Western and Chinese and Numerology
3D to 5D Shifts of Consciousness

Greetings lovely ones and what a wild ride we have been on this year. As predicted over the last few years – 2020 was always going to be the year that no-one forgot – the year that no-one travelled in – the year that brought the collapse of the old world and initiated the birth of the new!
The Great Conjunction that occurred on the 21st December 2020 and the light and love of the galactic current sheet it arrived on – did indeed change the face of reality forever – and will continue to unfold now in unstoppable ways.
The beginning of the collapse of the 3D world – and its’ rulers – that have bound humanity in a low vibration of fear and hopelessness for epochs now – has arrived. The chaos will get much greater next year in 2021 as the photon light and love arriving with the galactic plasma current sheet that we are now in – and the cosmic interdimensional sheet arriving also – will continue to dissolve the low vibration reality – that now has nothing to support it.
This low vibrational energy must be maintained moment by moment in fear – it is why you are being constantly bombarded by it in your media – and by the agents of the dark energies that control it all – at the behest of that, which is now being removed from the planet. Their human agents in your vehicles of church and state, secret organisations, government and military – are left with nothing to support them now – and will become increasingly desperate with the dawning realisation they have failed, are abandoned and that there is nothing left to support their activities.
The collapse will accelerate in the new year with the new planetary alignments designed for this great awakening. As it does dissolve – the tyranny of mad governments will rise – be mindful of this – know you are the many and they are the few. Know that the light and love flooding your system is divine and unstoppable while the fear they manipulate is small and temporary. Know that the great divide between 3D and 5D will grow now – as those who have awakened and know the path home, can now step back and simply, lovingly, be the Lighthouse in the coming Storm – while those caught in 3D – who cannot yet wake up – will become increasingly strident in their anger and hate and fear – and turn on each other.

Now is not the time to play their games. The days of informing and teaching at this point are done. Whatever path they are on they are on. Many will slowly or rapidly continue to awaken and many will go mad. And they will become increasingly hostile towards those not playing – as their world collapses. We know from the witch burnings how violent such people can become – do not draw attention to yourself in their presence. Many will leave the planet over the next few years. Their Soul’s know what is chosen – they will leave into the long sleep – and awaken in another 3D reality to continue the Karmic wheel of life, death and rebirth – until they are given an opportunity to grow in the next cycle.
So in the clear understanding of all this – the information to follow is really about the unfolding of the 3D reality to come – with the admonition that by remaining in light and love, care and concern for all – with self-love at the core – where ever you find yourself in the scheme of things – know you are going to be ok. No matter what is unfolding around you.
Whatever you are doing next year, seek to witness the beauty in all things. It matters so much as we are unfolding in new ways. As you look and witness beauty in all you see, feel, touch and intuit – so shall you raise your vibration accordingly and through that deal with whatever is in front of you.
As issues of your past come up for review – witness yourself in them as the observer – do not go into the feeling or dwelling within it any further – it is not required now. Observe your role in whatever arrives – same with the future predictions – be in the observer – ask what you need to know to grow – and let it all go.

In all that unfolds be consciously aware that you are a Soul having a physical experience – that you are not your body, your mind or your feelings, that you are simply experiencing what it is to be human through these tools. Honour them – treat your body well – particularly in this powerful time of change that will continue until 2024 and Pluto’s final leaving of the Star sign of Capricorn. Keep this at the forefront of your mind – your unified state of Soul and Form – observing the miracle unfolding. Your 12 strands of DNA are awakening now and this will create many changes in your field and body and not many of these will be comfortable. Eat well. Try and avoid man made molecules coming into your body. Wear natural fibres. Drink plenty of water. Spend time meditating – even for 10 mins at a time – it will help.
And do understand that as all this unfolds in the way of a new era or age – we are all called upon – individually, collectively, community wise and business to make our plans as the awakening ones have done all year. With the greater good in mind. For the benefit of others as you flourish and grow, change careers, personal relationships and relocation. The major transits from now until 2024 in particular and 2026 in general will require us all – and our families – to deal with energies and transpersonal forces beyond our current comprehension – but deal with them we will have to do.
Western Astrology

The great conjunction arrived in December 21st and marks a powerful astronomical and astrological event that will affect the globe all through 2021 and far beyond. It will impact directly on the pandemic – which is real enough for many people – and is going to get a lot more real for all on the planet – irrespective of how it is being manipulated in fear by those with their own dark agenda. It is about public health, recession and depression, the haves and the have nots, those who fear and those who hope. Trade and global infrastructure is in for a huge shake up in 2021.
2021 will be the year when everyone on the planet is saying What the actual F..k is happening to our planet!!!
Jupiter conjunct Pluto remains live and powerful until January 22nd 2021.
Saturn square Uranus will be a big event at peak power on February 17th 2021
The united states of america Pluto return is initiated in July 2021 – coming to peak in February 2022 but is already being felt powerfully now. This will be a great tearing down of all the rotten heart of america and which can be held onto as they rebuild from the rubble. The centuries of lies and deciept will be revealed and it is important for americans not to perform a kind of collective suicide by denying what they have become. How this is handled will absolutely determine whether america lives again or is consigned to the rubble of history as an example of how not to be in such a rapacious hegemony.
It is interesting also that each time the Saturn conjunct Jupiter alignment occurred in america’s history – in the year it has arrived – the current sitting president of the united states has died in office. Even with Bush and Raegan – who survived assassination attempts – the attempt was made in the year of the great conjunction. I wrote about it a couple of posts back I think. However what it could mean is that an attempt is made on Biden’s life [it could be trump but my sense is Biden] and even if it does not kill him – it could incapacitate him enough for Harris to take over – and that would fit the feminine principle rising. She is also more likely to initiate real change as she is not part of the establishment that biden clearly is.
The alignments of Saturn during this – indicate revolution and cyber warfare [manipulated by whom and for what purpose will be duplicitous and part of the fear campaign against humanity] – however suffice it to say we will witness as yet unseen by the masses – innovative science and technology. Who knows – this may be the year they roll out the “alien invasion” to make humanity tremble in fear of the “other” and bond together under one flag blab la. In watching the roll out of propaganda in movie trailers over the past couple of months – which is how many scenes are set for the future as we know – there is definitely a strong leaning towards evil aliens and augmented humans and a post apocalyptic reality.
In February by the way due to a Saturnian alignment with america’s South Node in Aquarius – there may be a very shocking and detrimental cost to pay – for america’s past actions or interferences with other nation’s sovereignties – and there have been sooooo many over the centuries.

The northern hemisphere winter – under way now but approaching its peak in January 2021 – is going to get increasingly sharp and painful. Already this season has produced more snow up there in a couple of storms than was produced by the entire season last year. Be mindful if you live in the northern hemisphere – of where you might want to relocate to live – with all that is coming as the Grand Solar Minimum approaches after Solar Cycle 25.
The north and then the southern Polar Vortexes [next winter here in southern hemisphere] will continue to increase in wild variability and intensity through the next two years up to the end of 2022. Soon enough springs are going to disappear as long and bitter winters move straight into summers – with the predictable effect on food production. The winters are deepening and intensifying – make no bones about it – and will have a much stronger effect on the northern hemisphere which has a lot more land to add to the variation. Also as the atlantic current continues to weaken along with the weakening magnetosphere – it is all pretty transparent what will unfold.
These energies will also ensure the pandemic and other variations of it – will not be going anywhere before the end of 2022. Stay away from rubbish. Talking rubbish about things that don’t matter, to people who are not there inside themselves, that are of the old world and of no consequence. Just don’t waste your energy in this way. It will bring you back to 3D – it will tire you and you will need your energy for more important things. Plan ahead for what is coming. Figure out where might be the best place to live. There are lots of maps out there showing where these climate extremes may hit. Prepare for them so that you will be safe when it hits. Notice in particular where flood plains – even ancient ones – have run – and stay away from them. Flooding is going to become more intense and severe for all the reasons to do with the sun that have been discussed all 2020 in various posts. Insurance will be impossible to get soon or become very secretive and so don’t rely on it in the future.

The climate impacts and the coming Grand Solar Minimum ensure that from around 2024 on the long cold winter will have arrived. The pandemic is likely to be gone by then – cropping up like all of them – intermittently and localised post this date. This is the generational change foretold by the Great Conjunction and will run to at least 2050 from what my research points to. So a generation will move through this – and we will adapt and survive – as humans have done before – forewarned is forearmed remember. It is the Sun, it has always been the Sun, that has been the harbinger of climate change and to suggest humans are doing this is a stupidity and arrogance that is totally contrary to the laws of physics and thermodynamics lol. It was all designed just to make you feel guilty and steal what they had not yet stolen from you – and also to leave you ill prepared for the coming winter – as massive depopulation is a big part of the current over-lords’ agenda for the future.
The electrical charge of the Saturn [karma] square Uranus [shocking change] in Taurus [affecting physical security on the planet] that commence in February 2021 will add to the pressure of the climate becoming colder and wetter with greater cloud cover [which is the greatest predictor of weather on the planet]. Low pressures will become lower and high pressures will become higher with this – adding to temperature extremes but the cooling effect overall will win out. This variation in weather and electrical charge will impact greatly in the frequency and intensity of thunderstorms and electrical discharge and low pressure systems are also well known to impact greatly on seismic events. It also lowers the immune system and makes us more susceptible to pandemic influences. The lowering of sunlight in these conditions will also impact the vitamin D influence on the body. Everything in our bodies, in the crust, in the atmosphere and in space weather – is ruled by electricity – it is going to impact us all.

The Saturn square Uranus conjunctions commencing in February 2021 that will impact the planet for the next couple of years will also firmly hit the world’s financial systems that have been insanely lurching along printing meaningless money being printed out of thin air contributing billions daily to the debt bubble. The coming collapse will crash it all until at least 2024 and will be utilised in an attempt to eliminate cash and argue for the planned great reset proposed by the billionaire boys club of the world economic forum. It will be messy indeed.
Political upheavals will increase along with seismic and volcanic upheavals next year. The powerful Aquarian energy will infuse space travel and technology to take us to the stars and beyond – which has been going on for a long time – but will be more acknowledged. Aquarian energy is humanitarian but also weirdly detached and there will be a real clash of ideologies and ideas in the years ahead. Neptune in Pisces will contribute to this. Extremism will rise and systems attempts to manage it are likely to become quite brutal. Technological progress will be rapid and Aquarian energy will seek to ensure it is for the benefit of all.
The need to curtail the immense power and total unaccountability of the tech giants will become an issue this year – as tech seeks to constrict the freedom of speech of the masses while continually breaching privacy and security and ethics and the law will lag far behind here. This will also flow into examining the power that huge mad religions have held over the masses for far too long. The social contract between authority generally will continue to break down with more and more people saying no and taking their lives back where ever they can. Many will also willingly sacrifice all for the perceived advantages of this as the gulf widens. Many cults will emerge at this time.
This decade of the 20’s – that initiates us into the 2,160 year epoch of the Age of Aquarius – will have us not being able to find stability in pretty well any area of our lives and that will bring out the best in some of us and the worst in some of us. A new epoch unfolding always brings global shocks – it must – and the time lines involved in this one are so many – the shocks will be greater than usual and more rapid than usual. Crises of civilisation, neo cultural revolutions, economic upheavals, climate, the Sun, seismology, trade wars, conflicts internationally, health and wellbeing, food supplies, all will be up for grabs here.
And as it is seen on the mundane stage – so shall it be witnessed in families, businesses, communities and groups of humanity. Intergenerational conflicts will arise and the more dysfunctional the base it was built on – the more upheaval will be experienced in its sorting out. Conflicts over food and water resources will grow. The extremes of drought in some areas, fires and floods in others will add to this – we are watching an old age die – an age of violence and colonialism. Those who have benefitted from this and continue to exploit sections of humanity for their own greed will experience the greatest upheaval. This is certainly not a time to have all of your eggs in once basket.
Those days of enslavement and forced brutalisation of entire countries will fall and those doing the imposition will fall with them. Expect the old powers of england, germany, belgium, america, russia to fall apart as karma comes home to roost finally for their brutalisation and murder of countless millions of indigenous people around the world. It will be painful for it has been in place for centuries, however it is coming. The Saturn – Uranus squares will create conflict and sudden revolutionary changes and as this affects all continents of brutalisation and horror this will rise to be a global phenomenon. And is likely to become increasingly violent in its’ nature.

A new world is birthing – and all birthing is bloody, painful and visceral. The birth of a new age is no different. Gaia is birthing herself anew and taking those who are ready with her. The mothers body goes through deep and powerful hormonal changes as she prepares – we are witnessing Gaia’s body do the same. And yet what do we experience at the end? Joy and delight at the new way of being. It is difficult however it is just a process and we all chose to be here for it. Trust that. The phoenix will rise from the ashes and new life will begin.
In mid January the Jupiter square Uranus will lead to amplified and exaggerated upheaval in determining where we need to claim or reclaim our power and lives. Tempers will be short and decisions made in the new energies of what is right for me – as we step away from the old energies faster now – will clash with what others perceive we ‘should’ be doing for family and the old symbol of country. Tolerance for what no longer works on the personal and the collective will be very low indeed at this time and much will be overturned and discarded. Any attempt by leaders to strong arm their populations into ‘obeying’ directives will be met with hostility at this time and as January 20th rolls around an alignment between Mars, Black Moon Lilith, Uranus with Jupiter and Saturn will likely lead to clashes between governments and populations, corporations and civilians, and politicians turning the knives on each other yet again. They really are a tawdry class of human after all.
Commencing mid February and continuing on the Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus [three hits will occur – another in mid June and the final one at December’s end] will add to our uncompromising and forceful forward evolution. This alignment sets one of the major tones for 2021 and will be added to during the year with other planetary impacts. It will have us fight fiercely and obstinately for what we believe and willing to push the obstacles out of the way as we write a new future.

We will see the continuing polarisation between the old and the new. The conservative vs the progressive with Saturn favouring the status quo and Uranus urging us to change. The tensions in society will increase – between old economies and new innovations as people navigate around them to suit themselves and banks and corporations are turned away from. Between capitalism and socialism. Between the sacrifice of the many for the greed of the few and those demanding equality and justice for all. Between cronyism and protectionism and egalitarianism, between ecology and economy [particularly as this will be fed by climate, seismic and pollution emergencies with Uranus in earth based Taurus] – and this tension can become so great, civil tensions could explode – even – in the case of america – civil war is a real possibility. Extremists will come out of the woodwork this year I promise you – from the religious nutbags saying god is coming to smite us all and the ecological zealots who predict another type of doom and gloom.
China will continue to pose a threat to the world. Its economy was overblown badly when the virus hit. The black banking economy of china was a disaster waiting to unfold. Their only solution to this in 2019 was to move to an internal consumer based economy – rather than being dependent upon the world buying everything as it had been. The virus has put a staggering halt to that – despite their protestations of continued growth. By June 2020 over 3 million businesses in china had gone out of business. By December the economy was in free fall – and the vast loss of crops due to the worst floods in over 100 years has not helped at all. That bastion of evil – the ccp – ordered the chinese mega banks to forgo all profits this year and that chicken will come home to roost this year.

The retrograde movements next year commence with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn from April 27th, Saturn in Aquarius from May 23rd, Jupiter in Aquarius from June 20th, Neptune in Pisces from June 25th, and Uranus in Taurus from August 19th. Mercury stations retro from January 30th to February 20th, again from May 29th to June 22nd and again from September 26th to October 18th. These reflective periods will continually have us reassess our progress, what is working and what is not and what needs to be released that stands in the way of our forward movement into the Aquarian age.
We will emerge from each of these more determined to bring about the changes for ourselves and the collective and we will be more combative about this than usual as profound change will have us more anxious and yet curious about what is emerging and our determination to create a new and better future. In the end we will be inclined to boldly go where no one has gone before to achieve our ends.

This year of 2021 is a universal near of 5 in Numerology. This symbolises a period of intense transition and immense changes.
You can work out your personal year number by taking the day you were born on, the number of the month you were born in and adding those numbers to the 5 of 2021. E.G. – I was born on the 11th day of the 7th month and add that to the 5 of 2021 – means my numbers add up as 11 + 7 + 5 = 23 and 2+ 3 = 5
So my personal year is also 5. Normally when you add the numbers you do it as a single digit except for 11 and 22 – which are master numbers and are added as they are. [it works out the same anyway however it is what it is lol]
Universal Year 5
In a 5 year of immense change – it is mid cycle really – and we are often more inclined to make the necessary changes we have considered over the past 4 years as we watch our choices unfold and are now ready to tweak or radically alter what is needed to change the trajectory over the next 4 years after this one that bring us to completion. We are ready to stretch and shake the dead wood out of the tree – to lean hard in whatever direction we have ascertained for our future.
We have analysed some of this for a while and may still be tempted to persevere with some things but in truth we will be inclined to break open what needs to opened now so as to realign it for the next 4 years. We will have worked some things out about what doesn’t suit us in the 4 year of 2020 and now is the time to break that down. In doing this we will draw more appropriate things to our path that suit us better – however we are still in the middle of the cycle of 9 and it is best not to go overboard lol. However yes – a year of adventure, freedom, learning, change, progress and advancement awaits for all and for any in a personal 5 year. To not fix what is broken but to make what is broken obsolete by thinking outside the box.
It is interesting how powerfully the planetary 5 year coincides with humanities journey unfolding right now. It is a year to think on your feet, be resourceful and innovative in your own expression of freedom and do not let anyone else tell you what that looks like. Smack in the middle of your 9 year cycle you can look back on the old while feeling what is right now and understanding and trusting your intuition for the future. This is always a year of change of perception and reality so go with the flow.
Planetarily and personally it is a year of profound change and opportunities opening that have not even been considered before. Keep the mind and the heart open and focused on what matters – people and love – and you will not get it wrong – whichever way you go. And there will be much to choose from this year – simply ensure they follow the intuition of the awakened heart and not temporary escape or personal whims. Focus on what matters or one could get lost and bogged down in possibilities. The anxiety that comes with the coming year’s profound changes can have that happen if one is not careful.
The horizons open this year and will do so more readily if you are not afraid to cut away all that no longer works – don’t be afraid to do this. Doors closed open other doors – it is quite simple. And stay focused in doing this – it is not done in a devil may care way – it is done consciously to ensure the path ahead offers you the best opportunities for growth and success.
Inspiration is strong this year as is the intuition – focus is required to examine all and pick the few best options. Do not carry on flirting with everything – consider hard – ruthlessly cut away – then plant the seeds of what you intuit is right deeply now to grow powerfully for the next four years. Take the plunge – you have learned a lot over the past four years – this is just pruning.
Communication is king this year. Be prepared to hear a few home truths from people you respect and you will find them liberating as you move forward. If you have been sitting on things that need to have been said – sit no longer – now is the time for truth. You will intuitively know who to speak to and what to say and it will surprise you how different this will be this year and how your priorities have changed.
Relationships that have reached their use by date will be dissolved this year. Across the board between people and between nations and between groups. Any relationship started this universal year of 5 needs to stand the test of time and I would make no commitments to any cause before the year 6 arrives. In business do not be more than you can afford to lose and while risks can be good – be mindful of that. Unconventional thinking abounds in a 5 year and that in itself can provide impetus for new life in tired things. Trust in allah and tie up your camels kind of thing lol.
In a 5 year life continually and surprisingly offers the ability to think around corners and outside the box. Pay attention to all things and if the playing field moves or becomes a new game then change your jersey and move on. Stay in your own creative centre in the face of 2021’s insanity and always remember you can depend on yourself. This is a year of setting things in motion however you may not necessarily commit until you see which way the wind blows on some subjects. Keep your wits and sense of humour about you.
This year will pass quickly as many things will be being juggled and at times it may seem as through the world is on the point of breaking down – however that is usually an indicator that things are about to break through. However it unfolds it will be one to be remembered and you will certainly know you have been more than alive through it lol.
Personal Year Numbers 1 – 9

In a 1 year [refer to the calculations above] a new cycle begins – keywords are self oriented, focused, breaking through, strong, physical, on the go, confident. New doors and experiences unfold taking you in new and interesting directions. You will take leaps of faith and boldly go where you have not been before.
In a 2 year you are knuckling down and joining the dots, forming connections with those who will help along the way, developing staying power and focus on the miniature of what you are creating. A weaving of the tapestry of lessons from the past and people in the present and visions of the future. Key words – sensitivity, cooperation, diplomacy, connectivity, adaptability.
In a 3 year you are looking to future peace and contentment and what you want for the future matters to you. This will be your focus and your determination to put things in place to provide for the future is quite strong. Key words – optimistic and artistic, friendly and warm, expressive and out there, searching and creating.
In a 4 year you are knuckling down in the cycle now and your vision for your future is clear and you have learned to prioritise your life to get there. Willing to sacrifice in the short term for the long term goal and your vision reflecting your values is important to you. Key words – focused and disciplined, conservative and practical, reliable and reasonable.
In a 5 year read above. And be ready for change in all areas
In a 6 year we look to matters of the heart and the yearning to settle down or rewrite your partnership is strong. Family matters this year as does the home and security, health and well being, education and the larger picture of your life, awareness of what are you and what is your life and meaning all come in now. Key words – responsibility and reassurance, strength and security, love and balance, healing and health.
In a 7 year we become more reflective and withdraw within to consider life – the universe – everything. Solitude and privacy become more important as we reflect on the existential norms of our reality. Wisdom unfolds, truth becomes apparent, fulfilment in dignity are at ease. Key words – intelligent and intuitive, spacious and spiritual, reserved and relinquishing, knowledge and analysis.
In an 8 year you will begin to question your life path and where you are at. Everything will be up for analysis and it is important to not act impulsively this year – simply reflect well and observe what is no longer working. It is a time of stepping in to power. Of rewards. Key words – realistic and powerful, detached and determined, fearless and forward moving.
In a 9 year you come to the end of a cycle and this has you wind up unfinished business, see things from a greater distance, cut cords where you need to, resolve all things in readiness for the next cycle. Key words – idealism and altruism, detached and devoted, holistic and humane.
In an 11 year [master number] you are on fire now. Intuitive, intelligent, you are ready to take charge of your personal existence in super-charged ways. You will trust yourself and synchronicities will abound this year. Sorting the wheat from the chaff is easy now. Key words – charisma and energy, dreams and discernment, intuition and inspiration.
In a 22 year you are the master creator of your world and existence and it belongs to you on many levels. Anything you set your mind to you can achieve in this year and ambitious projects will flourish. Key words – leadership and lofty ideals, surgical success, innovative genius.
Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui
For the Year of the Metal Ox
Flying Stars

Feng Fest for 2021
Year of the Metal Ox
Well what a year 2020 has turned out to be – fitting well the astrological paradigms of this remarkable time on planet Earth. The world has changed forever – in some ways overtly obvious and in other ways deeper but more hidden as we move to the Age of Aquarius before the Year of the Metal Ox begins on February 4th 2021.
We will be holding our annual Feng Fest 2021 at the Duke of Brunswick Hotel in Adelaide on the 23rd January 2021. Numbers will be limited to the covid safe restrictions that are applicable at the venue, so book early at the link below, to ensure your place at this annual event of preparing your home and business for best outcome regarding your health, wealth, relationships and wellbeing for 2021.
The Year of the Rat just coming to a close which signifies renewal and the opportunity to evolve and have success in new ventures has certainly provided that however not in the ways anyone anticipated – however despite appearances to the contrary – we have indeed been offered an opportunity to change the world for the better.
As we now enter the year of the Yin Metal Ox [each chinese zodiac year is influenced by one of the five elements also] the message is pretty clear. Success is here – for those who are willing to those who work really hard. Yin Metal symbolises the lungs so as we continue to wrestle with the global pandemic – irrespective of what you believe about that – it is important to have plenty of fresh air and practice basic hygiene, while boosting your immune system, to care for yourself and your loved ones well. The Yin energy will have us feel the weight of our responsibilities this year also. To double down on our efforts to achieve anything and if we do – we will do well.

You can join us at this link –
This is a practical, productive, traditional, hardworking and dutiful sign. Reflect on the Ox and its utilisation in mankind’s endeavours. We will focus on what is in front of us and ignore the chaos unfolding around us and that is the best course of action this year. A yin energy that is focused passively within in receptivity and also associated with the lungs which is interesting in the ongoing communist party virus
The global allocation of the Flying Stars for 2021 indicates that some countries will do more favourable than others in the year of change and movement. Most nations will be preoccupied with attempts to rebuild after 2020 however it may be – that other interesting things are offered to humanity to deal with. Countries negatively influenced by the flying stars are south east asia, India, southwest USA, Canada, Russia. Favourable influences benefit Europe, Australia, South America, Africa, Japan and China.
If you apply yourself this coming year and are hard working and focused then 2021 will pay dividends personally and business wise and in doing this be generous and creative with your talents. Those who plan to cruise through this year will not do well in the same way. The ox is a hard working animal – pay attention to that. If you are prepared to apply yourself and be flexible then all animal signs will benefit from this. There is a fair amount of hostility around as well so you will do better to find compromise and utilise patience rather than going into conflict.
The year of the Yin Metal Ox is a great one for marriage and partnerships and families – it is an auspicious year to marry and if you are single and looking? Then trust this may be your year to meet someone special. If you are already in a relationship it is a great year to add some romance and greater awareness of your partner and this will bring great results. Let your family be the guide for all your decisions this year – it will benefit all. Colours this year are red and green to provide the energies needed to balance out the elements and ensure good luck.
So understanding how the Flying Stars lie as they enter your home this year – what it means – what are the cures for the negative stars and the enhancers for the good stars – is important to allow you to maximise the opportunities that await in 2021. We do the annual Feng Fest each year to allow you to understand what it means for you personally, to take advantage of what lies ahead for your sign and your home.
It will be important to have all this information, to allow you to prepare and maximise the energies, to declutter your house in readiness – to spring clean before the 4th February – to fill the house with flowers and have your bag of oranges ready to roll into your house on that auspicious day.
Feng Shui examines the characteristics of the Qi energy of the year ahead – is it cheerful or angry or other influences. Metal energy indicates change and significant shifts in economic outlook – possibly changes in the way the economy works. Big change is afoot this year – no matter which system you look at it from – it is simply useful to be aware of energies are out there.
The Metal Ox year brings good friends and also formidable foes so we will see an uptick of polarity this year also. Competition will be tough however with good friends and allies and a willingness to remain focused and disciplined then all can do well. work at your alliances and friendships – the last few years have seen a big clearing of the deck of toxic relationships – and those left are worth keeping this year – a lost friend can make a formidable enemy this year. Just be mindful of co-operation as it will serve you much better than thoughtlessly alienating peeps with careless words – skins are thin, memories are long and grudges held in 2021.
Animal Signs

Ox people 97, 85, 73, 61, 49, 37. A year of conflict in which things start difficult before resolved. Partnerships are helpful for the Ox peep. Not a year to gamble or speculate. For work anything to do with metals or consulting augers well, Money comes from hard work, love life is flat and steady and re your health you are susceptible to many illnesses – especially colds and flu so take appropriate precautions. Exercise and rest are important.
Tiger people 98, 86, 74, 62, 50, 38. This is a spiritual year for you and your mind is open to learning and is analytical and sharp. Your money cycle is stable and you may feel lonely this year. It is a good time to further your education and training in spiritual matters or analytical work will auger well. There may be opportunities to improve your finances however only follow trusted sources. Your overall relationships will be stable however isolation is a thing this year. Your health cycle is good however do not over work this year.
Rabbit people 99, 87, 75, 63, 51, 39. Luck is a good thing for you this year and you flourish in interactions with others. Marketing is a boom for your this year and anything to do with entertainment and consulting will flourish. Your income is stable and your reputation will grow. You will have good relationships with others however need to watch a possible wandering eye. Your health is good over all however good living may challenge your liver or gall bladder.
Dragon people 2000, 88, 76, 64, 52, 40. You may have some conflicts with the Ox and could be seen as argumentative this year however luck is with you to help you out of trouble. Your intuition is strong so listen to it well. Your creative juices are strong this year and it would be a good year to write, paint, or any other creative pursuit. Your problem solving ability is up and any consulting or advisory work is in your favour. Also demolitions. Your income may fluctuate this year however the luck on your side will help. Be mindful of conflict with others and find ways to be peaceful. Not a year for marriage. You may be prone to accidents so take your time in all things this year and drive with caution. Your health is good this year and your energy will be generally high.
Snake people – 2001, 89, 77, 65, 53, 40. A good year bringing luck in all areas of life. New opportunities and connections through social activities abound. Avoid disputes and luck is with you. Social and family relationships are well aspected and some snakes may get married this year. Career can have challenges however team work improves outlooks here. Promotions are likely if this is harnessed. Finances are stable and extra money can be found however keep purchases to issues around your home. Do not invest in the stock market. And avoid get rich quick schemes. Your health is generally good however keep up your immune boost things in winter.
Horse people – 2002, 90, 78, 66, 54, 42, 30. Conflicts with the Ox can happen and beware of people issues generally. Romantic relationships should do well and these may lead to work situations improving. Politics and management can also be auspicious for you. Financially you should do well although gambling or speculation are not favoured. Although romance is highlighted there may be problems in other relationships this year and conflict is a possibility. Be mindful as this could destabilise romantic relationships. With your health be careful of heights and drive with caution, take your time doing things but apart from that your health is fine.
Sheep people – 2003, 91, 79, 67, 55, 43, 31. Opposite to the Ox you have a risk of losing money easily this year and do not gamble or speculate this year. Be creative with work and travel, logistics and development is highlighted. Be very careful with money and do not spend emotionally. Your relationships may be volatile and would benefit from care and mindfulness. Your health is not good this year and you can pick up all kinds of things going around. Boost your immune system and be mindful of not walking into dangerous situations. Get lots of rest.
Monkey people – 2004, 92, 80, 68, 56, 44, 32. Travel is highlighted this year or moving house. Education is also highlighted and there is happiness personally all around you. Work is favoured – particularly in movement of people and things or education, medicine or law. Wealth is proportional to your authority and the stronger you are the better you will do. Marriage and children are highlighted this year and health is good this year and the admonition is to stay active.
Rooster people – 23005, 93, 81, 69, 57, 45, 33. With a strong connection to the Ox this year it will bring many opportunities for help and financial rewards. Work in the financial sector is highlighted for this year and also medicine – particularly surgery. Money is strong and investment luck is good, work should be stable. Relationships with others are stable and romance and marriage are highlighted. Your health is good however watch for accidents with sharp objects and with driving.
Dog people – 1994, 82, 70, 58, 46, 34. Avoid conflict with the Ox and beware of legal issues, arguments and controversy. It is a spiritual year for you this year and your money signs are stable. In work government work or security are favoured as is public speaking and philosophy. Income is favoured however there is a sense of loneliness this year in relationships and you will have a tendency to argument. Try to detach more. Health is good and keeping busy is good for you.
Boar people – 1995, 83, 71, 59, 47, 35. Your money signs are good and spirituality is high. Travel is strong however be mindful of sharp objects and surgeries. Work is favoured in surgery, trading, logistics and education. Your finances are likely to be better than last year and your friendship circle is active. Your relationships are stable and enduring and your health is overall good. Again be mindful of accidents as a possibility and be aware.
Rat people – 1996, 84, 72, 60, 48, 36. This is a year when people can be of help to you in many areas. Income will improve over past years and romance and good people relationships auger well. Work is favoured with finances, accounting and human resources along with admin and management. Regular income is highlighted and team work brings good rewards. Health is not good and there is a tendency to get sick easily particularly with stomach or bowels issues. Counter this with the usual feng shui cures.

Trust dear ones. It is going to get hectic. Many of you that are awakening early – over protracted periods of time – have come from lives in which abuse was common, alienation and ostracization in the family was the norm. It occurred because that which you heal for yourself you heal for the race mind and also the debt and energetic enslavers saw you coming and ensured you were surrounded by energies that would attempt to crush you. Traumatic and hostile environments. Sometimes they succeeded – if you are reading this – they clearly did not and that which did not kill you makes you strong indeed. During our adult years we have addressed the consequences and it is the long dark night of the soul that must be endured to reach the light.
This world is a dark mess of pain and trauma and it is all turning around now – trust this. You each have walked it and have become the experts in recovery and the path home. More of your energy centres are awakening and vibrating faster as your access to them grows. From the Earth Chakra beneath your feet up through the ones you are familiar with in your form – from the root to the crown. Then the Soul Star Chakra, the Universal Chakra, the Galactic Chakra and the Divine Gateway Chakra. It goes on of course but these are now accessible to all.
These wheels are responsible for transmitting energy through the body and when that is flowing smoothly, we are open and balanced – healthy and clear. The Earth Star one is below your feet and is responsible for our connection to Gaia. The Crown is for enlightenment. The Soul Star is above the head and is the seat of the soul on the stellar pathway and allows for higher energies to be drawn in for the awakening. Above that is the Universal Chakra – that is for connecting us to the energetic system that connects all life systems and vibrations. Above that is the Galalctic Chakra – the channel for prophecy and allows us to communicate with higher energies and energetic and spiritual healing. Above that is the Divine Gateway Chakra and is the pinnacle of your human experience and aids in complete ascension and opens other worlds for exploration and time travel.
As the love and light flow through these chakras or wheels then all that is of non-light is released and your system functions more clearly and openly.
It is important to know that you are love and are dearly loved through these wheels of light. This earth is supported profoundly during these transitions and as you evolve you can more can see that which surrounds the earth. What is unfolding can be frightening however the war is over and the battle is just now playing out.
At the Healing Ground Collective we offer meditations and course work that is designed to assist you to awaken to your full potential. To become aware of your extended reality and skills on how to work in new ways as your vibration increases and your awakening unfolds
You can join us here at

Be still. Be Zen. Be Love. It is enough.
Prue Blackmore

Prue is a Transpersonal Counsellor, Art Therapist and Shamanic Practitioner.
Prue has had over 30 year’s experience as a registered nurse in psychiatry and mental health, and has specialised in developmental psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, transpersonal counseling, trauma resolution and depth process work. She is also a qualified psychodynamic body worker and Lomi Lomi practitioner.
She has founded and taught in institutes and businesses that maximize human potential.
She works across the spectrum of life issues, transitions and crisis’ from conception to dying and death.
Her philosophy for healing is drawn from a wide and varied journey and she takes an eclectic approach. She uses mainstream models of healing as well as myth and ritual, ceremony, energetic and shamanic techniques. She has walked and trained in the Shaman’s path for over 20 years also.
Prue has a clear awareness that we are creatures of limitless potential, existing across multiple streams of consciousness. She facilitates a process of accessing these resources for use in the ‘here and now’ moment of the clients’ journey.
For info and bookings contact
Prue on 0419 819 089
Email: prue.blackmore@thrivebydesign.com.au
Or visit: www.thrivebydesign.com.au
Prue’s background in mental health, transpersonal therapies, shamanic healing, body work and art therapies, equip her well for individual and group work designed to move us powerfully to living authentic lives.
She facilitates Ritual, Myth and Healing, Body as Therapy, Eve-olution – a Women’s Initiation, Reclaiming the Shadow, Whole Being Healing, Conscious Parenting for the Child and Family, Pathway Mapping, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Sweat Lodges, Children’s Circle, Meditations, runs a blog and a variety of other programmes that facilitate healing and growth – from one on one sessions, group intensives and webinar series.