Winter Solstice Meditation, sweat lodges, ceremony and ritual!
The age of the Feminine is here – and at Winter Solstice we are asked to unshackle ourselves from the stories of our past and to give Birth to what was always held inside – loving kindness – in all we are.
Over these three days of ceremony and creation – we shall draw on the Energies of the Divine Feminine, the One Tree of Life, the Dragons, the Diamond Heart and Mind, to immerse ourselves deeply in the water element for transformation and renewal of the engine room of our creativity – our emotions. We shall draw upon the power of the earth element to renew the flesh. We shall draw upon the fire element to invigorate our spirit and soul and we shall draw upon the air to empty the mind!
And most powerfully here we shall use alchemical principles to marry fire and water together within the self – to bring together the light and the dark – as one within – earth and sky – crucible and sword – bird and snake – sun and moon – yin and yang – and the sacred marriage of the divine feminine and masculine – into one being, one force – the awakened self.
On this most magical of evenings [Sunday 19th at 7pm] we shall gather for Meditation under the amazing second Full Moon in Sagittarius – for a mutual garnering of energies for the beginning of the New Year as the Sun promises return after the longest night!
Solstice – we shall honour the passing of the old year and honour the promise of life renewed by the coming spring.
There is much that has come full circle at this time and there will be a sweat lodge in the morning of Sunday 19th followed that evening by the meditation. On actual Solstice night of the Monday 20th we have our own personal meditations and processes and then on the Tuesday 21st from 6pm there will be a spiral walk in the Medicine Wheel followed by a sweat and final ceremony post this.
If you wish to participate in any or all of it contact Prue on 0419819089 to book a place.
The full moon falls on June 20th at 8.32 pm here in Adelaide. The Meditation to embrace the energies of this Moon and Winter Solstice will be held on Sunday the 19th June at 7pm. Contact Prue if you wish to book a place on 0419819089.
If you wish to attend either of the sweat lodges contact Em on 0405685682
The full moon astrology is very similar to that of the previous new moon on June 4. Venus remains the most prominent planet so the love test continues. This continues to highlight fears and anxieties with the great Saturn – Neptune Square – the great depression – having a major hit on Friday 17th – and with Mercury still in alignment as the previous New Moon – it behoves us all to be honest and clear in our communications. If we handle this well then relationships and abundance in all things, can all benefit from our efforts through this cosmic dance.
With the great Square exact this week disappointment and setbacks are much more likely to extend into periods of grief or depression and the mind can take you to some very dark places this week if you are not careful – this has been going on for some time however this is the major hit of it this year.
Sagittarius symbolises Humanities spark of Promethius – the stealing of fire from the Gods to enlighten us all. Here we find our values and core beliefs and from the higher mind they are indeed the phoenix rising from the ashes – launching itself true as an arrow into the future.
This Full Moon is truly Magical and this level of magic has not been seen since 97 and we shall not encounter it again until 2035! The Full Moon is followed eleven hours later with the actual Ingress of the Solstice Sun into Cancer – Love and Compassion – as we lean towards the longest night and the rebirth of spring and the new year – here in the southern hemisphere. This can be a time of deepening of relationships with loved ones and family – or of release with love if that is what is needed.
Another interesting energy at play here is the dwarf planet Eris forming a conjunction with Uranus from now until march next year – and this powerful reality will throw up for examination all things of inequality, cruelty and exploitation of the many by the few – for Uranus rules the Aquarian age coming into its own over the next few years and tends to produce in your face realities and demand a fierce integrity in dealing with them.
She is the goddess of competition and disharmony and in the allegory of being dissed at a wedding and her handling of it all – the golden apple of fairness – she shows in true stark colours what has been done to the feminine throughout this time of the sleeping masculine yuga – the betrayal, hating, shunning, binding, demonising and rejection of all things feminine throughout this painful time.
And she seeks an obliteration of all this darkness. She demands we stand up and be counted – she is a face of the dark and terrifying Goddess who will bring down the horrors inflicted upon the world during the mad grip of the patriarchy. She exposes our weak and diminished selves – robbed of sovereignty and seen as a plaything by the masculine eye – ignorant of the gift before it. And she has had enough. She will uproot all that oppresses and exploits – she invites us to own and possess the Light and the Dark Goddess within each and everyone of us and to unshackle ourselves from the old and align our intuitive heart and soul with a new and incisive mind – free of the dogma of the ages. She is a warrior spirit with nothing to lose and will not leave the battle field until all is cast down and she arrives with a vengeance with this Full Moon and Solstice with a revolutionary zeal that will not be denied.
Neptune also began its retrograde motion this week and this has us feel discombobulated and not trusting our perceptions as this stance is designed to have us see the world from a higher vantage point and transcend the old dysfunctional way of being. This will have a powerful affect on our Meditations and spiritual practices as much more will become clear with this observational nuance of all that is unfolding.
This is an opportunity to surrender control of our need to know everything and understand everything – just surrender and set your intention for the highest – and much will be asked of you this week – to release and renew – trust and let go. Break through – surrender – all is possible with this amazing moon and solstice.
The alignments of this Moon can also enrich partnerships and bring love to those who are lonely and seeking it. Or simply apply this energy to any project you want to fly. Be mindful of lowering your standards just to not feel alone at this moon for if you do it will not last long and may indeed bring friction if you are not being true to yourself. The likelihood of blow ups is pretty high during these times is all and it behoves us to look to our own energies before we react to others.
This can be compounded by Mercury opposing Saturn – impacting on conversations and can lead to negativity, isolation, lack of worth and sadness and the Moon squaring Neptune adds to the distorted perceptions and can lead to confusion and angst.
To make it all worthwhile however there are several star systems that are leading to a remarkable insight into the deep intuitive that will allow you to see things at the psychic level if you are paying attention and with all this lot going in it probably behoves you to do just that.
There is something very powerful and magical about the week ahead – an opportunity to return to the sacredness of life in all that we encounter and touch – treat all you encounter with loving kindness and much can be achieved – much more than you can possible realise!!!
The energies are powerful and we shall dance upon them as we weave a new fate, a new world. The planetary energies continue to support change and letting go at this time so come and dance the dance of life peeps. If you are aware and watching and working with the transformational energies – none of this is surprising to you and you will navigate through this as with all things – observing and working for a better world.
We are writing the new myths, weaving the new time lines, creating the new rituals, weaving the new songs and story lines for a new shared future.
The sweeping changes will get stronger and more chaotic as this year unfolds and the new year begins. It all appears to be rumbling along as though nothing is changing however the pillars of the madness of our insane and out of control world are being torn down brick by brick – as the light pours into the earth so does it crack further and further the dark mantle of fear and control that has stifled this world and this age through the five great horrors.
The Cosmic egg is cracking from the inside out folks and that which is broken from the inside begets new life!!!
There are many categories of challenge to this awakening – the hungry ghosts of our past, the demons of our own creation in the battlefield of our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual bodies. There are dark and destructive forces who tempt us with what appears beautiful and escapist but in truth continue to lead us down a dark path – strangling and suffocating all our promise. the void does not exist and yet the world depends upon it lol.
The water and fire and alchemical magic of this is available to us now – and we can use these energies now to awaken and release ourselves – back into ourselves in all three minds and all four bodies. The water is the deepest being – the most ancient of energies – the Feminine – the crucible that holds the time lines and creative forces – that which seeks the deepest place – the chasm of the void [which does not exist in truth but the world as we know it depends upon it lol] and upon and within it shall rest the eternal and ever youthful flame – the fire – the masculine principle – and when the sword of fire rests within the crucible or grail of water – masculine within the feminine – then we can be free.
This Solstice and Full Moon event can bring very deeply suppressed emotions to the surface, feelings of anxiety, not being good enough, lost love and longing for poor choices, guilt and shame re negative behavior that will allow you to finally face and be accountable for your actions, your defensiveness and reactionary tendencies will be brought home now.
There is no going back – not ever again – the door is closed to that reality and new doorways in new dimensions are opening up all over the place and some of this is so strange and unfamiliar, also familiar and real. It is time to leave our comfort zones and grow. Just be present. Don’t Judge anything. Just experience and ask, what do I need to know from this, to grow – what ever the hell it is, that is flooding down, lol.
For the new doorway you stand before will open to new possibilities and at this Solstice and Full Moon we shall draw on the Goddess and all things that love and support us on every level of our being to rise up, release and renew – to husk the corn of all that is dead and to plant the new seeds deep into our soul and psyche for rebirth and regeneration!!
This will be different for all of us for we all walk a different path and we all have had different experiences to get here to this point – however by being willing to walk in our own shadow and to confront the delusions and illusions we hold then so shall we find the mystery that is our own personal journey while re-cognizing we are part of the collective as well.
For all who have worked diligently, put their growth ahead of the mundane, refused to sell their soul to gain the material world, who have placed their inner voice above their public mask – you are now coming to reap the rewards of such endeavours.
What ever you are doing – prepare well – write your list of what you are releasing – write your list of what you are beckoning – burn the old and light the candle of the new – to acknowledge the return of the Sun after the longest night and the promise of spring renewed.
If you plan to do the meditation and ritual let me know as there will be things you will need to prepare and bring xxx