there is no ‘event’ as such and if you hold that idea you are as trapped as ever while ‘waiting’ for it. Be here now. In all the mess and blood and pain of it – learn to detach and love yourself unconditionally and then will you see that reflected in the world. We have a lot of shit to sort out on this planet and we are the ones who are going to have to do it.
New Moon in Leo on the 18th is the first one this year that has not oppositions and so the energy will continue to run harmoniously through us into the void of what we are unfolding within. A beautiful and auspicious moon coming indeed. Nice. lol
On the 13th we need to pay attention seriously for some opportunities to lay down some serious foundations for the future as Mars square Pluto shows us what we will need to visit and heal – and as Mars will go retro soon – we will need to visit again so pay attention indeed. Pay attention to what unfolds for you personally and also globally this day – the insight may come later during the retro period however what happens here will be revealing and revealed.

On the 15th Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus and will remain here for the rest of 2020 turning direct in January 2021. It will be very useful to review your year at this time and where you have grown and what issues still confront you. Issues that are playing out in your life reflect your belief systems and so this retro will work on your unconscious beliefs to change an outer reality – pay attention. Things of January 2020 may come for review but with honour for yourself and what you have achieved thus far.
It has been 80 years since Uranus was retrograde in Taurus and so many of us have no cognition of what this energy feels like. This is the most rebellious and shocking of planets in its impact and retrograde is just as big and much deeper. In 1940 corporate malfeasance was vomiting out over the world in the newly planned world war two just after the horrors of the great financial collapse – equally planned by corporations and the dark energies that manage them – bringing horror and famine and nightmare for most of the human population.
Unlike the personal planets of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars these outer behemoths change the world as a whole – a generation as it were. We will desire to remove all complicating factors in our lives that inhibit freedom and this will lead to a huge shift of awareness. It is the planet of freedom after all and breaks the chains of all that binds us. It busts things wide open and in Taurus it is about personal safety and security so again the drums of war will be beaten now, natural disasters and food security will become real issues, financial freedom or poverty will preoccupy us along with personal health concerns – ergo the virus that escaped the lab and is being utilised powerfully to frighten the world.
This will be especially powerful in the second half of October – aligning with the Full Moon in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, forming opposition with Uranus retro in Taurus. The normal weirdness of the turning of the wheel at Octobers end will be much more potent and much will be revealed about what you will need to know and grow and do for the rest of the year at this time.
So again we will be meditating this Full Moon on the evening of the 3rd August at 7pm and if you wish to join us simply as to join that group to be directed to the new portal for the journey at the Healing Ground Collective. Buckie up – stay zen and do your work.