Metamorphosis Evolution is unfolding within us powerfully now and through a new energy bathing the planet – the synthesis possible – of the living flame that we are – is here. Our consciousness is learning to connect across the realms and dimensions – through holographic realities activated through our energy systems – built in to…

Keeping the Faith

Keep the Faith Well lovely ones – it all a bit much at the moment isn’t it. Watching the implosion begin in america. Insurgents being shepparded into the capitol, by police who were taking selfies with the rioters. New variant strains of the plague [an invisible enemy is so handy to the game lol] forcing…

Galactic Moon Meditations – Monthly at New and Full Moons

We have all been evolving and growing over many years – the great feminine is returning after a long slumber. Everything is changing – accelerating – you are witnessing the birth changes unfolding in your mother Gaia. Many our now directly connected to your own greater awareness and many energies are returning to the Earth…

Beltane Sweat Lodge Ceremony and Ritual – Oct 31st – Nov 1st

Beltane, Bonfires, Horned Gods and Faeiries, The One Tree   This is a beautiful time of year and throughout history and human culture this turning of the wheel from spring towards summer is celebrated with flower festivals from the Kawoni from the Cherokee, Hanami in Japan, Florifertum in ancient Rome, to the Maypole dancing, Walpurgis…

Conscious Parenting for the Child and Family – A Webinar Series

Partnership to Empowerment – Conscious Parenting for the Child and Family What is it – A 10 week programme that takes you step by step about what to expect through all the developmental stages from pregnancy to adolescence – providing understanding and help to deal with all the challenges along the way. How does it…