Meditation to be held at 7pm on February 20th at 7pm [ moonrise 5.38p,]
Moon in Pisces 20th Feb 2023
5.35 pm [ACDT]
Meditation to be held at 7pm on the 20th. You can join us here.

And so we have journeyed through a relatively peaceful month re the stars influence over our lives however all of that is about to change come March. We can all feel the rumblings of coming cosmic chaos and March will be pivotal in setting the tone for the rest of the year. Willingly or not we are all kind of unconsciously preparing – working out where we stand and what matters to us.
There was a very powerful Full Moon in Leo last weekend with a strong and erratic square to Uranus [think sudden shocks – earthquakes, storms, eruptions from the sun and magnetosphere shifts]] followed closely by the earthquakes of turkey and syria as we are all shaken out of our comfort zone – witnessing the ever increasing chaos in the outer ant world, in its obsession with greed and power and the cult of celebrity.
This taps into the world of nations and kings and the new robber baron ceo – rising and falling and the people of the world becoming intractably bored with the insanity of it. Accountability and reckoning are coming with these energies. And these energies will roll out now in the coming months and even years as Saturn enters Pisces in March as does Pluto enter Aquarius. Heralding a new era of creativity and power to the people ensuring the importance of freedom to express yourself in alignment with your core values and humility.

Venus continues her sojourn through watery Pisces until the New Moon in Pisces on the 20th and here she supports much heart expansion into agape – the spiritual love of all life and transcendent compassion. It allows for a gentling of our judgements of self projected onto others and see we are all fighting the same battle within. To be aware of the suffering of all and to release separation and victimhood and the inevitable helplessness that flows. And on the 15th we had a mystical conjunction between Venus and Neptune – the blending of eros and agape – human love with spiritual love – that allows hearts of open and kindness to all.
When Venus moves into Aries at the New Moon – its best gift is emotional truth. The assertive enlivenment of Aries with the open heart of Venus our authentic self will rise and encourage us to be vulnerable enough to speak our truth to those that matter. It actually encourages us to own our own feelings – to be responsible for them – to accept our values – our likes an dislikes.
Mars continues his long sojourn through Gemini all of February – moving to Cancer on the 25th of March for a two month journey here. Assertive and forceful Mars’s move into the intuitive emotional sign of Cancer will have us feel like we want something – without any idea what it is – but we will be prepared to fight for it.

On the 19th the Sun – our star – moves into Pisces – and our leaning towards altruism and exploration of the inner realms moves with it. Pisces rules Agape – selfless love – empathy, devotion and wisdom – as the last and culmination sign of the Zodiac. Its shadow can lead us down the self-pity and escapist path if we are not careful – victimhood and passivity – so choose wisely dear ones. Let the universal correlation points available here guide you well.
The two fish – material and spiritual – swimming in opposite directions here – the yin and yang of life rely on each other as part of the same whole and we must learn to accept all facets of self now and choose how we want to be without projection. The combination reminds us that the acceptance of all will return us to wholeness. Patterns – closures – issues and clarity from the past 12 months – before the cycle begins again with the new moon in Aries to come. This is a time of surrender – of process – so let go of all that no longer nourishes and sustains you. There is a new world growing under our collective soul’s experience and opportunities for transformation and the evolution of consciousness will expand in new and surprising ways so follow the synchronicities focusing on being here now and connected to your heart and to Gaia.
The collapse is accelerating and cannot grow with the current outdated and dark structures so know that the coming big shakeups are necessary. One of the challenges at this time can be addiction – strongly link to the Piscean wish to escape the harsh realities of what is unfolding – be mindful of this.

And then on the 20th a beautiful New Moon in Pisces carries us into new beginnings. This is the third new moon we have had at 1 degree of a particular sign and this points to big new adventures. It is also making an out of sign conjunction with Saturn – reminiscent of when it first arrived in Aquarius and this will give us a taste of the upcoming Saturn in Pisces transit. The manifestation possibilities here will make the surreal more real – if we are prepared to do the work that Saturn requires.
This moon signals the turning to winter here in the southern hemisphere and it is time to relinquish the need to control the uncontrollable and live more in the moment – aware of your larger reality. Living with the guidance of the source that you are. It is about where do you allow your mind to go – changing perceptions from fear to love – from the past and future to dwelling in the moment in grace and acceptance. This matters because this New Moon in Pisces precedes the major planetary transit of Saturn entering Pisces on March 7th. This incredible and palpable event carries us for nearly three years through the most mystical sign of the Zodiac and will initiate a genuine spiritual renaissance on Gaia.
During this New Moon in Pisces phase you may have an issue come to the surface where you will either need to deal with it finally or get more information and step back and allow it to stand with a new perspective. As with the fish swimming in opposite directions between the light and the dark you may find yourself fluctuating between both options – if so wait until it feels right.
During this moon phase we are all encouraged to empty our mind of the monkey chatter. To let go of plans and rules in this dreamy and powerful energy of change and new beginnings and old endings – and sink within for answers. To exist – to be guided by our intuition and the flux of the energies around us. This level of surrender – after asking – what do I need to know here – can be powerful and open us to the magic and peace.
And the other forces at play at this moon [Saturn] are also asking us to create grounded structure and to begin what we want to achieve – the yin and yang at this moon again. The Spiritual of Pisces and the material of Saturn. The object is to navigate both towards infusion and wisdom. Duality is the theme her dear ones and we are being guided to find the balance between holding on and letting go and to trust we will arrive exactly where we need to be.
Fomalhaut – the fixed star influence here until the 24th is one of the four Royal stars of astrology who mark the four directions and weave powerful influences. The gatekeeper of the South – the place of the door to all other worlds and realms and the place of our medicine and ancestors – it represents transformation and rebirth in the great wheel turning.
And then to finish the month – we have from the 25th to the 28th – we have Jupiter [11 degrees] conjunct Chiron [13 degrees] in Aries and will complete on March 3rd to 15th with Venus in Aries aligning here also. Any unprocessed pain and unresolved old baggage playing out here can be addressed now to create healthier relationship patterns. Work with your vulnerabilities now for Jupiter will shine the spotlight on them for easier access. Old wounds of childhood could surface at this time and if so – it is important to pay attention and work on any residual feelings for healing.

So February remains a preparatory month before the big change next month that includes Pluto entering Aquarius after a long and painful sojourn through Capricorn. It was painful because not only was it transforming and shaking up those peeps born here since 2008 – it has been shaking up all the Capricorn authority institutions – corporations of pharma, telecommunications, tech, medical, legal and govt. And while we get an initial taste of what the transformation of humanity will look like here – he comes crashing back to Capricorn from July to December to finish the job in those institutions and it will be an interesting time from then.
Humanity stands on the precipice of great challenge and extraordinary potential so if you are noticing things ending and changing now in your own world it is for the good of you. Humans will need to be very mindful about which of the Gaia’s you want to come out on for there is a constant stream of stepping between realities now and most don’t even know when they are doing it. A world of ruin and human and animal depletion? Or a Gaia of peace and harmony and respect and love for all. I know it sounds weird however the polarisation is continuing between love and fear so be mindful where you direct your attention and emotion. These are weird, multi portal, multi dimensional times.
The two behemoths of change will assist us to do it well. Orbiting through the signs of world service and dreaming potential and possibility of Aquarius and Pisces – we are called to understand our common humanity and the interdependence of all life on earth as we reach for our galactic heritage as we reach for the stars. The journey begins in earnest here and the revelations will be profound as we finally begin to understand the truth of what it is to be human. To boldly go where no human has been before – to quote a dreamer indeed.

And then on March 7th 2023 Saturn enters in Pisces where it will remain until February 14th 2026. Lord of Karma – time – responsibility – in each sign it ensures that checks and balances are paid in full and if you have done well through the Aquarian transit then now is the time you will receive your rewards. Saturn here means boundaries play a powerful role and as you develop them all of your relationships will be elevated. This is the last sign of the zodiac and so it points to the completion also of a bigger cycle indeed.
And Pisces is about the collective so our collective chickens come home to roost here dear ones and the wakeup call is coming as Saturn requires us to be accountable for our collective actions on the planet. Consider it thus – Pisces is the water and Saturn is the dam. Are you going to find that productive or controlling? Up to you and your choices. However if you work in a creative, spiritual, inventive or service to others field Saturn can take all of those nebulous fields and ground them so you can build something powerful with them.
It also means the powerful religions that manipulate humanity are in for a real and shocking adjustment and rebalancing as their egregious acts are called for accounting. This will also apply to the “wellness industry” in all of its forms – from coaching to therapy and the pursuit of ‘happiness’ – to the mumbo jumbo of pretend shamanism [the “I did a weekend workshop once and took some drugs” approach lol] and other sophistry of manipulating the desperately searching – where the snake oil merchants and charlatans have flocked like a murder of crows – and why is this so? Because that is where the money is dear ones and the false gurus are rising as a force. Anyone not being honest or in fact being damaging here is in for an equally powerful and painful adjustment under this alignment.
Whatever issues Saturn in Pisces will bring you – trust that area of your life to be challenged now – we are all in for some profound learning now and if you pay attention from a loving and humble heart then we can emerge from this wiser and more in alignment with your authenticity and soul’s journey. I will go into this in more detail and also talk of Pluto’s slide into Aquarius next time and in the meantime – do your best to be kind to all you encounter. It actually matters as much for you as it does for them remember.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. She has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 25 years now.
Working with all facets of existence from conception to dying and death Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue and move them out of the field to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at