AWAKENING ONESELF We are taught from birth – powerfully – to not trust our intuition, to not trust our imaginations, to not experience or validate our emotions, to not see ourselves as divine particles of god experiencing the joy of creation as ourselves. We are not taught that we are of the element of water…
Western and Chinese and Numerology 3D to 5D Shifts of Consciousness Greetings lovely ones and what a wild ride we have been on this year. As predicted over the last few years – 2020 was always going to be the year that no-one forgot – the year that no-one travelled in – the year that…
Being on the Frontier Insight All of us now – the whole human family and beyond – in our time of enforced shutdown and isolation – are experiencing a very deep stirring – a wakening from the dreams of millions of years of human evolution and expansion – through epochs of time and cycles of…
Being on the Frontier Recently we planted the first seed of a possibility of a new way of being in the world. As we arrive here – somewhat terrified and yet gloriously ready – at the end of one epoch – the collapse of civilisation – and the birth of a new epoch. We are…
Beltane, Bonfires, Horned Gods and Faeiries, The One Tree This is a beautiful time of year and throughout history and human culture this turning of the wheel from spring towards summer is celebrated with flower festivals from the Kawoni from the Cherokee, Hanami in Japan, Florifertum in ancient Rome, to the Maypole dancing, Walpurgis…
Full Moon Eclipse Sweat Lodge – 6.30 pm Tuesday 8th October On the 8th of October – the day of the eclipse – there will be a sweat lodge held at the Vales for both men and women at 6.15pm, which will allow those who wish to attend from the city to get…
Shamanic healing is a very ancient form of working with a client and these practitioners have been around in recorded history for over 60,000 years – from the Tungus in Siberia, from the rock art deep in the mountains of Europe, to the living art of the first people of Oz – in fact they…