Winter Solstice 2023
To be celebrated on this magical piece of land here at Brownhill Creek
On Saturday 24th June 2023
The longest night for the deepest places.
As the winter descends and the longest night approaches, the cloak is drawn over the earth and a time of contemplation and discovery arrives.
This is the still point of the Sun – it’s midnight and dawn – where the past and future dissolve in the place between the breath – in the recognition of life in the moment.
On June the 24th 2023 – while the power time of the Solstice energy is still strong – we will be celebrating Winter Solstice.

This most powerful time is coming for us to clean ourselves up, pull out the useless straw, to husk the corn – to pluck out the last bits of what we need to let go of from the old year passing – and allow it all to fall away and die – with turning of the seasonal wheel.
The blessed Gaia – spinning the wheel, spinning us as we begin to spin the creation of our own new Spring – the new Year begins now. It is time to re-birth ourselves, seeking the new, getting ready to for changes, inviting possibility.

The Medicine Wheel – the Cosmic Wheel – is a powerful cross cultural medium that has been used throughout human history as a map – a navigational device – for the journey of the soul and the embodied state – through the stages of life from birth to death, as a tool for self realisation, for integration of spirit, body, heart and mind.
At this most powerful of times – the turning of the great Yuga – from the sleeping masculine to the waking feminine – from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, the turning of the seasonal wheel – and it informs us – of all that is required and ready to be released into the bonfire this day – it informs us of the journey within – the fire that burns as the wheel turns.
It is a tool for examining shadow material in our lives. That which stalks us, haunts us and will sabotage our existence until we embrace it and integrate it. The endlessly repetitive patterns of mind and programming that hold us in thrall and tell us incorrectly that we cannot choose differently.

The tree at the centre of the medicine wheel forms an image of psychological individuation, in which the roots represent unconscious material, the trunk conscious awareness – and the crown of the tree the goals of life and personal integration and realisation.
The tree connects the three worlds. We have the eagle at the heights, totem of the masculine and vision and the snake in the roots, symbol of the feminine and healing and creativity – the trunk connecting the two and the world we live in – and the squirrel – climbing up and around and down again – connecting the worlds as does the shaman.
As the winter descends and the longest night approaches, the cloak is drawn over the earth and a time of contemplation and discovery arrives.
Here in the dark – that which has been hidden from us becomes visible! All the things we dare not be – because we are not worthy. All the things we dare not own – because they are dangerous. All the things that we have hidden from ourselves, all our life – now become possible!
On this journey we shall weave the shadows into the light and find that which completes us, that which astounds us, that which is filled with power and grace and is tired of hiding in the dark!
If you wish to attend this most magical of events and in order to get ready for this on Saturday 24th June – become mindful of what it is that you are letting go of – what has reached its use by date in your life – what are you ready to be free of now.
So sit quietly and simply ask yourself and your various aspects – what is here for release. From your spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological reality.

Write this down and bring along with you on the day should you choose to join us. You are also asked make a small effigy from things in nature to represent what you are releasing to go into the fire as part of the ceremony.
And also contemplate what it is you wish plant the seeds of for the year ahead. That will come into fruition as the year unfolds – again for your spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological bodies.
Make a wish list of this – and as will all such things the list begins with “It is my intention will and desire that I am now……” [whatever it is you desire] and directly address the four bodies.

The release of the old dead wood and the invocation for the new year rising – your intention and presence – ensures a powerful magic to unfold.
It will be held on the magical land that I am so grateful to be journeying with currently – and if you wish to attend let me know as parking is a premium lol. Also you will be sent all the usual magical instructions on effigy and candle preparation to maximise the potency of this time of year.
The magical land here is already thrumming for this – any of you who have been here have felt its energy – the elementals are already weaving magic and the ancient ones here will be assisting all who are coming with ongoing healing. The bonfire will claim the old – the candle flames will bring light to the new – as at the end we share a repast in communion of grace and love – laughter and joy.
If you wish to do the ritual for yourself at home – also let me know via text on 0419819089 – or PM me or email me at prue.blackmore@thrivebydesign.com.au with your email address and instructions on how to do that will be sent out.
There are very strange things going on energetically at this time – I am not telling you anything you don’t know lol – and the power to bring real change is indeed potent – for another two years – at a premium in fact. So dare to join us for a day of magic and weaving if you will – or at home in your own way if that works better – or if you can’t make it – and instructions for the ritual will be sent out to you.

And so it is xx