Relationships and Feng Shui – 18th October 9 am to 1 pm
On the 18th October at the Regal Park Motor Inn in North Adelaide we will be holding a Workshop called “Relationships and Feng Shui”.
The Chinese culture which developed these energetic understandings [along with their wonderful traditional chinese medicine] over 5,000 years [when most of our ancestors were burrowing in caves eating mushrooms and god knows what else lol] has an innate and demonstrable understanding of the energies which surround us all and by manipulating those energies in our homes and offices – we can open all of our relationships up to new potential and harmony.
In the morning we will focus on romantic relationships including friends and family – the social milieu in which we all exist. You will discover simple tools to harmonise these easing the stress and strain of our family and romantic connections and in this way allowing forward movement or to bring into your life the love and peace you may be yearning for.
We will also look here at what inside you gets in the way of these relationships! We all have a great capacity to look out and see what is “wrong” with the other person – however when one finger points out, three fingers point back – what we see out there that gets in the way of our harmonious relationships usually has a great deal more to do with us than with the other person and wouldn’t it be great to not have to deal with that any more? You will learn simple and effective tools to deal with your own projections and this indeed is immensely liberating.
Then we shall do the same with your business relationships and networking circles – help you moderate them and also to alleviate that in you which causes the self sabotage behaviour we often despair of – the inability to put ourselves forward with confidence and power. Follow the link to register for this fun, informative and empowering workshop.
Presented by Prue at Thrive by Design and
Just like the name says, SUCCESS IN LIFE is all about wanting clients to achieve success in every aspect of their life, whether that be in their career, their finances, their relationships, their health…
Carolyn is a feng shui master, trained in Kuala Lumpur by Lillian Too, as well as a skilled coach and speaker. Our clients were asking our advice on their homes and offices and we realised it was time to assist!
Julie Machell is a feng shui master, trained in Kuala Lumpur by Lillian Too. She successfully combines feng shui and a corporate career, knowing how it can bring with it prosperity, harmony, health and loving relationships.