New Moon in Leo Meditation
To be held for the first time on our new social media platform at the Healing Ground Collective at mighty networks on Tuesday the 18th at 7pm ACST. [the moon rises here in Adelaide at 12 midday on the 19th but we always tap in as the energies are building to a peak]
To join us at this site you will be invited to become a member for 12 months at a very reasonable price – which in fact will give you all 24 Moon Meditations for the year at ¼ of the price you are currently paying to attend.
Follow the link here – – to join up and this will also provide a portal of access to the Being on the Frontier programme which starts rolling out next month.
The full moon in Aquarius with Leo Sun a week ago highlighted the dichotomy between self importance and the importance of community.
With its hard alignment with Uranus brought many powerful things to light again and as it prepares to station retrograde in Taurus on the 15th pretty well anything goes in the way of security and health and food and we can expect any upheaval to be surprising and disruptive as old worn out patterns of stagnation are broken open for renewal.
Under the energy of Leo the heart is wide open – under the portal of the lions gate wisdom flows in – charging our very DNA with remembered knowledge of awakening to who we really are. That full moon in Aquarius is to remind us that we are socially conscious and responsible for working together to better the world for all life.
Our world is decaying from the inside out – with a loss of values and decency – exactly as happened in rome – and we still have not bottomed out yet. And will not until we understand and live by a win/win paradigm – in deep connection – living meaningful lives – dedicated to truth and love – then we will be weaving the magic of the coming Age of Aquarius.
This powerful light unfolding is revealing all and each eclipse season this year has shone the light on the corruption that must be lanced like the boil that it is. The Jeffrey Epstein saga shows the beast that will be exposed of manipulation of the world through sexual exploitation, the George Floyd saga shows the institutionalised racism that disavows much of the worlds population from a fair bite of the apple, the virus saga and its manipulation through fear shows the continual exploitation of life and ecology of the planet biting back, the growing extreme weather the same and all display the light shining ever more brightly as that old world is disintegrating in the face of the new parallel world emerging.
Get used to it lovely ones – the dark days of seeing the horror unfolding will continue as it all falls down and we see more disclosures of the truth. More evidence of ET life on this planet will become more apparent and the magic of connections, synchronicity and signs from the universe get stronger as the year progresses. The dots are connecting and our appreciation of diversity grows.
Everything is being re-evaluated – what really matters. It is not what we have been fed for far too long in our economic slavery. There is no returning to ‘normal’ and we can be very grateful for that. New enterprises and learnings will unfold as we reach for a new and connected way of being. The fire in the belly is growing and this month the potential remains explosive and dangerous for many so keep your wits about you as Mars marches through the Capricorn stellium squaring them all beginning August 4th.
On that day Mercury entered Leo after completing a lengthy stay in the home and family loving sign of Cancer. During that 10 weeks we were preoccupied with issues of home, family and security. All those issues and our responsibilities in them have been front and centre. It has kind of summarised for us all the past nine eclipses – solar and lunar – tied to the lunar nodes in Cancer and Capricorn. That has all been overhauled and we are much better placed to move forward authentically and more prepared for writing a new creative reality.
On the 7th Venus entered Cancer and it will encourage a further retreat into protection until September 6th – laying the groundwork for the home as a safe haven in the coming storms. The conjunctions of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto continue to expose all from the underbelly that needs purging, clearing and a reset of momentous proportions – requiring adaptation and the motivation to overcome the obstacles that are presented for removal.
There is so much fire in August as it ascends with the Sun and Mercury in Leo and with Mars continuing its lengthy sojourn in fiery Aries. It generates and sustains the vitality we need to meet the challenges coming head on – no resisting or procrastinating. This will help for what is coming. The retrograde phase of Mars in Aries from September 9th to November 13th will seriously shake things up so this matters lol.
Don’t forget that Mars is in Aries until January 2021 – right through the birth of the Age of Aquarius on December 20th 2020. It will be increasingly shaking up our reality and our world as it makes these squares to the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto – all in Capricorn. All institutions and issues connected here will collapse in the face of aggressive challenge of the forceful Mars in Aries. On a personal level or in what you see unfolding globally – remember that the dark events that arise are simply representing what is dying and needs release in preparation for the new age birthing.
Mars can display wilfulness, impulsivity, force and volatility but it also brings fearlessness and positive power to give you strength to forge through the most difficult challenges that are coming. It is about ‘right use of will’ and when applied correctly with the welfare of all in mind it can make for heroism to change – to fulfil the hero’s quest.
As it marches through the stellium of planets in Capricorn during the rest of the year the events will be life-changing, involving ancient karmic patterns coming to a crisis point. Beginning in August yes but during the retro phase beginning next month it is a storm that cannot be resisted. Be open. Choose love as your guide.
Here is a brief guide as they hit – however it does create an atmosphere that will hold through to January 2021.
Mars square Jupiter – August 4th, October 18th 2020 – January 23rd 2021 – growing pains, risk taking, hope in recognising cosmic law and order, ability to fight injustice, reformation of law and structures of authority.
Mars square Saturn – August 24th, September 29th 2020, January 13th 2021. The hard slap of reality, walls, blocks, delays, doggedly moving forward in the face of it, self-reliance, loss and grief, ethical dilemmas in the face of obligations vs self-responsibility, surrender.
Mars square Pluto – August 13th, October 9th, December 23rd 2020. Exposure of corruption and deceit, breaking open the illusions and delusions, confrontation with authority, power plays, power as a tool vs a weapon, ambition, possession and obsession, busting open and breaking down, life as we know it disappearing, rising against the odds, fight for justice.
This whole Mars transit through the stellium of planets in Capricorn will explode through all the areas outlined above. A parallel world is unfolding remember and look for signs and symbols re this as connections, wizardry and meaning unfold in the strangest of ways. Form community with those who seem to realise what is going on and are doing what they can to help build something in a new way to help all unfold.
These transits are very powerful and will transform our consciousness however if fear or judgement has your thinking you will be blind to the new age unfolding before you.
The chaos will build as more and more people simply cannot abide the constraints that have held them bowed and enslaved for generations. They will break the chains of this injustice and inequity. If not channelled this chaos will produce episodes and places of anarchy during the collapse.
This will produce in those who believe that they are born to rule as it were – an increasing level of fear and the need to dominate and control – as occurs in all fascist epochs – and the battle between ‘authority’ and the rising heart of the people will certainly ramp up as the year progresses.
Step back. Let go of what you need to let go of to detach. You can’t mess about with these energies.
Along with the Mars square Pluto transit which reinforces the energies of the great Saturn conjunct Pluto in January which initiated all that defines 2020 – Mars will conjunct Eris in Aries for the first time on August 17th.
Eris – a dwarf planet slightly bigger than Pluto – is named for the Goddess of discord – and takes 558 years to navigate through the entire Zodiac in its circumvention of the solar system. Discovered in 2005, this slow moving dwarf therefore takes decades to sojourn through each sign. It also will square Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This will powerfully add to the pressure to balance injustice – particularly focused on groups in society generally – that have been disengaged, disenfranchised, demoralised, disrespected, ground down and treated with contempt.
And on the 15th – Uranus – bringer of awakening and change, liberation and excitation, sudden and shocking events – enters into the underworld of our consciousness as it turns retrograde this day and remains here for the rest of this powerful year – until January 14th 2021.
This will be a long 7 months to remember lol. It will blast out of our existences anything we are yet to resolve that keeps us from remembering that safety and security reside within an awakened loving heart.
We will see with clarity the things that are no longer working for us and we will have the impetus to change them – either by strengthening our commitment or giving us the courage to walk away. Remember though Uranus’s nature is shocking and sudden so if you feel the initial tremblings, step back and observe what is going on and you are less likely to be hit for six, by the medicine curve ball from left field lol.
You may have anticipated a major change in your life or tried to initiate change but nothing has happened. In this case, transiting Uranus retrograde will induce the internal changes in attitude or behaviors which are necessary to make the desired change possible.
Whatever comes it is not to punish you but to awaken you – to shift your perception – to allow the path to be cleared of the boulders and brambles in the way. As it retrogrades through the underworld during this time you may find it easier to communicate with your guides, to trust your intuition now – as ancient issues and past life karma arises to be cleared, Your visions may be acute – albiet confusing from time to time – as you are guided to remember skills and knowledge from previous incarnations.
Uranus is here in Taurus until 2026 so we will be doing this for some years yet however this extended retrograde period in this catalytic and cataclysmic year of 2020 – much of what is initiated now is what we will deal with ongoing and issues of security, safety, food security, material possessions, environment – may all come close to the surface at this time.
And then on the 18th we have the New Moon in Leo – bringing strong hearts and fire for the journey ahead. Here we are shown we are enough – that we can feel and see know that all is unfolding perfectly – even as we witness the old world imploding in on itself. Even as we witness everyone and everything being forcibly disconnected and isolated within their homes – not even being allowed out into nature. Even as we witness the progression of the regression as more and more sleepwalkers succumb to fear and in being unable to trust their “leaders” – search deeper and deeper into alternative realities seeking the comfort of “rescue” – which will not come.
This is being powerfully manipulated by your media – for if they can get the people divided and fighting amongst themselves then it gives them greater excuse to impose martial law for your “safety and security” and prevents us uniting against the yoke of capitalist slavery that has held humans in check for an epoch or three. We see this most strongly highlighted in america – who is approaching its own Pluto return.
Arriving in Leo Decan 3 [ruled by Mars] it is the lions natural home – full of lordliness and the divine right of kings to rule and requiring absolute loyalty to the cause – to the blood line – to the tribe. This is here in a new way – to inspire us to stand up and own our own reality. To become the lords of our own reality – to remember we are indeed carrying the divine spark and it is time to get up of our knees and stand tall as behoves the great souls we are.
It will also provide the impetus for those who lord it over us to want to cling on to power for grim death, to impose and iron will and control over all who are naturally rising to say ‘enough’. These types ruling the world currently don’t know when to stop. And there is a cruel and inhuman streak about them.
So this moon will beckon us to become ourselves, upright and free – while at the same time the thugs in charge will cling ever more tightly to power as they feel the reins slipping through their fingers.
With this New Moon in Leo we will plant the seeds for a new reality based on what we have learned from months of stay at home introspection and observations. As Mercury conjoins Sun in Leo in the few days building up to the New Moon in a potent alignment with Mars it provides a real possibility of epiphanies on insight about your true nature and its real power of expression and creativity.
As you may remember on May 5th the lunar nodes moved from their long sojourn in Cancer/Capricorn into the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius. This is a huge energetic shift and this moon aligns wonderfully with the new configuration of the Nodes continuing to push us to evolution of consciousness. To becoming our authentic selves.
This moon reminds us that we all fear criticism and struggle to hear it for in childhood it was often laced with punishment simply for being ourselves. It can also have us struggle to receive praise and these outward realities have always been given far too much power over us for that is how we are programmed to obey. This moon reminds us it is time to say enough to the external need for validation on any level and to know that we are indeed enough as we are.
The Moon conjunct Mercury here is the trickster in some ways providing a good balance of reasoned logic and awakened intuition it gives us shape shifting qualities and an ability to swing from one thing to another somewhat seamlessly in ways that can confound us as well as those around us. It facilitates seeing the miniature of things along with the empathy to see why things are the way they are and how to side step a lot of it without confrontation. It has a certain feel of the magician about it with a great sense of humour at witnessing the bizarre games unfolding. Giving grace and power to communication it can allow for powerful oration in the cause of the common good.
The fixed star at this New Moon is Alphard – a large orange star in the neck of the constellation of the Hydra. The name is taken from the Arabic and translates to the “solitary one in the Snake”. Or also known as Cor Hydrae – “the heart of the Snake”.
Saturnian in nature with elements of Venus and Neptune thrown in – there is much here about poisons. Murder by poison, blood poisoning, poisoning of the body, poisoned hatred of women, gas poisoning, unable to breathe, poisoning by overdosing with drugs, dangers of smoke inhalation or suffocation, snake bites, poisoned insect bites or bits of dogs with rabies. You get the picture and most interesting at this current time of masking the face. It asks us to be sure of what we are doing and not to let a little bit of knowledge become a dangerous thing.
This moon impacts on the heart, major blood vessels and circulation, blood pressure and heart rate.
On the day after the Moon Mercury enters Virgo along with the sun following here on the 22nd. So earth elements flourish again – bring realism and practicality to the fore – especially surrounding health and hygiene, nutrition and care for the immune system, areas of service to others, it encourages a healthy approach to life and society as travel at warp speed to who knows where lol.
We are being instructed to stay put and stay non involved however we are unable to sit this one out dear ones. There is so much madness and chaos unfolding and it behoves us all not to pull the blanket over our heads but to take good, clean care of ourselves and our health and to take care of our loved ones in real and practical ways.
To not succumb to the authority that is losing its grip on power thus obliging it to tighten the noose around humanities neck but to rise up and say ‘Yeah – Nah” I am done with this. Answers will arise in the midst of this enormous and powerful paradigm shift of the ages and they will arise within you. Trust, stay zen, stay in the loving heart of all that you are.
Do not buy into the drama – it will keep you in the old paradigm of 3D limitation. 5D is right here – simply shift your perception and you are in it. Make the choice in each moment to respond with humility and compassion, sympathy and kindness, and true reverence for the extraordinary being that you are – to be here – alive at this time of momentous change and transformation. To understand the ancient Heart Sutra intoning that we are “Gone, Gone, Gone beyond. Gone beyond the beyond. Hail the goer”
August will bring powerful moments and bizarre world events but trust me these are just the teasers to what will unfold from September to the end of the year – with particular emphasis on October and November. A globe stopper is coming dear ones – fear not – simply witness in love and awe.
On the night of the 18th we will travel with the powerful dragon realm for healing and awakening and if you wish to join us please remember that from now on all meditations will be held at the Healing Ground Collective social media platform where we will be offering these meditations, the Being on the Frontier programme, soon Conscious Parenting as well, podcasts with Voices of the Future and many other wonderful opportunities to grow and evolve and create community in a safe environment – free of advertising and trolls lol.
So please come and join us at – – – sign up and be a part of a whole new paradigm unfolding.