Full Moon in Cancer January 7th 2023 at 9.37 am ACDT
Meditation to be held at 7pm January 7th 2023
We begin the new year on a somewhat sombre note. The cold reality of the Sun in Capricorn with a recent new moon here however with Mercury, Venus and Pluto here joining in a rare conjunction to start the year – expect truth and consequence to rule as we begin. This alignment will shine the spotlight on our relationships, money and beauty – before Mercury enters the underworld.
We also have Jupiter in Aries to set the tone for the year ahead until May and so innovation and entrepreneurial pursuits are powerfully encouraged here and whatever you are doing – the first six months is the time to get it all in motion. Then when it enters Taurus post this it will help us build the foundation in reality,
And the year begins with Saturn still in Aquarius. Taking roughly 30 years to complete a circuit of the zodiac spending around two and a half years in each sign – Saturn here initiated our entry into the Age of Aquarius it exalted us to the freedom of personal responsibility in service to the collective social conscience. As both Saturn and Pluto move signs this year the powerful endings that we are witnessing will reach a crescendo in the second half of the year ahead. It is going to be a big clean up next year and it will not be pretty is my sense of it but we are all ready now.

On the 29th Mercury stationed retrograde in Capricorn having been here most of December. Your mind will have been focused on what you need to do to build structure to get the job done. This retrograde may send many back to the drawing board to double check, to rewrite where needed and change plans if required – or give insights into how to tie up loose ends and double down for success. Here until the 18th before moving signs on the 11th February this is a powerful time to review all the big plans you have made for the year ahead. Practical and organised you will now be in a position to make any redactions or revisions to ensure you cross that bridge to your new future with ease.
Joining Mars retrograde in Gemini – together these planets can really slow us down – have us have clouded thinking and unsure what to do to move forward so take your time – think slowly and clearly and approach decisions from a place of calm and rational centredness. Mind how you express yourself at this time. To whom and about what. Mars here has a lot of heated emotions being held in check and our tolerance for the airy fairy is low and therefore easy to say something you will come to regret. Just be mindful of not adhering to rigid plans and allow the right brain to offer more poetic options.
On the 3rd January we have Venus moving into Aquarius and is here until the 26th. The planet of love and beauty supports the ideal of aquarian ideals of equality, social justice and community while enjoying those feelings within. We want and seek beauty and friendship while feeling somewhat liberated and confident for the future.

And then on the 7th we have the year’s first Full Moon in Cancer – watery and intuitive – Cancer rules the Mother and is the birthplace of humanity on the physical plane in esoteric astrology. The age of Cancer from 8,000 BC to 6,000 BC – from this perspective a great gate opened in the evolution of human consciousness when the light of spirit entered a more primal human to build the bridge home to source.
Alice Bailey states in The Labours of Hercules, “…Cancer is one of the two great gates of the zodiac. It is the gate into the world of forms, into physical incarnation and the sign wherein the duality of form and of soul is unified in the physical body.”
The second gate is Capricorn – the polar opposite of Cancer – representing human rising into a new reality and state of vibration and being releasing the soul from the confines of the physical world. The evolution of consciousness.
This journey from Cancer to Capricorn is the passage from mass consciousness to enlightened consciousness. Cancer rules the personality development allowing the form to become more responsive to the light through the emotional, mental and physical bodies and in particular during this cycle – the systems, patterns and illusions of the emotional body.
Cancer – the crab – represents the safety and security of the home – the paradoxical reality being that we all often feel trapped in our own bodies and identify with them as though we are that. We are not our bodies and we are not trapped within them however this is a limiting and powerful idea that needs to be overcome. We are tenants in these beautiful homes and like our physical homes it is could for us to care for them – to fill them with light and love for we did indeed create them with the soul’s assistance however we are not our bodies.
The keyword for Cancer is: “I build a lighted house and therein I dwell”
Uranus retro in Taurus plays a key part in this Full Moon’s energy and can bring positive developments in business, investments, finance et al. While usually a disrupter, here it has us longing for stability after a long and arduous journey over the past few years. Whenever Cancer is strong like this – the fierce protectiveness, courage and loyalty to loved ones that are synonymous with this sign are likely to rise and have us stand up for our loved ones now. It is likely to influence powerfully our attitudes for the year ahead. Self love and through you – the family and community you will build and hold onto this year.
Arriving at 16 degrees Cancer in Decan 2 and is very much at home here. It’s all about the family and parental support matters – it does make a difference to success now, so through this month, if you are a parent – be there for them in positive and encouraging ways – it is a great way for you all to begin. This is particularly true for families that have had trauma in their journey for this Moon can raise all kinds of childhood wounds that are still being cleared. However by addressing these and being supportive of your own children – even when they need to address issues with you – be present – it will lead to positive outcomes on all levels of being. And if a partner of someone going through this be equally supportive – for safe places, to allow someone to do the process, is something we all need at some point.
That this Full Moon rises smack in the middle of the Mars and Mercury retrograde and activation with Mercury here could raise the tension levels while we are looping through old patterns and behaviours while feeling somewhat stuck and confused. If you are aware of this it will help take the pressure off when it happens and it is seriously ok to slow down and contemplate before rushing into commitments or decisions when you feel pressured.
The Sabian symbol for this Moon is “the seed that grows into knowledge and life” suggesting growing and expansive awareness are all available here as the next season of our own evolution unfolds.
On January 12th Mars stations direct in Gemini having been retrograde here since October 30th 2022 and remains in this sign until March 26th 23 – an unusually long transit through this aspect of the zodiac. Gemini – the symbol of the seeking of balance between the spiritual and the material – particularly in how we communicate and connect with others. Mercury is Gemini’s ruling planet and with it retrograde at this point also and in alignment with Mars – in the recent past we may have struggled to find ways to express our true feelings. Not anymore and so this is a good time to express your truth and know that it will be heard now.
During this retro we may have often felt we have been beating our heads against a formidable wall. The ground sliding under our feet as we navigate a difficult path. Here until the Equinox in March – over the next few months our lives may be moved forward through the lens of neighbours or relatives, travel and transportation, education or media.
As we approach the end of the month the Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th with a New Moon here on the 21st in Aquarius [a very close alignment to the point of entry into Aquarius that occurred Dec 20th 2020] and the Chinese New Year of the Black Water Rabbit on the 22nd. Follow this link to the annual Feng Fest to prepare you well for health, wealth and happiness at home and in the office by enhancing the good stars for 2023 and dampening the harsh ones.

Our annual Feng Fest event will be held both in person at pre-cold levels and also via zoom – you can purchase tickets at this link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/feng-fest-2023-year-of-the-water-rabbit-tickets-480748771517
And then on the 22nd – Uranus in Taurus – the planet of explosive freedom and radical revolution for liberation – stations direct in the earth sign. Retrograde since August last year – the energy has already created wild fluctuations in the stock market and currencies, corporate crimes and those corrupt central banks. All is being seen now. With the liberative and inventive planet with the sign of money [and other things to do with security] we have seen the rise of crypto and the schwabb and the w.e.f. plan to digitally enslave the world. There was a big collapse during the retro period of one of these crypto ponzi schemes and the experiment will continue until the planet leaves this sign in three years. At this point all planets are stationing direct – which is a not so common experience.
This is a powerful year beginning. Spiritual and community focused. We need to go back to Pluto to fully understand it. Transiting a 246 year orbit around the sun – spending 14-15 years in each sign on average – except for now in Aquarius – starting this year – which will be for 22 years. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 – exposing the corruption of the final mad bush presidency – the trillions of dollars of tax payer stolen to bail out corrupt and greedy banks while the people who the money should have helped ended up on the streets in medical bankruptcy. And the corruption has continued to be exposed.
The empty men of empty eyes are surely indeed being exposed for what they are – and now as Capricorn – sign of authority and institutions – is getting ready to be left by Pluto this year – then the work that has gone on since them will come to pass – the collapse of corruption is upon us – exposure is real – and while it appears that the world is on the eve of destruction – we are in fact at the dawn of a new age indeed. Look to July this year for the rot to be exposed in earnest. Everyone is moving on from the thugs and bovver boys of politics and celebrity and it is here the worst exposing of foul corruption will unfold later this year. It is already beginning of course but will rise powerfully.
This is the year of transition and there are very real changes coming as the fortunes of man rise and fall and rise again. The challenges are complex and interwoven and the purveyors of propaganda peddling their lies to justify their madness will not let go easily – but this cannot be resisted. We are standing on the precipice of extraordinary and immense change in the presence of interdimensional magic unfolding to help us and many are losing their minds but we all signed up for this and everyone has a role. The absurd inventions and advances in technology that have unfolded will be revealed – finally – for the good of all. It will facilitate unparalleled advancement across a huge spectrum of reality. For now – it is time to just be here – to not get caught in the lie – to practice love and connection to all and to Gaia – it will serve you well in the coming storms.
Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. She has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 25 years now.
Working with all facets of existence from conception to dying and death Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue and move them out of the field to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at www.thrivebydesign.com.au