Greetings beloved Thrive tribe.
The great unravelling and unfolding

Well it is all ramping up now is it not dear ones. The gulf between those awakening and those who cannot – is getting wider every day. The glorious campaigns of distraction and division are growing – the mandela effects becoming more surreal – the illusions more bizarre, as the energies of these end times in this year and more importantly the next – continue to become more bizarre. We are all standing on the brink of some profound revelations – about ourselves – our world – long distorted truths and lies being unravelled as we watch. Much of this will challenge our concept of reality as we think we know it and the mind does like to pretend it knows and is in control of things.
Many who have journeyed in deep and profound ways – including with the plant medicines [please do it with ceremony and ritual and with someone who understands and can facilitate the journey safely – if you must – traffic moves both ways remember and they are not party drugs] – have gained profound insight into the nature of the awareness and limitations in which we find ourselves. At this profound time of Neptune in Pisces from 2011 to 2026 – always a shattering of illusions and delusions and entry into other realms – we gain greater insight into the vast reality of which we are a part – and remember the next evolutionary leap – is a leap of consciousness and many are getting ready for it.
On the planet at this time there are many beings and certainly not all of them are human – even though a lot of them are waking around in human form. Not all will step into the evolutionary quantum shift – not all can do it – trust it is all perfect anyway and your only task is to ready yourself. Stages of disclosure about who and what travels with us must be handled with wisdom and compassion and despite all the care in the world many will go mad – as more is revealed about the dense lie humanity has been wrapped in – in the ongoing attempt to feed on a remarkable energy [you] forever.

Many of you are already seeing the madness – in your media – the staged events leading you in a certain direction – the distractions – in the empty consumerism – the sky rocketing mental illnesses – the poisonings of the world – the rising rage and terror – remember always there is nothing new under the sun – all is simply being revealed. As more light arrives – more will be revealed – until nothing is left of the corruption of all of your institutions of church and state – that has not been laid bare. There are many beings here for the shift of the ages and not all are benevolent – for now. There are some who would argue for our destruction – for safety sake – and others would argue for it from a scorched earth policy – and yet here we are on the threshold of an entirely new way of being.
As more and more peculiar events occur – many bleeding through into this dimension as more is revealed – you will continue to question the very fabric of your reality and again as staged events seem ever more ludicrous – many will fold. The universe will continue to nudge you to a broader reality acceptance. Civilisations gone before us have often been way more advanced than ours – with stellar and celestial and interdimensional travel all a part of it. It is known now – but held secret from all, for the greed of the few – and they may yet turn this upon us – in project blue beam – planned for since the 70’s – and yet here we are – reaching the culmination of the grand experiment that is humanity.
To once and for all integrate the dark into the light – rather than reject it – never done before – never done in form – never done on mass. As you become more aware so shall you encounter more and all the things you think you need to do now – devices – drugs – spiritual practices – are all simply allowing some of you to open up to a larger awareness. Some very low dimensional beings are being seen more readily, by many more now – much to the discomfort of those they possess. The church and media have done a lot to foster this over the ages as it serves a darker agenda’s needs – as does the robotic transhumanism, hybrid breeding – much more advanced than anything you are allowed to see – along with cloning that is now very advanced – all locked into standardised behaviour patterns designed to keep the vibration low. The main purpose of all these entities and their human agents is to stifle spiritual growth and the movement towards enlightenment and your major corporations and govts are quite riddled with them to be honest.

Mindfulness matters. Observation of your mind matters. Do not be surprised by anything you see or encounter – we have all heard of ‘demon face syndrome’ lol. Technological mediums and surveillance are a profound invasion of individual privacy and free will. Its’ pervasiveness is cloying and it encroaches on every aspect of your life. They are designed to curtail your autonomy and the field radiations of these devices upon your person – in your ears – and around your home have an extraordinary dampening effect on your whole being – in subtle and profound, physical health and emotional ways – unless you personally counter them. We have all seen what happens to children when they are removed from the devices. You are all aware of MKUltra programmes of manipulations. Such things will be swept away entirely in time.
Your Sol – Sun – Star – is also a part of all of this and in its regular cycles – way beyond the memory of this 5th world civilisation and its hidden histories – is working powerfully with your planet Gaia – as humanity approaches the shift point. All ancient civilisations left us guides and warnings about this time – this time of end of an old world and the birth of the 6th age of man – the golden age – in which we return to the state of being – before what is called the ‘fall’ – a very, very long time ago – the scars of which can be seen in the scarring of the planets of the Solar system. Your very being is changing – your physical carbon based body itself – dense and physical – is shifting – integrating silica and crystalline energy – with an increased ability to hold more light and operate with a higher level of energy – thus transforming how you exist in the world – and therefore the world you occupy.
In order for this to unfold there is much trauma and many old blockages that must be removed from your field – happening in unusual and powerful ways. Pains, aches – new and unusual symptoms – exacerbated in higher solar activities like solar flares and full moons and rare alignments in the harmony of the spheres of your solar system and galaxy. This can be particularly intense in your spine – which holds the central nervous system anchors and is doing a lot of the work. Digestion and skin conditions may flare up as your detox unfolds – clearing lifetimes of old energy. It is all part of the process – stay calm. Depending on where you are in the journey – there may be big emotional upheavals as part of the purge – grief and anxiety and rage that has never been expressed but must be cleared. It is why the energies of many around you seems difficult to be around – higher incidents of road rage or other expressions of anger are apparent.
Nature, new experiences, new people may call you – who are searching like you. The old energies of ‘other’ people may no longer be of interest to you. It is all part of the process and do your best to go with the flow of your heightening awareness. There is an exhaustion that comes with this – because you system is using an immense amount of energy to adjust to the recalibration unfolding – trust it – it is a sign of the profound transformation unfolding. Honour it. Rest wherever you can. Night sweats and radiant heat episodes are also part of it. And no it is not just the menopause.

Depending on your processes prior to this time – you can expect very vivid and violent – even apocryphal dreams – more clearing of the decks – do not try too much to analyse them – again it is just clearing. Dizzyness and feeling off balance – as your Mer Kah Bah – or light body vehicle is developing and adjusting around your awakening self – to facilitate multi dimensional travel. Your body is adjusting. Cognitive impairment can come with this also – it is just an indication of frequent shifts between dimensions. These lapses can be unsettling, however it is again just a part of the process. Your own identity may seem obscure – where you doubt and wonder who and what you really are. The things and beliefs that once defined you may have slipped and changed. Tinnitus, OBE’s, seeing things in your peripheral vision, heightened perceptions, light flickers, all of it. A sense of alienation and wanting to go “home” – as your vibrational energy rises and feels closer to somewhere else. Social activities do not hold the same attraction and resistance to them are markers of your transition.
You are awakening from your auto pilot state as you begin to dwell deeply in the here and now – consciously choosing love over fear – in each moment – consciously creating rather than mindlessly accepting. You are becoming aware that every thought feeling and action radiates a frequency that shapes the world around you – you gain a deep wisdom that there are no neutral thoughts and control your mind accordingly. You are giving up trying to control anything and are simply embodying all experiences as rich and curious and leaning towards what you desire rather than what you used to fear.
Be mindful in your morning rituals and practices. Put your intentions for health into everything you do and you will witness new opportunities and people as your external reality begins to reflect or mirror your internal state of growing grace and presence. As you embody the moment and let go of your need to overthink everything – things will move so much more freely and intuitively – drawing grace from others as you go. Your perceptions sharpen and the mundane becomes magical. Colours become more vivid and you feel things potently and lovingly. Each moment matters. You begin to walk in awe of all that you encounter. You feel the interconnectedness and transcendent liminal state of your own higher self – be mindful of not allowing your ego to get in the way here with the test of grandiosity as you go – don’t.

Consumerism falls away – recognising the chase of things as the doing of your world to the being in your world – as presence grows in each moment – in love. All memories of the akashic record and the blood lines of which you have been a part are clearing now – you may find yourself spontaneously crying and laughing – do not resist it – every – allow it all to clear and move as all is falling away in readiness. This process of shedding is simply a part of the healing journey – let them all go. Your labels and roles and past versions of yourself fall away now – you are no longer interested in holding the status quo – and is a radical shift away from all that you considered defined you. Your identity becomes fluid and evolving in the moment and is not confined by expectations or achievements.
From this will come deeply intuitive and broad strokes of clarity and insight and your gut becomes your major guide now – exposing you to what you need in that moment. Trust your gut. Everything you need is within. The need to analyse and prepare for all outcomes possible is gone. As gone as the illusion of material pleasure – the recognition of things being pure distraction and a programme to have you not be generous or kind. The treasures of life itself, love and kindness and connection become much more real as everything becomes a meditative process in the moment.
We are all at the heart of a pivotal life test at this moment in time – in ways it is hard to comprehend – in its absolute significance – as you are all being asked to align with an upgrading Gaia – soul shaking brush strokes of intention – and it matters. There is no sitting on the fence now – please know this. Your fears come to the surface now – that must be resolved – faced – with courage as your shield. It is not the time to turn away – or escape into chasing the dragon’s tail.

Fears and doubts must be overcome – sought and embraced – brought into the light – to allow them to be seen for what they are – and then looked squarely in the eye – and e
integrated. This is hard – we spend our whole lives avoiding this. The emotional baggage of all of this must be released – into the river of the underworld – to be carried away forever – released and renewed – to start again. In a new world there are no bloodline wounds or past life akashic traumas – they are no longer required in a new vibration of a new world that is free of the karmic wheel of life, death and rebirth. Forgive yourself – first and foremost – for being human – for carrying it all for a long time. Embrace the changes unfolding – and we are not good at this – however it is required.
Your commitment and resolve are enough – accept everything that rises – own it – feel it – let it go. Make small daily steps through the labyrinth – one by one – it keeps you focused and on track through these profound changes unfolding as you evolve into the new self. How you find your path – the crucible of your own transformation – is up to you. It is harder these days to wander into the wilderness to discover yourself – however there are pathways and people to help. Seek your destiny – it sounds grand because it is – and it will reveal your core self and what you are here to do.
Seek ways of helping your community – each act of service, of kindness – is clarifying for what you are doing here – adding to the transformation of life. This can be hard as you seek the balance between the spiritual and the material – the middle way indeed – moderation in ethical beingness as you navigate the way forward. Sort your priorities – your genuine values – adjust this regularly – we are all works in progress. See the magical in the mundane – keep a foot in both worlds – in the seen and the unseen worlds – as your equilibrium within becomes stronger and allows you to stand firm in the face of adversity and challenge. Allow your spiritual sight to see behind the veil and trust what you see.
Until you are wearing an inner armour of love and self acceptance and compassion for all that is – in a detached and peaceful way – that nothing can disturb. Your external world will reflect the changes that you are becoming. Built on an internal fortress of resilience and love that is genuinely unassailable. Your consciousness expands and your awareness grows as your spiritual self – imbues ever more deeply with your physical form – revealing deeper layers of who you really are unfolding. There is so much that you cannot see yet – due to the limitations of your third dimensional body – however every step along the way takes you deeper into the divine marriage within. Reflected in the illusion of separation between the anima and animus – played out in the ever widening – powerfully cultivated and fed – war of the sexes – you begin to know most powerfully – that all aspects of self are precious and as you come to love all aspects of self – shadow and light – and then so too shall you love the world.

In August – as part of the Shamanic training – we will be holding a beautiful and powerful Ritual of Grieving and Forgiveness. This is an emblematic way to incorporate the steps outlined above – as we move towards the Spring Equinox in September – and such steps are wonderful tools in clearing the decks of all that no longer serves. This is the work now dear ones – learning to love yourself on every level – to forgive yourself and your co-creators on every level – to come back to the moment – to treasure each and every being held within each moment – knowing that you are – now and always – enough. Most people have been sent the initial information to begin preparing for this – and if you have not – and it speaks to you – then get in touch and I will get you started. Ritual brings that which has changed on the inside – into the world – and holds great power.
So keep the faith dear ones – in you – in life – keep your mind empty and free of doubt – be in the moment – in the magic and wonder of all life exploding around you – be kind and loving – forgiving and detached – as you sweep the old detritus of an old way of being away – in the accepting and loving integration of all that was long denied. And so it is.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. A Transpersonal Counsellor and Art Therapist – taking an holistic view of the journey of life – she has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 30 years now.
Recognising we are all on the path between birth and death and understanding that all eruptions of the psyche into perception and life – in all facets of existence from conception to dying and death – Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue.
These engage the deep path, the shadow realm and allow you to see the boulders on the path – and move them out of the field – to spin the warp and weft of a new tapestry – in a new ground of being – to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients. We are all living in extraordinary times and are removing our limiting beliefs about who and what we are.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – that we may return to the experience of living in the moment with the wonder of the magical child – whose wild imagination is set free – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at