Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries
To be held October 9th at 7pm [7.24am ACST 10th October 2022]
You can join us here.
Well dear ones we are approaching the wild end of the year astrologically – which means upticks in emotions – revelations – revolutions – physiological, psychological, soul adjustments – global upheavals in politics – seismic activity – storms and the odd skirmish as the mad minions of the dark attempt to contain the evolution of humanity – which cannot be contained.
October is a biggie – we still have six planets retro plus the asteroid Chiron – the rest being Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mercury stations direct along with Pluto and Saturn this month and this will shake things up for us. There is a lot of healing available this month however the Aries Full Moon is quite confronting and launches us into a wild Eclipse Season that will shake, rattle and roll us all.

We are in the final stages of a 2 year long transit – Saturn square Uranus – begun in January 2021 and finishing later this year – be prepared in the final months of this year for much to fall away – within and without. It has really shaken things up with its intense conflict arising between the past and the future – the dying Piscean age and the coming age of Aquarius. It has been difficult with all the stops and starts etc – however the culmination – beyond the spin and colliding systems – will reveal much. Opportunities will present themselves during this so be alert and let love be your guide.
We are all still recovering a bit from the New Moon in Libra on the 25th September post the equinox and spring for us has begun – even though it is still wet and cold – as the long winter approaches. We have shaken off much in relationships – always starting with the one with oneself. Jupiter in Aries lifted our ability to take action on these issues at the moon rise – while the retrograde planets still urge caution as we are working things out.
In Libra season [current] – compromise and balance are easier to find – but not always possible. Agreeing to disagree and moving on is a viable option also. Mercury has been on a very merry – extended and confusing dance with us – leading us to approach things differently while at the same time requiring more introspection and analysis. With Mercury going direct in Virgo on the 2nd October and with Venus still here – there is a lot of focus on work. This industrious pairing will have you on fire building business and being creative in your chosen field and solutions found to complex ongoing issues.
Over the course of October – with Pluto [in Capricorn] and Saturn [in Aquarius] both stationing direct and Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini as the curtain is pulled back on the Eclipse Season in Scorpio/Taurus – and all the dirty secrets that will be revealed then. There is a major shakeup coming dear ones – of awareness – of shattering of illusions – around a multitude of sins – that will profoundly shape the trajectory of the future for us all.
Mercury retro has been particularly difficult this time for many. Starting its retro in Libra – think justice – relationships – matters of law – then back into Virgo to help us find resolution. Be aware that from September 23rd to October 10th Mercury opposite Neptune exerts an influence of having reality meet illusion and delusion – where denial will no longer cut it – where evidence meets manipulation – it becomes undeniable – and you can move forward.
A few days later on the 6th Pluto stations direct and I cannot stress enough its importance on the global stage for this is americas Pluto return time. This means a major shake up in the military – industrial – congressional complex – which is americas greatest claim to infamy and will come down. Despite its activity in Ukraine and other empire controlling skirmishes – the volatility of the stock market continuing and hyper inflation created by the ludicrous printing of money out of thin air for the mega wealthy – along with the culture wars between the maga crowd and the liberal left – is going to ensure a huge impact there. Because of its place in the hegemony of the world – it will affect everyone on the planet when it goes. The coming November 8th election – smack in the middle of the eclipse season will be telling – watch 2023 for this to start in earnest.
For us mere mortals this will be an interesting time to ride the transformations that are coming thick and fast now. The old paradigm and programme is dying in each and every one of us as we are transitioning into a new octave of reality – waking from the dream as it were. Go within – as you move towards authenticity – get help if you feel stuck – it matters now to keep moving and meet the challenges – in an empowered way – that will rise to keep you moving. Shed yourself of all victim consciousness – that mad reality that is now a cause celebrity in the soft fascism of the thought police and cancel culture – weirdos. We all need to be responsible for ourselves now – and victim consciousness simply plays into the hands of those who have enslaved you so well.
Venus at the beginning of the month was in Libra [exalted] and will be here until the 23rd October and this will allow all that come up in relationship recently to be resolved – one way or the other. This will be particularly helpful on the 1st when Jupiter opposes Venus and will get us off the fence to sort things out. Venus in its ruling sign brings elegance and an appreciation of all that is beautiful in life and these days that is more inclined towards an appreciation of the natural beauty of the world than expensive creations of man. We will have a low tolerance of stupidity and crudeness at this time – even while we are feeling peaceful and calm – it just encourages to observe and move on rather than engage. We are helped in this as Mercury re-enters Libra on the 10th until the 29th [before entering Scorpio] and our thinking is clear re relationship issues.

On the 8th we have Pluto turning direct in Capricorn where it will remain until finally – powerfully – leaving the sign and entering Aquarius on 23rd March 2023 [jesus wept] to weave anew the world. Retrograde since April 29th – the planet of death, transformation and rebirth – and now we can see and understand how much we have changed. The endings we may have encountered can now be seen for the opportunities they created. Until then we can still expect many secrets and dark doings to be exposed. We are all witnessing the world disassemble at the moment and it is creating its own tensions and fears – particularly for those clinging to a “return to normal” lol.
Moving very slowly [246 years to do a complete cycle round the Star] Pluto exposes the dark underbelly of the powerful corruption that rules the world in enslavement and war – criminality, incompetence and corruption – breaking down all that has lost its relevance and to transform fundamental principles and foundations to build a better world. There is no resisting this generational and evolutional planet and it will win out – it just takes time.
Then on the 10th the Full Moon rises in Aries decan 2 – initiating new possibilities and possibilities. Aries rules all beginnings – new consciousness in the infusion of the soul within form. Impulsive and creative – often initiating ideas and moving on allowing someone else to complete however the seed is planted and will grow. The keyword for Aries is: “I come forth from the plane of mind, I rule” The fixed star at this Moon is Alpheratz in the Chained Woman.
Generally a warrior and protector in this alignment – the Moon here encourages independence – and this moon will challenge the status quo and cast aside cultural reality that prevents it being its authentic self. This Moon has some volatile energy attached and is likely to trigger a healing crisis for many – that could be painful and confronting – however ultimately insightful and awakening also. It can also facilitate a letting go of something that you may have been wrestling with for a long time – a thorn in the side – that you suddenly realise doesn’t matter and you can surrender and let it go. The healing will then follow.
The heated energy of this Full Moon in Aries will push us to the limit – which simply has us say enough. Remember Chiron is active at this Moon and is retro in Aries and so this too will push us to break through and break open. The combined energies will allow us to surrender and accept – rather than fix, control or force and from this Chiron – the wounded healer – brings the power and wisdom that are the gifts from this surrender. Rather than trying to heal wounds that cut too deep – we are shown that we can use them as the fuel to our own awakening.

Moon in Aries opposing Sun in Libra bring to the fore the interplay between being true to oneself and also to others at this awe inspiring lunation. So the rubber – of our need to be authentic – hits the road of – all things are in relationship and that requires cooperation. Cooperation can be harder to find now – in the rapidly increasing echo chambers of isolation of our current media and cynicism of same. Sun and Venus conjoin in Libra at this Moon and this brings an amazing energy of peace and peacekeeping and connectivity and love – to help us manage all these big changes that have been a long time coming.
Venus opposite Moon stimulates the tension between the lover and the mother and this can add to the tension however the make up sex should be fabulous. The Moon trine Saturn here brings steadiness and realism too all of this. And will help achieve a good outcome from all the healing vibes. The Sun aligned to Saturn here is a helping hand when working hard and has us feeling we are not on our own and will help us stay on our game as we navigate these powerful waters.
So this Full Moon is likely to take us all rather deeply into what is important – what matters to us – what matters in relationships – the area of our lives in which we know ourselves. “We are human only in relation to other humans” said the great philosopher, Terrence. These are hard and often heart-breaking lessons however it will allow us to follow our hearts and give permission to navigate through what is best for us – rather than continue the half-truths and manipulations in an attempt to maintain that which has reached its use by date. This unique Moon and its alignments facilitates some soul searching and emotional honesty – proper conversations and healing. Masks will fall away – the truth will be seen – boundaries reset – true feelings finally expressed. Anything that has been moving you away from your true nature – rather than towards – will be revealed and decisions will be made.
Remember this is the last Full Moon before the Eclipse Season starts – so you may not have the full picture of any unravelling until the next Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus to get the full insight into it all. There is a trine formed at this Moon also between the Sun, Saturn and Mars and this will provide a bit of calming on any fires that threaten to turn into conflagrations. So this Moon is volatile – exposing – healing and awakening – beautiful and messy – as is life itself.
The week commencing 17th of October is equally tense and volatile as with the Sun and Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini and square with Pluto. Again expect secrets to be revealed, dirty doings and corrupt contracts, alliances falling as Pluto now direct shines a dark light on any underlying conditions standing in the way of progress and forward movement.

And from the 17th to 19th October our Star aligns with the super Star Arcturus – a gateway opens allowing us to receive the high octave energy directly. This beautiful Star is associated with prosperity, abundance, psychic gifts and is considered to be home to the most advanced civilisation in our galaxy. In Vedic astrology it is known as Swati – very beneficient – and this star which is 25 times larger than our own – produces incredible energies and light codes that we can tap into directly at this time. If you choose to meditate with this – using your powerful imaginations to witness these energies flowing directly into your back behind your heart chakra – you will benefit from this.
It reminds us that our ability to love is so much greater than our ability to fear. This love taps us into courage and power – to love and forgive all – especially ourselves. For things are never what they appear to be and there are larger games at play than you may be aware of yet. Look for solutions within your inner universe. Stay detached as your planet goes through the huge metamorphosis over the coming months and remember to laugh – out loud and often – as you determine what kind of world do you want to create.
On the 23rd our Star swings into the watery sign of Scorpio and again we go back to our roots – seeking understanding and insight and the roots of our behaviours and patterns of programming. While making us extra sensitive Scorpio season can also give us greater awareness, more detached perceptions and greater understanding.
Also on the 23rd Saturn in Aquarius stations direct after being retrograde since June 4th. This Lord of Karma and responsibility gives us now the opportunity to observe how our recent challenges have resolved or allowed us to transcend any karmic debts. You are clear of these things when there is no emotional response to them – of any kind remember. This can well be a time of aha moments and celebration of heaviness left behind. Many things that may have seemed frustrating or stuck may now move forward as we have regrouped and patiently processed obstacles.

Saturn has been here since December 2020 and will remain until March 2023 and this was its last retro during its epoch changing transit here. And it means the ball breaking Saturn square Uranus energies will complete soon also. Those powerful energies that have had us feeling we were swimming in treacle – walking in a force ten gale into the wind – it has made everything a big effort to get done. We have seen huge breakthroughs in technology during this – not a lot of which is being used to benefit us yet – but in play it is. What we have seen is an increase in social isolation, alienation, mental illness and overdependence on devices for social interaction. Aquarius demands the opposite and we are being shown how it is being misused at this time.
Then the Fireworks really begin with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and these are dramatic cosmic wild cards of our astrology. No messing about with eclipse energies and in Scorpio? Well get ready to rock and roll dear ones. They are dramatic tools and uproot all that clings on – they shock us into awareness and this tends to be very rapid once begun. Anything you have been pissing about with for some time will erupt volcanically if needed to get your attention and change.
Followed two weeks later by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – on the day of the american mid term elections – on November 8th. The stakes really are high for america and the world and indicators are for substantial and far reaching convulsions of change as the old paradigm falls and a new bunch of strange creatures arise to take their place. If you are wondering how bad this can get – look to when hitler came back to power in germany – after being thrown out of office three years earlier.
And then to finish the month we have Mars going retrograde in Gemini on October 30th. This only occurs every two years and last occurred September to November 2020. More on that next post. But all in all get ready to buckle up dear ones – stay Zen – love yourself and the world of which you are a part – observe all – be the lighthouse in the storm you came to be.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 30 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein.
Working with all facets of existence from conception to dying and death Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue and move them out of the field to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at