Being on the Frontier
All of us now – the whole human family and beyond – in our time of enforced shutdown and isolation – are experiencing a very deep stirring – a wakening from the dreams of millions of years of human evolution and expansion – through epochs of time and cycles of reality – yet again all culminating now.
During this we are beginning to have a dawning realisation that our ‘awakening’ is not the result of just one awakened human, one being, one religion, one creed or time or place, one world view or one skin colour or empire. This is pointing strongly to the mass consciousness strongly allied with the coming Age of Aquarius.
This flowing of human consciousness – this awakening – could be the continual journeying through, exploration and discovery of, many deep multi-dimensional levels of human reality in fact.
Everything – the teachings and tools – that have been given to us over hundreds of thousands of years by awakened and divine beings and shamans et al are just tools, the stepping stones to guide us ever inward to the inner depths of your own awakened sacred being – that is ever the witness and guide to the outer manifestation of this powerful dream called ‘life’.
In this extraordinary time of existence, we are now being called to dissolve the separation between the inner and outer – in the true realization that all wise teachers gave us – that the sacred divine mystery is within you and in everything you see around you. And as the buddha discovered within the fathom long body – you – become witness to the coming into being and passing away of countless universes – somewhat overwhelming is it not.
That in truth we are just reflections of each other – each operating out of our own unique universe – who can now begin to open up to each other from the heart and not just the head – with its calculating, criticizing nature, its likes and dislikes, its judgements and inadequacies, rejected and projected – constantly creating and recreating a world of us and them – rather than I and Thou.
This programmed world view of the dark power networks of the age that is ending – victim consciousness – us and them – splits us asunder, irretrievably – for praise and blame limit the sacred nature of existence. How limited is our world view of the sacred divine – if we think we have to approach it through praise and supplication?
The new epoch calls us to a new understanding of the sacred divine nature. Known as the ‘marriage in heaven’ or the ‘feast of the beloved’ is a term used by all seekers on all paths to the divine within – the one who knows. The end of separation and the seeking to unknow.
Right now – at this moment – all of us are living between two worlds of darkness and light called birth and death – living in or on a horizontal linear time line – moving – so you think, in a straight line from one thing to another – birth to death – however all changes are coming to the time lines and the belief systems.
There is no one to save us beloved ones. Instead we must be prepared to enter the world of our shadow and go through the dark night of the soul. We have a natural and programmed resistance to going there and yet all discoverers of the lands within must go there – it is part of the process and cannot be avoided. This descent into hell is the name given to the painful negative state – which normally intervenes between the illuminating light and the deep, heartfelt, uniting life.
Each kind of illumination you approach on the path is in fact balanced by its own appropriate type of dark – as seen in the writings of the mystics – the temptations of the dark at the threshold. The only question you need to ask is are you ready to let go and take the first step on a path to freedom – the thing we say we long for – but are indeed terrified of.
Stepping onto this – answering the call from deep within – yearning for freedom – even if we don’t know we are yearning – has you choose movement in a direction that you know in your heart will finally lead on and open you up to the bliss of freedom – fulfilling your own being – instead of continually expecting an outer manifestation of your own mind – to love and fulfil all your desires and expectations.
This will be challenging. And you are already getting some practice for the first step. In isolation. We all live in such a sanitized preoccupied world – we don’t know how to be alone – and yet it is so necessary.
First we must cultivate a state of loving kindness of your being. To bathe in this energy – your entire being – physical, emotional, psychological, mental, etheric, astral and spiritual. Practice just sitting in it – start for short bursts. High megahertz music or binaural beats can be of useful assistance. But basically you are practicing simply being content in your own company.
This begins a process. Of going within. For as long as you are reaching for the external other, you are not as yet prepared to face, or be with, your own loneliness. Only when you are sitting with your loneliness and can go right into it – are you ever going to arrive at the blissful state of Aloneness.
It is arriving at this seat of power – the mystical life – the Self – then and only then can you see the connected self. To allow the spiritual warrior nature to arise. This then allows you as a being, to build your own character into whatever teachings are before you. We are all unique – occupying our own universe – and all true journeys to freedom recognize that we are unique on the path – evolving and sacred – irrespective of old rigid dogmatic systems that tell you it can only be reached through their priests and their conception of the divine mysteries.
The movement is towards being totally alone with your own being – in the now eternal in space – which contains all the celestial and terrestrial bodies that exist – keeping them apart while linking them together. In this way – all the dramas, soap operas, power struggles, black comedies et al – become as a very faint whisper as your essence becomes one with the all.
At this time – for you, for me, for us – for the whole human race – awakening, opening, unfolding, blossoming, becoming – all those explorers who have journeyed the path before us and become themselves – awakened to the mystical life – were totally themselves – individuals manifesting in their own unique way.
And so, this is the time – what are you. What are you going to manifest. What could come from you, out of your realised self. What kind of world will you create. For all universes are calling to you at this time to manifest a new reality – awakened – alive in the moment – limited only by your imagination – mystical journeys that are unfolding within and without of you right now. Whether you know it or not right now – be still and know that.
Know that awakening, sacred, divine mysteries come to you in whispers throughout the universes – not in loud repetitive ego driven fanfares – trumpeting the next great blockbuster on the egoic screen of an old world. There is only one ‘sin’ and that is in not moving – refusing to answer the call to unfold and awaken from the dream or nightmare that you find your being in – and this is not just through you – but affects the wellbeing of all that lives.
So Being on the Frontier provides a sanctuary – a safe and sacred ground of being. A place and a space – with well-tried support for living from within and a secure basis for future exploration. It seeks a strong heart foundation in each of us as we develop a code of divine ethics and impeccable integrity – creating a diamond hard foundation on which to grow.
In each and every one of us there is a basic human wisdom that as it awakens, can help hear and solve the problems in our lives, our communities, our planet and beyond. The earth Gaia is our home completely – every atom in our body is from her – recycled over and over again – and it is here we have evolved as a race of beings over countless millennia – one family of human.
Living common sense wisdom is what has to develop and awaken within each and every one of us. The wisdom is not coming from east or west – it is a state of being-ness that has grown and developed over lifetimes on this world and others – it exists in many cultures at many times – pervading throughout our history.
A truly awakened wisdom comes from the heart – it develops and comes through human fearlessness – now taking full responsibility for our own survival and liberation – not being afraid of who we are now – to heal and awaken the human family.
We all now – all of us – need to take the personal journey – individually, as a community, as a society in a way that we clearly understand that deep, clearing, healing and awakening can be realized – for the benefit and well-being, for the good and joy and contentment of all beings on this planet and beyond.
You are on the hero’s quest indeed. You know that deep within each and every one of us there is a sacred, divine, DNA blueprint of who we are and why we are and why we have chosen to live on this planet at this time of awakening and transformation. We all – each and every one of us – have a unique contribution to make to the world and an ongoing awakened evolution.
Our dreams and visions are not separate from us – our divine nature – we are our dreams and our nightmares and each moment offers us the possibility of being here – in the now – awake – and free. And that reality gives us the opportunity to create who and what we want to become and to now collectively start to create a world in which we want to live. It is a joint enterprise between the sleeve of human flesh and what animates that flesh.
We and we alone are the creators of our lives for good or for ill and for many deeply caught in the programme that very idea is outrageous – it – however remains true. We are all still stuck in the game of duality that continually brings into the being the game of separation, hiding from ourselves while we try to find ourselves.
There is only one. Many reflections but one being. One sacred, divine, living mystery in diversity. One loving caring consciousness – experiencing itself subjectively through creating its’ consciousness into a multitude of form.
So now it is time to move these creative forms – bringing into being a life, a world that we really would like to live in. it is going to require commitment and courage to start to now look at that which may be blocking or stopping us. We have very deep genetic programming over millions of years and countless incarnation and countless generations of life forms. The rising and falling of cities and societies.
We have a way – a habit – of trying to create a clear distinction between dreams and what we perceive as reality and as a result we often give up before we get close and this leads to boredom, despondency, frustration, inadequacy and these are all self -imposed and we hold the barriers in place around us. We need to examine these – so that we can wake from the dream or nightmare.
These old, worn out, belief patterns that we find ourselves in, stop us from being successful in our lives on all levels. Waking up, being on the frontier in the now – involves recognizing and embracing those parts of ourselves that we usually disown – parts of us that are unloved, dark, shut away in the shadow part of our being. This needs to be examined that we may awaken to our full potential – bringing clarity and intimacy with all life – into wholeness and balance.
Restoring balance – bringing opposites together – is the challenge that confronts us all now as we make the transition from the darkness of ignorance into the light of understanding and awakening. We must reach for this by Being on the Frontier – bringing into union and communion a divine balance of harmonies between spiritual and physical, between inner and outer planes – creating amazing, powerful and joyous journeys of spirituality and business – into loving, caring, sacred families.
All of this is possible at this time as time lines and energies converge on this planet at this remarkable time of evolutionary leap. So that we may – by Being on the Frontier – bridge the gap between the inner and outer worlds, dimensions and universes.
Know that you are ready. Be prepared to examine your reality. To reach deep within to find what is ever there – the divine Self.
Information about the programme will be coming soon and if you are drawn to this in any way – contact us at the Healing Ground Collective at to register your interest.
What an extraordinary time to be alive lol
.We are in the process of building our own social media platform to roll this and other exciting projects out there
On Winter Solstice on 20th June 2020 at the eclipse we will commence registration to the page for expressions of interest.
At an extremely affordable level this monthly programme will provide the tools and training and resources necessary to discover who you are – awakening for this new world. More out soon.