New Moon in Aquarius 21st January 2023
[Moonrise at 7.23 am 22nd ACDT]
Meditation to be held on the 21st at 7pm.
You can join us here.
Well the new year has certainly begun with a bang and in the intense energies of the Cancer Full Moon on the 7th really brought it home. At this time it feels as though there are two parallel [or multi lol] realities unfolding – one where the old world is drowning in fear with end of world terrors and the other where people are letting go – being in the moment in love and connection in preparing for the Age of Aquarius.
And this is understandable as the old world decays and collapses in its injustice, celebrity, corruption and greed – while others are doing what they came to do on this planet – crack open the illusion and return to love and hope for what the universe has on offer – going with the flow of synchronicities and symbols and acceptance.

2023 is a very important year in our lives as Pluto begins it two decade journey through Aquarius beginning in March and over the next two years it will dance back and forth between the old and the new until locking into Aquarius in 2025 for 20 more years. I am shown regularly that whatever we are going through right now – it will be done – we will know what we are dealing with by 2025 lol.
It is not surprise that the last time Pluto was in Aquarius that both the american and french revolutions unfolded and the great change and electrical master Uranus was discovered. The old institutions of corruption that have been shaken up since Pluto arrived in Capricorn in 2008 – will begin to fall from July this year and be swept away by 2025 – creating space for the new world – when Pluto locks down into its transit through Aquarius.
Saturn also plays a big role this year having transited through Aquarius since December 20th 2020 when it brought us formally into the new age and it has been a heavy ride since then. Lord of Karma and cycles of time – he encourages us to be responsible for all our own choices and decisions and actions – to grow up and stop being a victim – to honour our soul contracts as it were.

So now – as this master teacher prepares to leave Aquarius now for Pisces in March – then now the lessons begin wrapping up and if we have done what has been required here – we start receiving the gifts and rewards of that hard work. So stay open to these as Saturn finishes its final degree transit here and during this Aquarius season of the Sun – who slides into this sign on the day before the New Moon in Aquarius. This is the sign of the water bearer – denoting healing and community.
Both collecting water, symbolising our collective emotions and psyche, in the vessel and then clearing it all with the sacred breath before returning it healed to Gaia. Aquarius is all about creation harmonious health communities, and this fits well with the universal number of 7 for this year – spiritual merging with the material world and the building of community. Aquarius is also the sign of technology and rules over innovation and thinking outside of the box to advance our lifestyles.
In the build up to this moon Mars has stationed direct in Gemini on the 12th having been retro here since October 30th 2022 and here in this sign until March 26th. This is an unusually long transit through this sign and is the symbol of seeking balance between the spiritual and the material – particularly in how we relate to others. Mercury has also been retrograde here and is Gemini’s ruling planet and so as it stations direct we are much more likely to be able to express ourselves and how we feel about certain situations and people and now is the time for it to be heard.
Here until the equinox in March our lives may be moved forward through the lens of relatives or neighbours, travel and transportation and education and media. It seems as though there have been a series of stops and starts since early December with these two here and it is a good time to review all the big plans you have made for the year ahead. Practical and organised you will be able to make any redactions or revisions as needed to ensure you cross the bridge to your new future with ease.
On the 20th Our Star enters the constellation of Aquarius – shaking up this very active part of the sky – the zodiac sign of futurism, innovation, experimentation and progress. Forward in its attitude it is all about where we are going – blasting out of the old decaying world with a burst of powerful intention it moves forward with mental creativity and visionary uplift. All major planets are moving direct from the 22nd January onward and this will create some powerful forward moving momentum and all projects and tasks that have felt stuck can now get a boost. So things can happen with ease now and opportunities unfold and now is a great time to action what we wish to achieve this year.
With Venus here since the 3rd January we really are evaluating where we fit now. Authentic self vs compromise in relationships. Autonomy vs Partnerships – individuality and freedom – commitment and peace are all up for redefinition now. We want and see beauty and friendship while feeling somewhat liberated and confident for the future. So this weekend of the New Moon may also set the stage for serious new beginnings in relationship, financial endeavours and artistic pursuits.

The New Moon arrives on the 22nd [ACDT] at 1 degree Aquarius. Moon conjuncts Pluto here and the fixed star at this Moon is Altair in Aquila the Eagle. Bring a wave of fresh energy there are powerful vibes for manifesting a good future for the year ahead. So plant seeds gently and well under this cosmos to set intentions and manifest your desires. We have been on a deep journey into the depths of the underworld in the past few months and this moon will help clear the cobwebs of any dark night of the soul perusals – and I again reiterate be gentle. Catch your breath after such a deep dive on intense evaluation and Aquarius is about being in the now.
Arriving at 1 degree of Aquarius this is a highly karmic degree for new beginnings. It is almost as though no matter which side of anguish you are completing – perpetrator or receiver – it is complete and time to begin again. Be open here. It is a new beginning. Look to the bigger picture rather than the minute – begin to start your days as you wish to complete them – begin now as you mean to continue. This decan of Aquarius is all about cutting the umbilical chord to freedom – to rebel until you get there – be mindful of letting this idealistic worldview crash against material reality in a harsh way.
Another heavenly object at play at this Moon is the asteroid Chariklo – spirit medicine – deeply feminine in nature – supporting the natural healing and evolution of the physical body. A reminder that our body is a powerful temple that knows how to heal and will respond to our minds instructions on how to be – so it is time to step out of old mind patterns about your physicality – for it will do what your mind asks and yes your are that powerful – so take responsibility and begin each day with a new visualisation of strength and renewal. Healing is not the same as curing – healing is about restoring balance to whatever has given rise to symptoms. Trust that your body knows the way and each path is different and just set the tone for this rather than be specific.

Chariklo also reminds us of the power and wisdom of nature to support our healing journeys and so look to being outside and grounding to earth and taking in fresh herbs and good organic foods to assist. This is a good time to go back to grass roots of original medicine rather than the alternative medicine of synthetic drugs and cutting things out. All of this at this Moon shows us that whatever we draw to us – we can choose the way we respond to it. The power of the breath of the water bearer here also reminds us to use the breath in both being here now and in breathing up old feelings for release. Remember this Moon reminds us to Be rather than Do and to start as we mean to continue – gently – in love and acceptance.
Moon conjunct Pluto here brings some rather intense emotions to the fore, or trigger old memories or wounds that are rising from within – at the end of the retrograde periods unfolding. Dreams and visions and intuitive insights could well be on offer here and get help to clear the decks if something rises to move on – the intensity of your feelings will be your guide. Interactions with women could be particularly revealing and intense. Do your best not to be overwhelmed here by the way – it could be very intense however you are never given anything you cannot handle remember – irrespective of anything the mad monkey mind may be attempting to tell you otherwise. Whatever is going on – witness it – apply logic and reason – raw emotion rarely makes good decisions. In relationships here you may come to recognise controlling or manipulative behaviours – the usual suspects – jealousy, guilt inductions, gaslighting, intimidation, threats of self harm. If you are on the receiving end of them – remove yourelf from the environment. If you are delivering them and gain insight into this then transcend them with appropriate help to own the wounds that would have you behave in this way.

The fixed star at this Moon is Altair – pointing to archeological discovery and revelation of ancient knowledge, disappointment or loss over property, friends becoming enemies, trouble with public affairs and disclosures, particularly around sexual wounding of children and other misfortune to children. It also denotes courage in times of crisis with family or loved ones, strength and independence for women. Passion, love and friendship are denoted here and the ability to rise in the face of these issues should they arise. Indomitable will and a keen mind confer an unyielding and ambition to set things right and create the scene for wealth creation.

The Chinese New Year of the Black Water Rabbit begins formally on the 22nd. Follow this link to the annual Feng Fest to prepare you well for health, wealth and happiness at home and in the office by enhancing the good stars for 2023 and dampening the harsh ones.
And then on the 22nd – Uranus in Taurus – the planet of explosive freedom and radical revolution for liberation – stations direct in the earth sign. Retrograde since August last year – the energy has already created wild fluctuations in the stock market and currencies, corporate crimes and those corrupt central banks. All is being seen now. With the liberative and inventive planet in Taurus – the sign of money [and other things to do with security] since May 2018 – we have seen the rise of crypto and the schwabb and the w.e.f. plan to digitally enslave the world.
There was a big collapse during the retro period of one of these crypto ponzi schemes and the experiment will continue to rattle the financial world until the planet leaves this sign in three years in April 2026. From the 22nd of January all planets are stationing direct – which is a not so common experience. This retro transit will have induced whatever internal changes were needed in your life and mental attitude necessary to bring about real change here.
And then to finish this month we have Venus entering Pisces on the 27th – powerfully amplifying the spirituality connections with all that you love and hold dear. An intense alignment on the 29th between Mars, Mercury and Uranus will ensure the new door is opened and you can put your foot down and move forward well.
It is a good start to the year however 2023 is not a year for rose coloured glasses as there are very real challenges coming in this narrow band of reality as the fortunes of men rise and fall with the pounding changes of oceanic power. The coming challenges are multifaceted, immense, daunting, to all of us adults – and it is fascinating watching our precious children in our lives who seem much more in the flow – despite the insanity of the rab lat plague that has occupied a good part of their lives.
We are standing on the precipice of extraordinary and immense change in the presence of interdimensional magic unfolding to help us and many are losing their minds but we all signed up for this and everyone has a role. The absurd inventions and advances in technology that have unfolded will be revealed eventually for the good of all. It will facilitate unparalleled advancement across a huge spectrum of reality. For now – it is time to just be here – to not get caught in the lie – to practice love and connection to all and to Gaia – it will serve you well in the coming storms.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. She has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 25 years now.
Working with all facets of existence from conception to dying and death Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue and move them out of the field to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at www.thrivebydesign.com.au