Forecast for 2016 – Western Astrology
This is going to prove to be a year in which what is left of the world will look back on and say – yep – that’s when it all began. In truth this has been building cycle by cycle for eternity but humans in their brief flickering lives cant think in those terms yet – so for now let us leave it at that.
We are seeing again the powerful changes unfolding that are similar to what went on in the 60’s and 70’s – but that was just the prep. There will be no falling back asleep again this time. This time it is for real. The world as we know it is falling down, breaking apart, even though it all “looks” as though things are travelling on as usual. The last two years have been the most transformative of all – and all the pillars have been torn down – the building above them are still catching up in that fall – you know – that feeling that you have thrown yourself off the cliff and the ground is coming up real fast – and you are flapping your wings as fast as you can – and it looks like you are flying – but you are not lol. We are much closer to the ground about now.
Climate change, technological revolution, social upheaval, religious wars, all of it appears dark and foreboding – or it can appear exciting and anticipatory of what is to come. Remember you will see it as you are – depending on where you are in your own personal transformation. Are you still trawling the dead bodies of your own unconscious? Working through shadow material and setting your self free? Then that is how all of this will appear to you – or are you coming out the other side of your own integration and renewal – ready to be initiated into the greater cycles of the divine sacred feminine as she awakens – lifting your self up with her.
Don’t get too caught up in any of it dear ones – these are the boils that have to be lanced and you will see things this year that will truly shock you – don’t react – observe and see them for what they are – the clearing of the decks – the shaking the dead wood out of the tree. Be at peace and be still. There is no going back peeps – that option is long gone lol – but in what manner you move forward – in love or fear – well, that remains up to you – but if you want to awaken – choose love each time and trust you chose to be here now.
For the year ahead we are in the thrall of the great Saturn [in Sagittarius] and Neptune [in Pisces] Square [the great unhinger lol] while still being buffeted by the remnants of the Uranus – Pluto square that broke everything apart over the past few years. This Saturn – Neptune square has not been properly seen for over 300 years now – beginning late last year and setting the scene for the next stages of change this year. Last time this baby came into being it signalled the end of the witch burning trials – so it is a good thing for women again lets hope – as the great divine feminine comes home to roost after 13,000 years away lol.
Basically there are things being asked of each and everyone of us now – to work out what matters to us – our values – our conscience – and consciousness – and while casting off the shackles of an insane patriarchy – we must none the less look to the greater good – as the mother would look to the well being of all her brood. This is a very polarising time – look around at the geopolitical stage to assess that – and you will decide – or not – to awaken. It is not right or wrong or good or bad what you decide – it will simply determine your future reality – until another opportunity arises – whenever – for you to do it again. Do you implode? Or explode? Or grow.
This great square is also synonymous with mental illness and contagious disease. Neptune dissolves boundaries and outbreaks will flourish – mental illness because of the dissolution of boundaries at the same time Saturn demands that you grow up – unshackling ourselves from old and outmoded ways of being as we stretch into a multidimensional universe – terrifying on one level but remember it is what you signed up for lol. One of the travellers once described to me that awakening is like a controlled psychosis – and if my journey work with the Madre is anything to go on – that makes perfect and somewhat terrifying sense lol.
Water themes abound – social upheaval – the transparent madness of the corporations and their lackeys in “government” shall be increasingly seen for what they are. The coming american election this year will show this in spades lol. There is talk from the travellers of the possibility that obama may be the last of the american presidents? We shall see lol.
Saturn in Sagittarius – the planet of limitation and practicality – in its ‘fall’ here in Sag – is a big player in moving things along – will certainly have us reviewing and querying the concept of religion on the world and what brings meaning to our lives. The religious polarity will increase as increasingly terrified people look to their particular version of a supreme being [amongst the 5,000 or so that people currently worship on this orb] to “save them”. Expect religious intolerance to grow and for more and more wars of this nature to unfold. And become more vicious. And of course with this we can expect the new range of “messiahs” emerging, convincing the frightened sheep that they are the chosen one lol.
There will also be opportunities to recognise the whole one consciousness however do not expect organised religion to lead the way on this. People will instead return in droves to the spirituality [Sagittarius] that is natural, connected to nature, recognising we are all one and to celebrate our part in the scheme of things along with all other species that are part of the web of Gaia.
The main focus here is that we have learned a lot over the past cycle and now it is time to stand up and bring it forward – this will be hard and require us to be willing to do what ever it takes to move into our own future – the one we wish to write for ourselves.
This placement will have us seriously question – what the fuck are we doing here, working in a job I hate, having no time, no money, not seeing my wife and kids, to do this all my life until I die – what the fuck indeed. Accumulation of wealth and power and the trappings there of in material possessions is already changing powerfully as more and more seek new and innovative ways to help their fellow humans. We see this particularly in the young – who have a higher rate of volunteering than any other generation currently except my parents generation – most of whom are now on their last legs.
Under this alignment we are going to see a powerful change in the way we educate our kids – it is no longer tenable to saddle a child with a lifetime’s debt to get an education that gives them no life skills and very little that is useful to help the planet recover and heal. Many will not survive the changes – but trust me – the children themselves are no longer going to tolerate being treated like cattle and herded into mind numbing jobs to feed the “Elite” lol.
Under this alignment there will be amazing breakthroughs in space travel, technology, physics – stuff we simply have not comprehended yet – but of immense significance for how we live our lives. Consciousness itself will be begun to be understood as we move out of 3D and into a multidimensional reality. A little tip? Consciousness is held in every molecule of DNA that makes up your 12 strands awakening and science will begin to work that out soon lol. We may even with this begin to understand the great wheel of life, death and rebirth lol.
Travel, transportation, electricity, space, life on other planets, physics – expect interesting things with this. It will run til 2017 and has been associated with stock market crashes in 29 and 87 and if there is any financial system left in 2017 – this may provide the final impetus for its downfall.
Saturn begins and ends here this year and remember this is the planet of reality – of bringing things home and making them real – being on top of things and making them happen. This can feel like fate – being turned in certain directions that may not have been of ones conscious awareness. This is all designed to focus you down on what you are really doing – either to bring it into reality or see it for what it is and let it go. The aspects to Jupiter and Neptune this year will be difficult so this is a year of – “are you being real yet”.
Chiron – in Pisces for the year – the power to heal the energy of non useful sacrifice in the world – will actually work with Saturn this year, to form a bridge for us between the stark material world and the subjective awakening world – commencing with Uranus – the un-doer lol. This behemoth of sudden and explosive change continues its sojourn for the rest of the year in Aries – leading to continued rapid and unexpected change – including violent and extremist versions of it – throughout the year. As without so within. What ever you see happening out there bring it back always to yourself and how you judge it for there in lie pathways to the truth about yourself and this will continue to inform you this year in powerful ways.
It is powerful and is designed to show you what binds you – what terrifies you – only so that you may overcome them. This will play out in the world – shattering our illusions about what we perceive to be reality and this most potent of this as usual is religion – so one can expect an upsurge in religious extremism as these boils rise to be exposed and lanced as the insanities of the patriarchy that they are. Also it is strongly linked in this sign to natural disasters so we can expect them to continue for the year ahead also.
But then it arrives in Taurus in 2018 – and innovation and an absolute explosion of growth and expansion will arrive – we just have to face all our darkness and integrate it first.
Neptune and Chiron continue their journey together in Pisces all year and this is a powerful connection to help us understand and see the bigger picture of what this life, this planet, this suffering are all about. Here we can grasp what is going wrong – what we have done to ourselves and other species and the beauty of the planet herself [although nothing we do touches Gaia in the long run] so that we a] may see that attachment to the material without the spiritual hand in hand – is a recipe for failure and b] to see a greater purpose all together for this suffering – for the darker the pit – so shall it be met with equality in the brightness of the light to come. Integrated and aware – knowing ourselves truly – embracing all – unafraid of all that we have for aeons denied about ourselves in the insanity of the patriarchy.
Pluto continues its very slow sojourn through Capricorn – ensuring nothing left can survive of the patriarchy – wars, energy, health, relating, money – all of it will be torn asunder – for it despoils the world and must be cast down. This will not stop until 2025 when Pluto finally enters Aquarius – and we will see if the seeds we have sown in this critical [and I mean critical in the sense that the world depends upon it] period of 37 years since the harmonic convergence back in the 80’s – are enough to bring us home? Or open us up to the plug being pulled once and for all on this most interesting of experiments in humanity – the savage intelligence. I hope we make it – I really do – and the seeds we sow now matter more than at any other time of human history as so many circles and cycles over millions of years come full circle now. Remember to let love guide you and we will make it.
On the 3rd January Mars enters Scorpio – until March 6th which does not do much for harmony and peace as suddenly things become very black and white with very few shades of grey. The challenges here can be enormous and we are pushed to make profound changes – with keeping things under wraps until you are ready and by pushing ourselves to the brink.
Mars is completely at home here as one of the rulers of Scorpio – the dark, the primal, the seizer of what it perceives it owns – you get the picture of the strutting lord of the manor lol. However the intensity of this combination really makes all things a matter of life and death and survival – we personalise – we obsess – we get jealous and possessive – however if we can get past all that we have a real opportunity for insights and the energy and concentration to really get things done!
Mercury begins the first of four retrograde cycles on the 5th of January in Aquarius [1 degree] and goes direct on 25th January in Capricorn [14 degrees] and will be simply one of the most frustrating and intense of these in a long time. Ideological battles can erupt here – personally and globally. Watch also for attacks on mass transport systems during this time. The past may come back to haunt us, both in our mind and in the flesh by people turning up, due to some of the alignments here.
And the usual admonitions apply re contracts, travel delays, lost bits and bobs, but again trust you will be shown things here that are necessary to reflect on to move forward.
This really is a challenging time and violence and anger can quickly boil over here. What ever has been festering for you over the last two weeks is likely to explode now and watch for it on the world stage. But for each of you personally – any one who has been irritated by something over the past wee while – if it blows up now – watch your rage and reactions because it could get very ugly very quickly. People will take it and you the wrong way so stay low.
From here they will be in Taurus then Virgo and Capricorn – all earth. I will give you more on each of those as the year progresses however the dates for Taurus Mercury retro are April 28th to May 22nd then in Virgo from August 30th to September 22nd and then finally back in Capricorn on the 19th December 2016.
This year Jupiter begins its reign in Virgo and by Years end will finish in Libra – sign of relationships. On the 7th of January it will station retrograde in Virgo [23 degrees] until the 9th May in Virgo [19 degrees] – this occurs every 13 months for 4 months and is a time of deep philosophical introspection and questioning. These are wonderful periods of growth and renewal and what ever you may have been wrestling with over the past few months in terms of your own growth – you are now being given an opportunity to examine it deeply and move forward – so pay attention. It is the planet of beneficence so what ever love, passion for career, travel, letting go and growth is possible here for this promising transit – you are now being asked to look fully at it – release all karma from it – ensure you are ready during this time – for great good fortune is possible now.
If however you have been on the other side of this spectrum – caught in greed or addiction – then this retro period is a wonderful opportunity to see it for what it is – to recognise and let go. If this is going on for you the likelihood of some major shake up in your life is very likely to get your attention and shake you out of your ignorant complacency. It will be sorted one way or another before Jupiter stations direct again. Stay Zen if you can and don’t hit the send button without waiting for at least two hours after writing it if it is cranky.
Jupiter then changes signs on the 9th of September into the sign of relating and relationships – Libra. Jupiter is the great beneficent so this bountiful orb offers much possibility here for all relationships to move into new paradigms for the betterment of all. We are very likely to see an upswing in commitment ceremonies and pledging of peeps to each other and anyone working in the field of interactions with others will do very well.
This is all about balance [Libra – scales] – between the soul and the persona – between where we are coming from and where we are going to – the ability to release the pain and retain the wisdom for growth. We will be obliged to witness within what motivates us – how do we share ourselves, our wealth, with a new world unfolding. It is under severe stress with other alignments though.
The New Moon falls in January in Capricorn on the 10th. Along with everything just mentioned re the Mars into Scorpio and the Mercury retro – this is also in line with the re-ignition of the Uranus – Pluto square. We will all be feeling uncertain about what the future brings and as usual in these transformative times relationships will be front and centre – with much sadness involved however keep yourself true to your own evolution and the setting free for new beginnings will be profound.
With the Sun in hard aspect to Pluto at this Moon the power struggles will be immense and this can be do or die aggression in order to get the needs met. Most unpleasant actually when fear comes to the surface in this way. Because of Pluto’s challenging aspect to Uranus at this time we will see the more sinister side of the planet of death and renewal emerge. Literally we can expect intimidation, threats, assaults, stalking, secrecy etc and trust me people will go to any and all lengths to dominate or win here. Manipulation and vengeance, lies and deceit – will abound at this moon.
We are all feeling the impetus for change right now and this Moon’s energy will have us feeling fraught and possibly overwhelmed with how to manage into the future. Accidents and illness also are featured. The tightening of the Uranus-Pluto square remnants will push all this through the roof featuring dramatic and intense feelings and rapid change and with the normally favourable Sun trine to Jupiter thrown in – this can make us complacent and not see the dangers as they really are.
The instinct in all of this energy will be to hunker down and wait for the Cosmic storm to pass – don’t – lol – embrace and transcend – for that is what you are here for lol.
On January 23rd Venus enters Capricorn – a cardinal earth sign which does not appear very entertaining to the more frivolous aspects of us – but there is some serious work and rewards here to be done and enjoyed. This is about working hard on your relationships – getting the knots out of the way – being practical and ordered – and this will also apply to your business endeavours. How to make it work – how to get it to turn or how to move it along.
On the 24th we experience the Full Moon in Leo and this is a vibrant moon – where we long to shine and be seen. In the face of all that is already here this month this moon can impact on our pride and our need to feel good about our selves and being square to Mars we may in fact feel that we are not being seen in the light we deserve – and if we are not analytical about this – we may in fact become our own nemesis – the none so blind kind of thing – if we are not coming from open hearted authenticity. However if we do come from that place then we powerfully stand up and assert what is important to us.
This is a Moon for the Feminine within that is rising and it’s power to illuminate powerful insights into who you are and where you are going cannot be overstated. This last full moon – before the beginning of the year of the monkey – in February 8th’s new moon – is to show you where you have matured in your independence – where you have achieved mastery and where your wisdom shines forth in the darkness that is coming. Everything about this Moon is to show you that you are the mountain – halfway up the mountain – standing alone and tall – with the roots deep down.
Here you can see the unseen – let go – and become a remarkably powerful and illuminated wisdom in the form of the feminine in the world. Pallas-Athena sits opposite to the Moon on this day – the great seer who can see all that is hidden – who knows the path to victory, in wisdom, reason, intelligence and detachment. She sees all and knows all and knows how to apply herself to the task at hand and bring order from chaos until victory is seen.
With Mercury retro here still we will have been doing lots of revisiting, reviewing and rewiring of our existence and we are being asked to examine – are we in line with our feminine power – are we doing as our wisdom commands. Are we trusting ourselves yet or still seeking approval from others as the dying patriarchy demands.
At its very core of this Moon is this Feminine wisdom, maturity, courage and the ability to rise up like the phoenix – casting off the shackles of societies outdated and outmoded demands and expectations. We are rising above the monkey chatter of all things that keep us suppressed and we are rising from a deep well of the collective feminine – the fecund, sensual, uncontainable, creative, healing, receptive and visionary intelligence that has sat below the surface within us while the mad patriarchy brought the world to its knees and is now rising up to say – enough.
Due to the continued activation of the remnants of the Uranus-Pluto square at this moon – those violent and dramatic upheavals of all that was taken to be real over the past 5 years – the need to control and reclaim power will be strong and a major theme of this moon is also dealing with psychological abuse – as the rising feminine has all and sundry try and put it back in the box. The anxiety and inadequacy of those doing the abusing can actually lead to very wild and dangerous scenarios arising – involving all kinds of abuse in fact.
And the alignment with the fixed star Giedi points to a crisis also – but provides the faith and decisiveness to do what needs to be done when it happens.
Mercury’s alignments to the Sun, Pluto and Uranus show us that deceit will be readily available – propaganda lies will be thick – but less and less people are buying into it – it will be seen for what it is except for the sheep. And there are still enough of them to cause problems for the rest. On a personal level you may experience some shocking news with this moon – news that causes you to change your plans – your direction even. The pressure to achieve the trappings of mundane worlds will seem enormous and often you will feel you cant get on top of things – accidents can happen here anyway – but this kind of pressure lends weight to that.
Mars trining Neptune at this time also means the religious nutbags will be out in force – ranting their usual delusional mantras and linking them to war and the need to smite gods enemies – groan.
What it can do for the not so insane however is to provide you with the spiritual courage required to stand to your beliefs and not be bullied or squashed in the same old way.
March is another interesting month – kicking off this years eclipse cycle [there are 5 this year] with a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on March 8th – a powerful Karmic moon of endings [with four other planets here in Pisces] and with a fateful connection to the South Node. More on that as it draws nearer and there will a Lunar lunar Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 23rd – an opportunity for compromise and growth to get what you want in a win-win situation.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 6th March for an interestingly long time until August 2nd [usually it is for just a couple of months] and they are natural fits here these two although Mars may win out on running for the sake of running where Sagittarius is more interested in why we are running lol. This will give a huge boost of energy to our lives and if you focus this it will serve you well.
This seems like a good thing – until Mars stations retrograde in Sagittarius on April 17th to June 29th and everything will grind to a halt – trying the patience of Job really but certainly the rest of us mere mortals. You may be tested in your resolve here by visits from the past – just to see if you are serious – but we will all feel very stuck at this time. Once passed we will be back on track however – it just pays to be mindful. During this time if you are an Aries you will want an understanding as to how to bring your insights and beliefs into reality – Taureans will not get others and will have to accept the bitterness of endings – Gemini, to deal with aggressive approaches to others – Cancer, you have to stop working like a slave for all without acknowledgment and take care of your health – Leo, don’t get too distracted with earthly pleasures – Virgo, building foundations for the future – Libra, leave nothing to chance – Scorpio, watch your spending – Capricorn, feeling frustrated and out of control – Aquarians, reconnections with the past and Pisceans – you might finally get some recognition for all you do.
Generally an irritable time for most and this anger really may impact on peoples lives, work and relationships. What will be interesting is the global stage – war is often a feature of this placement and of hidden secrets revealed of corruption – raising the ire of the general population to revolutionary zeal and this could frighten the status quo enough to have them attempt intolerable crackdowns on their own citizenry to shore up their power bases that this will feed the longings for change. A very volatile time indeed!!
On the 23rd also we have Jupiter squaring Saturn – rolling around each decade full of disharmony and angst – unable to focus on what matters and what this will do globally is highlight where all the tensions are and the clashes of ideologies – just observe – wait – it will be back on May 26th with more of the same. Stay upbeat – but not in denial of what it all signifies. It’s is hard to balance these behemoths energies is all with Jupiter expanding and Saturn limiting we can end up with the best of ideas and motivation but being unable to bring it into fruition.
The end result of this energy generally is a locking down of control mechanisms however stay focused and if you apply yourself then when the break comes you will flow quickly with it. This does not look good for the financial world – but there is not much that points to joy in that area of course.
These two outer Orbs have a 20 year patterning reflected in the economies of world expanding and contracting accordingly. Because it began in Taurus and therefore requiring a pragmatic and healthy approach for all – and it is anything but and is being resisted at all costs as the greedy few hunker down with their scorched earth policy – the economies of the world are showing this severe reactionary contraction to this approach. We are in the last quarter of this 20 year cycle now and we can either work it out [doubt it] or reap the final whirlwind of this over the next five years when we will receive a very rude global awakening as to the collapse in the world ‘everything’ that this will create.
On the 24th Saturn stations retrograde [even though we have been feeling it for a week or so] and this is the Lord of Karma. Karma gets sorted in retrograde movements so in truth there will be no getting away from this one peeps. Associated with the wheel of time [as is Saturn] – our deeds or misdeeds will come back to haunt us now. If we have been tricky or treacherous – particularly in a spiritual way of manipulations to get your own needs met of personal power – then this is going to bite you big time.
If we have been kind and considerate and operated out of love and compassion then this is a time that rewards fall due. It’s pretty much about responsibility and if we have shouldered the things we are responsible for and put down what we are not. This could affect any area of your life – look to where Saturn is in your chart fro clues. But a little clue? If you have been sneaky, lying to your nearest and dearest, involved in theft or fraud? The likelihood is that this is going to come back and haunt you and if you have been on the other side of that there is a likelihood your name will be cleared and that reparation may fall due. None of this would be pretty though and this whole retrograde may feel overwhelmingly negative. And because it is unfolding in connection to the Full Moon this month [and an eclipse at that] and hot on the heels of that is the remnant energy of the Uranus-Pluto square – well the whole horrible business just gets more horrible altogether really. Some nasty deeds are going to be exposed here both personally and globally and no-one will come out a winner. But again these are the boils that must be lanced.
From April 18th to 26th September Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn. I will give a better run down on this closer but here is the idea of it – to add in to the mix of it all. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars after all – you know warfare, sexuality, enemy mine, unpredictability, ruthless power mongering, cruel and unreasonable punishment, jealousy and greed. Where is Capricorn and Pluto in your chart for your personal gripes.
Pluto retro will bring it all home and dress it up as your worst nightmare and have it knock on your door at midnight during this transit. Payback of anything you are yet to resolve may well be an absolute bitch during this time. If there is something that you know you need to balance or address – now is the time to do it – it will work much better than if you wait for the knock on the door from god knows what at the witching hour lol.
Its all about letting go of our identifications with ideas, people, stories, egos and dipping beneath the surface to discover what binds us all together – once we get past the dead bodies of long forgotten [but never released] pain – that is here again to allow us to move through it to freedom. These are always steps towards authenticity and while it is tempting to sweep all this away [and sometimes people too] – it is always best to do this clearing and healing with as little emotional attachment as possible. Emotions run both ways you see. This is a time of release – from the deepest aspects of your being – that you may find yourself in the cave of your heart – and truthfully let go.
This energy is so powerful it is pointless to resist it – or even try to. Your search can consume you – in powerful and relentless ways – the search for your own truth. It is emptying and uplifting but never comfortable going through. In Capricorn it will affect power structures in your life and world, authority figures [even in your own mind] – feeling right at home with Pluto – another double whammy as it were. These transits can often be associated with loss, death, serious illness – if that’s what it takes to get your attention. You will rise like the phoenix if you do the work – or will find yourself among the salamanders if needed lol.
On the 9th of May Jupiter stations direct in Virgo and for now that means we are doing the Virgo thing of crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s however we willstill feel conflicted as Jupiter wants us to see the big picture and Virgo wants us to focus down. Also in May there is a Jupiter-Saturn T-square alignment with Neptune and this is likely to expose financial loss in a big way through fraud and this looks like a global one – tax evasion and immense theft but it will not be handled well by the feel of it.
May will also have the last blue moon until 2019 and it will be a beauty as we have super moons flowing here.
In June on the 13th Neptune stations Retrograde and as the ruler of dreams and the expansive reality and multi-dimensions we will be invited to review what inspires and enlivens us for life. Are we on track, do we feel on par with our dreams or have they become someone else’s nightmare. This is a powerful time to hunt our blind spots – are we being delusional? Up our selves? Are we supporting a cause from honest motives for the good of all? The lines between fantasy and reality get very blurred at this time and we can slide off into a very surreal world or worlds and this is already on offer with the grand Saturn – Neptune square so dream big but know your boundaries – all things are possible here – including nighmares.
The second direct hit of the Saturn – Neptune square unfolds on the 17th and this can lead to letting go or folding something but it probably wont be a surprise to you if that happens. It could still be upsetting if you had unrealistic expectations of what was possible in the beginning. This will impact on the next couple of months with big changes coming – a reward for past hard work or time away in a good way. Or a wake up call that your responsibilities were not being met or being disappointed in another for the same thing.
This once every 18 year cycle reflects to society at large its ability to break free and grow or its great disillusionment with the world and how it is going – its impact on society and its members and life is never quite the same after these transits – for all of us. The power of the duality in which we live.
It reoccurs on September 10th and during that one and its associated alignments will really show the world where we are at and what we need to do break free of the circumstances which brought it all about.
On the 26th of June Jupiter trines Pluto and this opens us all up to new possibilities – all of which will sell themselves – and it behoves us to have that faith in ourselves that we can do it if we believe.
On the same day Chiron stations retrograde until December 1st which will help us discover all kinds of previously unseen capabilities within us and these are often the things we did naturally in childhood but were taught that it was not ok and so learned to put it away. We need to examine this during this retro period of the wounded healer for until we let them grow also we remain stunted in our ability to fully shine. It’s time to let go of all that victim consciousness and let our selves flourish in all areas – to become complete and whole. Be brave and step through – into your selves.
On the 29th July Uranus stations retrograde and this great planet of insight and revolution – is now going to draw you in and light the fire that will blow apart any resistance you have to becoming – in any area of your life where you have become staid and comfortable. And stuck! The end result of this transition is often a complete opening of our belief structures and attitudes that once seemed solid and immovable. We develop greater shades of grey here and are less tempted to take the moral high ground re any scenario. It behoves us all to really watch for synchronicity, accidents, things popping in from left field as it were – there in will lie the clues to what is being released – this can be very liberating if you work with it. And as new worlds open up the possibility of a great creative break through – artistic – writing – healing possibilities – will flourish. It will be challenging but the internal freedom you seek can take a step forward here.
In August and September we have a partial lunar eclipse in Aquarius [hauling up issues from 98 an 09] followed by a Solar eclipse in virgo-Pisces [review 06 for clues] and then another on on the 16th – making 5 for the year!
On the 9th of September Jupiter enters Libra until the 10th October 2017. And here we move from the individual trees and start seeing the big forest anew. We will move from a focus on the nitty gritty of life and we will expand relationships – beauty – art – all will become much more appealing to us personally and in the world. I will post more in this when the time comes but this will be a lovely transit for us all to enjoy. It will be a good transit for those that get actively involved in seeing a more beautiful world and want to participate in this. There will be a lot more in this closer to the event but it will be a bit of a relief after the Virgo transit.
One the 10th we have the next Saturn square Neptune hit and on the 26th Pluto stations direct. Followed by Neptune stationing direct on 19th November. When Jupiter squares Pluto on the 24th we can find ourselves over reaching for what we want or for someone else pushing us before we are ready – this is powerful energy for once in motion it is hard to retract and it really can break the very thing you are seeking – be mindful at this time. Don’t push or be pushed. This energy makes us all very mindful of the group collective too – and injustices – and so don’t be surprised to see people power demands for the old order to be torn down – for all to share in the collective wealth – this force will be so big by now that the poor children appointed by the corporations to rule government will feel compelled to get on board as it were and even become righteous about it – but they will be seen for what they are. On the flip side of this though – if there arises at this time some charismatic nutter promising the usual miracle if you will all just give over to them – then this numnuts is likely to be very persuasive and it will behove you to see true leadership from some kind of pied piper leading everyone over the cliff.
In October we have the beginning of the super moon series – which simply adds weight to what ever is going down at the time lol. First of these full moons will be on the 16th in Aries – big juju indeed – followed on the 30th by a Black Moon [not to be seen again until 2019] in Scorpio – think death, transformation, rebirth, annihilation, exposure of secrets etc lol. All just before the madness of the american election. Then the second [and brightest] super moon in Taurus on 14th November and the third and final one on 16th December in Gemini.
Just before Xmas Saturn trines Uranus on the 24th December and this one only rolls around twice every 45 years and influences things for about a year. Again it works more powerfully on the collective than on individual people but we will all be affected none the less. This is an odd energy – it will appear that the radical is at war with the conservative but it is not war at all really – just biff and bluff and everyone pretending they are at odds but no one doing anything. However there will be clues amongst this frippery that point to the real revolution that is coming on its heels lol.
A couple of days later on boxing day – the 26th December Jupiter is in opposition to Uranus and this is quite challenging as the powers of expansion, freedom and stepping away from the status quo both push hard for all the things of change we have been speaking of and thinking about to come in to fruition. The absolute need to rebel – to throw off the traces – to unshackle ourselves from the obdurate strictures of a bureaucracy gone stark raving mad now – will be somewhat irrepressible!! Everything that has been wrong will be seen for what it is – very clearly – you will spot the interloper, the phony, the fraud – be it in your personal life or in the geopolitical sphere and you will not want a bar of it. You will see clearly how these nonsensical people have strangled your life and how you have let it happen by abdicating responsibility for your own life.
There will be a strong impetus for change at this time – excitement at new possibilities will easily outweigh the fear that has been stuffed down your throat for years by those feeding off your efforts. The likelihood of social activism reaching global proportions is high now and there will be real rebellion and revolution against the greedy and corrupt that have suffocated the world for hundreds [indeed thousands] of years. The corrupt will see the inevitable and try to jump on board to save their own skins and pretend this is what they wanted all along – my sense is this is the time of the pitchforks though and all will be seen for what it is. There will be chaos here but it is the chaos that precedes profound change for the better.
The year finishes with Uranus stationing direct on the 28th. There will be more each month about the particular moons of each month and the other energies playing out month by month but this gives you the over view for the year ahead and the corrupt institutions of government and corporations will continue to fall and to fail – which will bring its own level of pain – always remember that this is what we came for – to burn the kingdom down – and make way for the return of the great mother.
The outer planets really foretell what is coming and as they move through their trajectories it points to an ever increasing concern in the main population over how the world is being completely mismanaged – or worse deliberately poisoned – to facilitate a dramatic change in the fortunes of many to facilitate the benefit of a very few indeed.
The grass-root and social justice movements will not be silenced – no matter what monstrosities the corporate lackeys in government heap upon their heads. Institutions will fiercely resist this – thus increasing the complete breakdown between of trust between governments, their agencies in law and enforcement, councils, medical professions etc and the people, as they realise who their “elected” leaders have always served.
There will be people who rise who say they have the answer – this year is filled with charismatic types from the religious nutbaggery all the way through to escapist communities. The local organisations that form to care for each other will be the ones that do best while the elite continue to feather their nests at the expense of the planet and all other living creatures.
The economic situation is actually dire and there is no back up of taxpayer funding to bail the thieves out this time – there has been nothing done to change the practices and policies of theft and mismanagement and so it truly is only a matter of time before it all crashes down. Governments will get increasingly hostile to the populations they ‘serve’ [lol] and the thugs will be out in force to break the will of those rising up to say – enough. However all the stars are in alignment to bring the whistle blowers forward and expose the truly sinister machinations of the dark and the lengths they have gone to – to feed on the fear and desperation of humanity and the world.
There will be charismatic leaders in popular uprisings and from the establishment – promising to bring about change – do beware false prophets – however as it all begins to fall down – even the establishment will be obliged to offer radical change and become self righteous about it – as though they are still leading the charge lol – and will be seen for what they are.
The security apparatus in all nations will be reinforced and the deep invasions into peoples personal lives will continue and again we can only hope that more people wake up and blow the whistle on such amoral pursuits. All the stars of this decade have been demanding that the common good of all life become the determining factor in decision making and though the aging demented greedy ones will fight to the death to maintain their status – it is their deaths that will ultimately come.
THE YEAR OF THE fire – MONKEY 2016 – Chinese Astrology
The Year of the Fire Monkey is a very energetic beasty and is very wondrous for leaping forward into your life. Like the monkey swinging through the trees you will be shaking your own tree and shedding the dead wood.
This is a year to take bold risks and the bolder they are the more likely they are to succeed. Opportunities will pop up from the most unlikely of places and it is worth noting who your animal allies are in chinese astrology and draw their good luck to you this year also [come to Feng Fest to learn how –
For there will be much irrepressible enthusiasm for the year.
It also means that things on one level are entirely unpredictable and things will get complicated but can be navigated through good effort and hard work. This is also a year in which there will be lots of energy going into social activism and political upheaval.
What ever project you are undertaking – double check your business partners – are they right for you – can they bear the load if something goes wrong. Again if you stay focused and on the ball – you can do very well out of the energies available now – the year of the monkey usually means that money flows and it does so regularly.
It is a year for spontaneity and breaking habits – not forming them. So get out there and do something inventive and creative – share fun times with the family – go somewhere you have dreamed of but never quite manifested. It is hard for negative energies to get a foot hold this year – the quality of Fire with Monkey’s vitality and innovation means that both business and personal relationships can climb to new heights.
This year can play havoc with the stock market [we are already seeing this in the build up to this year] and also the irrepressible monkey does not like to be dictated to and so the worlds conservative governments will have a hard task as the people rise up against them and say – no – we are not doing this. Find out who your natural allies are in the 12 signs of the Zodiac and use Feng Shui to hitch your wagon to the most resourceful of them for the year ahead and you will do well.
Just don’t get too caught up in serious planning or storing things away right now – it is a year for initiative and bold leaping off cliffs – that is not to say you cant be sensible and in fact in this year that is necessary – just be prepared to seize any opportunity that wanders by! In the year some of your greatest attributes to apply are your sense of fun and humour and quick wit and these will get you through just about anything.
It is a year to apply unconventional approaches to old and difficult terrain. This will get you through just about anything and in an unpredictable year just about anything can pop up. It is a mischievous energy also and amongst things that can fly and opportunities to do well at short notice there are also many who will be out to deceive and the old adage – if it is too good to believe it is true then it probably is – is definitely an adage for the year of the monkey.
And as they are such agile and irascible creatures it is really important with all the mental alacrity required – your body had better be up to the task! This is a great year for all to consider their fitness programme, what you put into your body for fuel and generally seeing a counsellor, massage therapist, fitness guru, and physio etc to have your body humming on all cylinders!
It really is the best year to be moving the body – that after all evolved as a running predator over the past million years – until 50 years ago when we stopped and sat at a desk for ever! Every thing works better when you move – get yourself assessed – start a regime – smooth out the lumps and bumps – move the resistance out of the way with someone who knows what they are doing – and start yoga, swimming, fitness at the gym, learn the tango, take up wing chung or tai chi, pick up a racket – or even go for long evening walks – the dog will love you!
In such a year there is a lot of insecurity and anxiety as well as fun and opportunity as everyone works at getting the best deal for themselves and so it is important to analyse everything closely and let reason be your guide when it comes to decision making in business or on the domestic front.
New inventions will abound in this year – and when you tie it up with western astrology many of those will be in space technology, flight [which unfortunately will mean deadlier killer robots being produced by the world’s greatest warmongers – the americans] and many other things besides. So anyone with a passion for the bold moves, a flair for anarchy, a courageous heart, a mind that can see round corners to see the benefit of the most insane possibilities, a flair for riding the storms – will do very well this year – the rest are likely to unravel in the uncertainty.
It is individual energy that will flourish this year – and while that will benefit the collective – it is not likely that collective endeavours will do as well. Grow your mind – it is the year of mental ingenuity – do things for expansion and growing yourself. So educate yourself this year – in small ways or big ways – in ways that support your dreams – every thing is a step.
One of the interesting things about this energy is that it is very intolerant of constraints and strictures that make no sense and serve only the few. This is the energy that will very easily rise up to the over lord and say – actually sod that and sod off. And if there are people out there attempting to capitalise on the misery of any kind of economic downturn [almost a given at the moment] at the expense of others – then in this energy – they will live to regret it.
The monkey is an interesting energy for it has almost risen above the animal world without destroying it along the way as humans do – it recognises it is part of an harmonious whole. If we all strive for the active part of us – the explorer and adventurer – the inventor and the creator – within us – then we will flourish this year. It is not a year to be dull or passive in this world.
If you are a Fire sign in western astrology [Aries, Leo or Sagittarius] then you are going to have energy to burn this year lol and opportunities a plenty to fire up the belly and your mind will be sharper than usual.
If you are a Water sign [Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces] then you are going to be challenged spiritually to grow and there will be a series of initiations unfolding for you to grow you also. Whilst this will be challenging it is also opening you up for what you came to do on this planet – the mystical will become mundane for you and you will walk with a foot in both worlds – seeing what many will not yet be able to see.
If you are an Air sign [Gemini, Libra and Aquarius] you are likely to have strong and connected relationships that are harmonious and easy to navigate – no matter what is going on. This can certainly lead to deepening of relationships and even if you decide to move on this year you will do it and grow swiftly on the other side.
If you are an Earth sign [Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn] then Mercuries influence will impact on you – bringing an awareness and stability as you become more aware of what it is to engage in the sacredness of everyday doing and being in this life and will become more aware of their multidimensional reality outside of this 3D earth bound existence.
This Year of the Fire Monkey is symbolized by Yang Fire over Metal. In the rhythm of birth and death displayed in the elemental dance – fire conquers metal and so they are in a conflicting cycle in this combination. A ‘setting sun’ is spoken of with these two and the likelihood of is of violent conflicts and clashes as the sun sets on old ways of conservative being as the irrepressible monkey rises. International tensions will rise and explode with this energy.
Due to all the yang water contained in the metal this also indicates there will be conflict or issues relating to oceans, water borders and territorial battles over demarcation zones. Also for shipping and airline accidents and disasters.
As Yang Fire represents the sun and energy then issues around the heart and cardiovascular system – inflammation and other things here may be at the forefront this year and as it is also about the shoulder there may be issues at play here as well. On a global stage fire also comes into the mix and we may see explosions, nuclear accidents and vast bushfires unfolding around the world. Fire relates to the air as well and so issues around birdlife, drones and non human controlled killer robots are likely to rise.
Metal is about the lungs and the breath and as the illness flying star sits in the centre this year there are real possibilities of serious air pollution or poisonings of lungs and flu like pandemics occurring.
Fire and Water play out indeed and so industries associated with this will feel the impact – for good or ill. So energy industries, the stock exchange, banking and show business for fire will be on the boil one way or the other and communication industries, transport and shipping will be involved with the water side of things.
I will endeavour to post the cures and enhancers for all the flying stars in February’s newsletter all being well and for the beginning of it all remember on the 4th of February – begin the day by rolling
So be alert to opportunities – seize them well – act decisively – make sure your feng shui cures are in place – and enjoy the ride.
And now to look at some Chaldean Numerology for the year ahead.
History as we know it is quite severely limited by our modern sensibilities and a reductionist science modality that says if I cannot see it under a microscope it does not now, nor did it ever – exist!
Understandable but extremely limited and has given us a very distorted “history” of human endeavour on this planet. But suffice it to say that to the best of our limited understanding the Chaldean system predates most other ones in use.
The Chaldeans taught the Essenes who taught Christ his ministry etc etc – that is presuming we choose [or not] to believe in the historical jesus. Where they got it from? Well now that is an interesting discussion for another day lol.
But I genuinely believe that human civilization and endeavour has been around a lot longer than the 10,000 years that our current scientists of all persuasions can allow themselves to see!
This system is very simple and whilst it has room for letters to have numerical value etc, it relies first and foremost on the day you were born. So that gives you a great deal of information and I have found it to be very accurate over the years in working with clients and friends and family however today we are looking at what it predicts for you for the year ahead.
In talking earlier about the feminizing of the earth – this system attests to the shift in and of itself. For the last thousand years, the year that people were born in began with a ‘1’ and this is a very masculine energy but at the turn of the century every year begins with a ‘2’ which is a much more feminine concept of the intuitive and emotive – so all year predictions have this energy built into them now. Kinda cool really.
So it is quite simple. To work out what kind of year you are going to be in this year just take the number of the day you were born and the month you were born and add it to this year ahead and add it all up. E.g. if you were born on the 6th of November then you add up 6+11+2013 which equals 23 and 2+3 = 5 so you will be in a 5 year.
If you are having a 1 year you are about to embark on a whole new 9 year cycle of growth and evolution. This is like a new phase in your life and a wonderful time to set short, medium and long term goals for the cycle ahead. A lot will have been completed in the last year for you and in both personal and professional terms you are now likely to have new people, new ideas and new ventures in front of you.
Whilst this is challenging [we humans hate change] you are nonetheless equipped for this for you are quite single minded through this year and will learn to stand on your own feet with focus and determination. Remember that no man is an island though and as in all things it remains important to remember that we are human only in relation to other humans so even though it behooves you to be strong and work out what you want, it also is important to be gracious in all your encounters. A year of quite significant change, perhaps a new love, a new career – what ever comes know that you have everything you need within to deal with it.
If you are having a 2 year it means your numbers will add up to 20 however if they add up to 29 or 38 then that is an 11 year or Master Number and more on that later!!
For a 2 year partnerships are highlighted and this could be a love that becomes serious, a new love, even a proposal – what ever it is, because this is a feminine aspected number, your intuition will be on fire and you will know if what ever is going on – is actually really good for you [or not]. The feminine aspect may lead to a new female friend or mentor who will have a significant impact on your life. You will have the ability to see both sides of the coin in your endeavours in this year and then work out what is best for you.
In a 3 year a lot of what you have been working on will start to show benefit in your life. You have probably been working pretty hard over the last couple of years and now you begin to reap the reward. It is a very positive year socially and you will find yourself beating things off with a stick, but hey it is nice to be popular from time to time now isn’t it. Watch for the possibility of going off the deep end with some wild passion here is all, all that popularity can go to the head! Artistic and creative passions are highlighted and if you are having a 3 year let it rip. We have all been given nonsense messages about how we cannot draw or sing or what ever and this is the year to bust it open. Try new things, expect good results and don’t forget to bank some of the abundance that can flow in a 3 year. Deeper connection with children is possible here, maybe even one of your own or new life turning up somewhere.
If your numbers this year add up to a 4 you are in for some hard aspects of your life to unfold. Number 4 [and 8] are numbers of fate and destiny and often require us to work hard, pay attention to detail and watch our personal and financial reality to ensure we don’t come a cropper in some form or other. In this year you motives and interests may be misunderstood and this can leave you feeling alone and on the defensive.
It is a great year if you work hard, are organized and efficient and tactful and if you do this you will be rewarded and get an opportunity to move forward in a really good way.
There can also be problems with legal issues this year and if so just approach these things methodically and without drama and you will navigate through them ok. It is actually a good year for material gain if you follow these steps and take care of things around the house and car as well.
A year that adds up to 5 is considered lucky and alive for all those encountering. You seem to have the ‘midas touch’ this year and it is usually engaging, passionate and intense. There is an accompanying sense of well being and rightness in the world and it is as though all the hard work you have done over the past four years is paying off. These are creative and magnetic energies and people will find themselves drawn to you in ways that maybe you, nor they, are familiar with. Your luck is good this year also and a great year to have a flutter, make an investment on the stock market [if you are into that kind of thing] or be bold in a business move. A time of richness and abundance [and watch your fertility also lol]. This is also an auspicious number for love and if it comes this year it may have a touch of the past life or karmic thing about it however if it comes this year it augers well for the future.
A 6 year is focused much more on the home, contentment and security. This is considered a gentle and yet fortunate year where the home becomes the centre of your world and love is always involved. Self love and learning to nurture your own emotional security, rifts with families may be healed here, often a beautiful new love may arrive or you can make a commitment to something that has been there for a while. This number often means a shift of abode or even the purchase of a house and this house will be warm and loving. You seemed to be blessed this year and there will be people to support your vision and creativity and enterprises this year. Artistic expression is also highlighted here and with art therapy we would always encourage you to be creative and expressive, however this year is truly highlighted for it. So get out there and create, it will go well and will open inner doors for you.
In a 7 year it is as if you go within, to reflect on the past years and give yourself some time to evaluate but this is only in preparation to come out and sort out the wheat from the chaff for you in this year. It is a time of sorting, what stays, what goes and you can become quite ruthless and efficient in sorting what you want which in turn can be alienating of those around you. You are restless this year and never quite satisfied with what you are doing and [often unfortunately] with what others around you are doing. It is really important to be focused this year as it is easy to get led astray with multitudinous possibilities and get some expert advice when it comes to matters of importance to you. If you are travelling plan carefully and if you are wanting to invest, source out all the info you need. Watch your health this year also and follow up on little niggly things, they may not be so for long if ignored. Clean the shed this year people, tidy up, unshackle yourself from false beliefs and false people and challenge all your beliefs for some of them may be showing your prejudices. A good year for study and learning also.
If your numbers add up to 8 remember this is a number of fate and destiny and a time of reward for all the good things you have done in your life. [not so good however if you have been a miserable cretin most of your life – you get the picture lol]. It is why the Chinese consider 8 to be a fortuitous number [these ancient systems of understanding are truly global] and aspire to have children born on this number and get married in droves here. If you are unattached this is the number of meeting some karmic lover – for good or ill but most likely for good under this number. Who ever arrives will be around for a good while influencing the next cycle!! Creative fertility is governed by this number – which means that what ever you create – be it a child, a course of learning, a financial empire – you will have a deep and strong connection to it. This is because whatever is going on that intrigues and engages you has intrigued and engaged you in another existence. It is a very good year for finances and luck and as in all things exercise the necessary caution!
A 9 year is a year that completes the cycle and so lots of things come to an end here. This can be anxiety provoking in many ways because again we humans are not good with change – we resist it all the time but this is not a year to do this. Embrace it and trust your intuition if it feels right to end a relationship, a friendship, a professional relationship or dissolve a business. You have probably been aware that this has been coming for awhile but have not had the readiness to follow through but this year you will.
This can also mean the end of a project or course of study. A financial boost for a job well done or increase in wages for improved employability. It can be a difficult year with things arriving out of left field at you but you are ready and it is often the future attempting to show you what may be possible for the next cycle commencing in the following year. This is a year to rise above all things, to see the bigger picture and to not get caught in the nitty gritty details of micro management. Absolutely a year to go with the flow and trust your inner guidance. It is a good year to travel and broaden the mind and stretch the wings of freedom. This can have a big impact on others so be gentle as you go and do as you would be done by.
Master number 11 is calculated by the final number adding up to 11 and this is not then reduced to 2.
This is a very powerful year and requires a powerful application by you to sort out the crap! You can have it all in this year but only if you are prepared to do the hard work that is required and a lot of the hard work is to be done on yourself. Shake the tree of your existence this year folks. Let go of playing small. Stop allowing yourself to be distracted by other people’s dysfunctional needs and your dysfunctional need to take care of them. Here is a year to be true to your self and be that truth in the world and the world will reward you well, should you do this. You are on fire and as sharp as a tack and many, many opportunities in all areas of your life will unexpectedly flow to you.
In this year you really see the wood from the trees and it is difficult for you to kid yourself or allow others to do the same. So examine carefully any contracts that come your way and your instincts will serve you well. This involves people as well and you may encounter people of an entirely new kind this year as you are open to greater possibility. Because of all the possibilities that will emerge – in your normal resistance to change – you may begin to worry or become anxious about your abilities – not this year dear one – Carpe Diem – seize the day indeed!
So in a nutshell those are the challenges ahead – if you can make it to the feng fest do so lol – much can be done to weave the fates in your favour – and if you end up struggling with any of the challenges and would like a path through to change and evolution – contact Prue on 0419819089 to set up a session to set you free from what binds you xxx