Full Moon – Blood Moon – Lunar Eclipse
November 8th – 9.32pm ACDT
Radical Ziegeist
There will be a meditation to maximise these energies for personal use held at 7pm on the same day.
You can join us here.

We are all feeling somewhat overwhelmed and emotional this week as we approach the second of the Eclipse Moons in Scorpio season – when all the dark deeds and doings of the past come rising up to be cleared.
Keep communication clear with Mars in retro in Gemini.
Be patient – kind and clear – as subjects will be back for re-discussion as things that have been festering for a long time may now have time to heal.
I am hearing many reports of increased intensity in feelings – irritability – poor sleep – needing to clarify and assert themselves in a variety of situations – some very long standing – empowering themselves in the process. The next 6 months will bring a serious crisis to the world – be it catastrophic or geopolitical and it will genuinely feel like the end of the world as we know it – kind of thing.
Astrologically – the usual dark suspects rear their ugly heads again for this – israel, america, ukraine, russia – remain the flashpoints for us all – it is bloody ridiculous and a few world leaders – ancient and grotesque – really do need the statement – off with their heads – to have genuine meaning – as the feeling is made clear – that all of these cretins are manipulated by the dark at this stage.
We all need to be detaching from the mad matrix now dear ones. It has become ludicrously absurd and surreal as time lines and dimensions continue to collapse at this time. We need to leave it in our minds – stop indulging the propaganda press – if you cannot yet see it is simply daily propagating a false narrative of fear – then you will be trapped in your allegiance to that madness.
We need to leave it in our hearts – to connect to our soul’s journey as it infuses into our physical bodies now – awakening – much that is dormant within. Connect to your own higher self – the source within – whatever you call it – to Gaia herself as your feet walk upon her. It is what connects us all and as you surrender to your part in it – offer your thread to the tapestry you can be sure you will be held well and led along your true path. The coming battles are just part of it – but do not give your energy to them – just your awareness.
We really are in the shift now – the space between one age ending and the new one beginning. It is chaotic as old paradigms fall and new consciousness rises the old war of opposites get to be seen for the madness that it is and how powerfully manipulated, we have all been. The sooner we come into the oneness of our true nature the easier it will become. As we come to the divine marriage within – so too do we bring the grace of acceptance of diversity within unity and allowance of all beings.

Mars turning retro on the weekend [until Jan 12th 2023] initiates a time when it behoves us all to figure out what we want and desire for our worlds. Seriously. We all still live for the machine predominately – doing what we are feeling forced to do to keep a roof over our head and food on the table – and yet most desperately unhappy with this insane existence that serves the very few at the abject suffering of the vast majority.
We will also get to know our own will better – to understand what is right and then find the strength to enact it and assert ourselves in a world that does not appreciate the riff raff standing up. We are all at the place where the individual will, is combining with universal will and we need to be true to ourselves to be true to our evolution of consciousness.
During this transit we may all be a little hypersensitive to things said and how they are said – or not said – the body language and our ability to read the undercurrent of things will all heighten. Issues of sexuality, anger, taking charge of our lives are among the themes emerging here. What is interesting here is this transit’s alignment with the fixed star Al Hecka – between October 11th and November 17th –
Well known for acid tongue and violence – particularly male violence towards women. So women do not inflame for this transit and men do not react. A lot will be sorted out here. If you are a woman trapped in a violent relationship – you may now find the will to leave. Pluto’s alignment with Mars during this time increases risks of threats, intimidation and violence also. Particularly political unrest and uprisings, police violence and government terrorism against the people.
This transit occurs every 25 month approx and lasts 80 days and moves through 13 degrees of the astro sign it is in.
It is a rare retro occurring only for 9% of its cycling round the sun. fated events, repetitive themes – require you to think before acting and then to follow through when the time is right. This is a time to re-evaluate it all – figure out what is needed – then act. During this transit we all meet a bit of a wall of resistance. Trust that road blocks and detours are simply refining and defining the right direction over the coming time period. Understanding this, matters – and will prevent frustration due to feeling thwarted in any way in the face of overwork, unresolved conflict, deadlines et al. All of this can have us feel apathetic, overwhelmed, depleted and low – so pay attention – examine and process – and you will navigate well through this difficult time. Get help if you need it. This is not the time to dwell in issues you are struggling to move past or resolve.
On the global level we are looking at travel, migration, transportation. We can expect surges in unexpected need for migration through war or climate catastrophes. Gemini is also involved in thinking, speaking, listening and analysing – and what is of significance here is the knowledge that everything in the post truth world must be examined – carefully. Communicate – not just in the echo chamber of government and other misinformation outpourings from the media – they have a deliberate purpose to divide and conquer. This will be energised at this time – look to the american mid terms to see it – in all of its awful glory.
It is important not to try and force things now – resistance is strong in all things. There will be an intense desire to sort things out – for your most passionate desires to be met finally – don’t rush in dear ones – where angels fear to tread. Communicate, analyse, stay zen as it happens – walk away as you need to try again later. It will be important to not given in to coercion, threats, intimidation or other efforts to get others to bend to your will – nor use those tactics on others – it won’t end well I assure you. For either party. Take one goal at a time here dear ones – work through it well – before moving on to the next one. Genuine psychological and emotional cracks can appear with these energies. Once you know – without being ruthless – draw on your courage and will to fulfill what is required and desired.

From October 3rd to November 29th this retro Mars square to Neptune brings low energy, deceit and lies, confusion and guilty feelings to come into play. Suspicion and paranoia abound – jealousy and gossip and scandal also. Treachery and fraud are in the ethers so do your homework – don’t let fear motivate you to behave in underhand ways to overcome – much is confused now and any non useful actions on your part are likely to come back and bite. Creative projects are a good way to channel this energy instead.
It matters that you do not get into ‘us vs them’ fights or thinking – use instead these powerful energies to assert yourself and your needs – creating healthy boundaries within healthier relationships. Power struggles will arise – it is part of being human – just manage them well and you will grow in awareness and consciousness. There is much to be learned and understood as we dust ourselves off and lay things down. Scorpio season is like that. Whatever you are resolving – do not walk away in anger or fear, less you summon it to revisit again.
And now we are at the halfway mark between the two powerful eclipses – Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 25th and a Full Moon Lunar eclipse – much stronger – on the 8th November. Everything feels stretched thin and hanging over the abyss at the moment – however its lessons are potent – to teach us to live fully and fearlessly – here we are all invited to tear it open with courage and trust and rise like the phoenix from the ashes of our own transformation – the phoenix represents the final stage of Scorpio initiation remember. All the indications are for vast and far reaching change – rapidly approaching. Although america seems a long way away dear ones – the mid-terms falling on this day – and how the opposing ‘truths’ respond – will set the tone for us all.

The Lunar Eclispe on November 8th arrives at 16 degrees Taurus – decan 2. Moon conjunct Uranus and square Saturn along with an alignment to the Fixed Star Menkar – in the jaw of the Sea Monster sent to ravage Andromeda adds to its issues of awakening and intense volatility. The belief is that it opens us up to all the energies of the cosmos – good and ill – from all dimensions – seen and unseen – so at this eclipse we may absorbing energy from anywhere and everywhere into the collective – so do your best not to react – for it may not be yours anyway – and it only increases the confusion really.
The T – square formed at this eclipse – activating Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarian signs and adding to tension and opposition without solution or answers – despite feeling quite polarised about whatever it is in your personal version of this. There is little flexibility with this and an inclination to believe it is your way or the highway and the arrogance to believe you know best. This would be a mistake to act on as the days of might being right are falling rapidly. There are larger forces at play at this one dear ones, so just observe and not react.
We have Sun, Mercury, Venus and the South Node in the potent sign of metamorphosis – Scorpio – at this moon and so issues again around sexuality, the supernatural, death and money through inheritance – as well as difficulties or revelations through ancestry or blood lines – scandals may emerge now – or secrets revealed.
All this being aligned with the divine feminine in Venus here we can expect the Scorpionic energies of reproduction and procreation to rear its heads and women’s issues and rights to decisions over their own bodies will rise again. Opposing this we have the Moon conjunct Uranus on the North Node – all in Taurus – this will amplify issues around the environment, climate change, catastrophes, insurance and resources – health and wellbeing – money and property and food security. All of which are looming large for 2023. All the other energies show that people are ready and will demand real change now.

Uranus energy – in Taurus from 2018 to 2025 – is the wild card – unpredictable and shocking – awareness of the power of technology – for good or ill – is growing -as is the demand for real change to issues of pollution and mass extinction of species and what we must do to change. The clock is ticking for all of us here.
The other aspect here is Saturn in Aquarius [2020-23] this adds to the tension with Aquarius wanting freedom and Saturn urging restraint, accountability and responsibility. Remember for two years now Saturn and Uranus have been in a world changing and life shaking square – continuing to shake the fires of dissent and opposition of culture clash since January 2021. So here we have the Aquarian themes of humanity, science and technology and mass consciousness and Taurean themes of economy, food and health and resources plus Scorpionic themes of mortality, sex, mysticism and deep psychology and shadow work – all pushing together – you can see the problems that can emerge.
Moon conjunct Uranus brings out the crazies or those who have just had enough or those who oppose them. Idealists and unconventional rebels abound – along with a need to shock and outrage others into wakefulness. There will be an equal number of those who want to howl them down and be willing to go to extremes to stop them. We are all going to see the true nature of government soon – when supposedly democratically elected entities will show their willingness to bring bullets instead of votes to maintain their perception of ‘power’. Remember for the most part these are just ordinary citizens fired up.
Mood opposite Mercury will bring rapid swings of mood and a requirement to be very adaptable to the changing landscape and the public shifting mood. There is a lot to be said for hunkering down for this one and staying closer to home – that way any last minute or rapid changes it will be easier to navigate. Just keep your head down – focus on one thing at a time to manage.
Moon trine Ceres will have us look to the past for comfort – looking to a world and a set of values that were stable and honourable and consistent. Elders can be of value now – having come from a much older world and their word is likely to be heard and understood and provide comfort. It also taps into that ancestral energy. So if you find yourself taking stock of the past – do it wisely – learn – don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. It’s a good time for that men’s shed or making some bickies with your grandma.
Moon square Saturn brings issues in which you will be obliged to step up – take responsibility – do the hard yards and be accountable. Focused self discipline can bring karmic journeys to completion and failure to do so may bring a much harder lesson soon after – however if you manage this with calm focused acceptance you will be rewarded. Pay attention to omens and synchronicities – they are there to guide you at this time.
The eclipse also activates Saturn square Uranus – and as this powerful harmony of the spheres begins to wane at this time – we may see the end results of whatever demons have been stalking us in the collective over the past. Saturn in Aquarius can bring a fierce requirement of humanity to step up to take care of all humans – so any stuctures in place – that continue to exploit the poor for the greed of the rich – will fall down – do not doubt this dear ones – it is time for change and freedom for whomever is left. Uranus in Taurus will bring the pitchforks to tear it down. Here we will also see crypto currencies taking over or having a lot to do with the coming crash as they are much more egalitarian and open to all without govts or banks stealing most of it. Also AI and transhumanism can be manipulated here.
The idea for this Moon is to hunker down with loved ones and look after your family and tribe and this is a good time to have your house and humour as a refuge for others. These are truly turbulent times and if you pay attention and do the work – despite upheaval much will change for the better. Now is the time to be prepared to grow – to shake off the dross. I get this is difficult in times of stress when in fact we tend to regress – however now is not the time. Let love be your guide. Be kind to all – keep your head out of the msm – get out in nature when you can.
The more at peace you are the more you will use these energies to transcend and whatever wealth unfolds it is important to share it – seriously. There is a lot of call for caretaking in this eclipse and we all need to be aware that tough times are coming and we will need to become more creative with budgeting and housekeeping. And hold on the promise of the coming Sagittarius New Moon on the 23rd. This fire sign of optimism is perfect following the get down and dirty eclipse season and after scraping the bottom of the deep barrel to get all the muck and transform it – creating an enormous, palpable and profound shift for all – Sagittarius will rise us up again – preceded by Venus and Mercury and the Sun entering here in time for the holidays and also within minutes of the New Moon in Sagittarius – Jupiter – ruler of Sag – stations direct – in Pisces – very close to Neptune – and watch as these behemoths of our Solar system bring a warning and a vision of the importance of our spiritual life in these troubling times – so keep your big beautiful heart open to this – it is a revisitation of the great conjunction here in April this year. Any deception will be revealed and hope can be renewed here – more on this in the next post.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. She has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 25 years now.
Working with all facets of existence from conception to dying and death Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue and move them out of the field to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at www.thrivebydesign.com.au