Keep the Faith
Well lovely ones – it all a bit much at the moment isn’t it. Watching the implosion begin in america. Insurgents being shepparded into the capitol, by police who were taking selfies with the rioters. New variant strains of the plague [an invisible enemy is so handy to the game lol] forcing place after place into lockdown. Health systems getting overwhelmed by the dying. The relentless media hysteria about it – just like in the war on terror. Ramping up of fear in readiness for the dna altering vaccine – designed to prevent the full flowering of the 12 strands.
It is designed to keep you in a total state of fear – which lowers your vibration and your immune systems making you easier to manipulate. This is very deliberate – please remember this. Understand this though. These very days of isolation and lack and inability to enjoy your lives – which are designed to have you accept the vaccine in order to go back to normal – is doing something else.

This vaccine – the patents for which – in terms of corona virus patents – have been held by players since 2003 – which as far as we know so far – won’t stop you getting the virus, won’t stop you giving it to others, will still require you to wear masks, stay socially distanced and be tracked where ever you go, which has a high rate of serious side effects, made by a company that has never made a medicine or vaccine before – really does have one question – why have it? If not to fulfil a darker agenda?
However a bit like the lock down effect though – all of this is having interesting side effects. The first wave of awakening arrived on the 21st 12th 2020. There will be many more arriving irregularly. We will integrate the energies in between the waves. We are seeing more clearly. One of the unexpected consequences of the first lockdown was that people realised how mad and empty their lives were before all this.
As the screws are tightened again – as they will be soon – one of the unexpected consequences is that it will have people straining at the bit – restless and eventually bored with the drama – enough to stand up and say no. To all of it. Particularly as further corruption continues to be exposed. Some will want to go out on the streets and protest – some will channel and write or speak what they receive – some will quietly meditate and let go. All are perfect for each Soul’s journey.

Each of these activities will help others awaken from the sleepwalking as they are meant to do. It will anger many who choose not to waken – who will choose to stay in a 3D reality. Even though it looks as though things are getting worse – remember – it was explained that this is how it would be – that as more light floods in and more people awaken then the corruption and manipulation would be harder to hide.
The more light comes in – the more the dark tries to hang on – the greater constraints they put on the people – the more the people rise up. And so it goes and it is always darkest before the dawn. This very effort to contain and subjugate you is the very catalyst for change. So look to yourselves dear ones. Do not attempt to convince anyone of anything remember – go within and overcome your own doubts and fears. Where ever possible spend time in nature. Call on all that loves and supports you on every level of your being to support you now – to remain detached, in the moment and in love.
The patterns are changing – the systems are collapsing – stay centred as this unfolds. It will become harder for the institutions of the old vibrations and the people who continue to dwell in fear to go on – without going somewhat mad. During these changes some people will feel better and lighter than they ever have and others – not yet awakening – will feel like they are n a living nightmare. It will be hard for them to accept some of the material that will be disclosed along the way.
It is just the boils that have to be lanced – its messy at first and then the flesh heals and we move on. From the ground up. In unity and equality and mutual respect for all. Please hold that thought – no matter how dark it gets first. Keep the faith. The old vibrations will simply not be able to survive within the light.

At this extraordinary time – nothing is fixed. If you pay attention you can actually feel time lines shift and slip as you focus. Morphing and melding as we all work out what we are doing and when lol. Its subtle for some – invisible to others – quite palpable if you focus. For as the dimensions are colliding now and as the light waves continue to roll in – all time lines are collapsing.
It is why it is so important to be in each moment – now – creating – in love and joy. For as you do this in this fluid environment energetically so to do you then lock down the creative life you want. Practice it – all the time – being here now – in love – it will bring you forward rapidly – rather than dwelling in fear and anger – as they are desperately trying to get you to do.
Allow compassion to guide you – for everything you see. Yes many are caught in the pain – look at america – that place of the best and the worst – do not judge any of them – what pain must you be in to participate in what is unfolding – and they too are caught by the machine – being fed lies on both sides to keep them inflamed. When we pla, we narrow our field of possibility with our mind and emotions. When we choose not to the opposite is true. So in this fluid state – choose wisely. Choose love – I cannot stress how important this is for your own and humanities future.
Make peace with yourself – on every level of your being – so that the vast ocean of octaves that you are can become calm and settled waters – that you can navigate easily – as the magical child. This allows you to keep your defences down and to continue to dance on the moving carpet floating on the ocean of possibility – entranced with it all – becoming increasingly aware that the simulation you have all been enslaved in – is just that – a programmed focus of the mind and emotions – designed to keep you small lol.

Be present to every breath – to every feeling – to every thought form – with love – and through this you will set yourself free and rebirth yourself into the Soul infused in form – the temple of light – accountable for yourself and nothing else – accepting fully of yourself in grace – meaning you can no longer be manipulated by any system of your overlords of control may wish to invoke – in their illusion wound around you of ‘freedom’ lol.
We are the holographic song of Gaia – holding all within – all possibility and probability – so open – in love – to they dance of joy and genuine freedom – dwelling in the wisdom of the awakened diamond heart – dissolving and reforming constantly – all boundaries – merging with the divine that you are – a thread and the complete tapestry – sacred geometry – living liquid crystal of genetic expression – Dragon seal of power of inner strength – with all the courage, resilience, grace and ruthless compassion – of all that it is to be human and divine.
Awake and free in the Unknowingness of Being.
And so it is