Perception and Reason

Perception and Reason We have come to live in peculiar and perilous times. I feel fortunate to be nearly at the three score years and ten of predictable life spans as we reach these turbulent times of profound change for several reasons. I was fortunate to have been born in a simpler time – before…


Forecast for 2022

Forecast for 2022 Western Astrology At this moment in time we are in a cycle that will not end until 2032. There was an age changing cycle we entered at the great conjunction that marked our entry into the age of Aquarius 20th–12-2020. And there are many other rhythms of the galaxy that are in…


Metamorphosis Evolution is unfolding within us powerfully now and through a new energy bathing the planet – the synthesis possible – of the living flame that we are – is here. Our consciousness is learning to connect across the realms and dimensions – through holographic realities activated through our energy systems – built in to…


Awakening Oneself

AWAKENING  ONESELF We are taught from birth – powerfully – to not trust our intuition, to not trust our imaginations, to not experience or validate our emotions, to not see ourselves as divine particles of god experiencing the joy of creation as ourselves. We are not taught that we are of the element of water…


Keeping the Faith

Keep the Faith Well lovely ones – it all a bit much at the moment isn’t it. Watching the implosion begin in america. Insurgents being shepparded into the capitol, by police who were taking selfies with the rioters. New variant strains of the plague [an invisible enemy is so handy to the game lol] forcing…



TRUST And so the changes are becoming more real are they not beloveds – the games of the overlords becoming more transparent – the system collapsing becoming more obvious – the manipulations of those who consider themselves your betters more blatant – the justifications for their monstrosity more absurd. We are unfolding into a new…


Astrological Forecast for 2021

Western and Chinese and Numerology 3D to 5D Shifts of Consciousness Greetings lovely ones and what a wild ride we have been on this year. As predicted over the last few years – 2020 was always going to be the year that no-one forgot – the year that no-one travelled in – the year that…
