Full Moon in Leo – 6th February [4.58 ACDT] 2023
Meditation to be held 7pm 6th February @ 7pm
You can join us here
Well what a torrid entry into 2023 we have had dear ones lol. But now – until mid April – there are no planets in retrograde motion and it is time to get unstuck and move forward into this next extraordinary stage of our own and humanity’s evolution of consciousness.
It all seems very chaotic around the world now does it not. Please remember dear ones that in many ways this is the most peaceful and advanced time in human history – where it is true we have bloodshed and pain based on the usual suspects however we are not – nor are we going to be – immersed in another global war.
There is a different war going on – the one against humanity – however that one too has gone on for a long time – the only difference is – it can no longer be hidden. The internet – that wonderful world wide web – whose creator threw it open to the word for free – just as the pentagon was moving in to lock it up for themselves – is a genuinely Aquarian event – the precursor to mass consciousness and telepathy – and it means nothing can be hidden. The chaos being exposed was always there – it is not getting worse dear ones – it is just being exposed. This is a good thing.
On one hand this year will be a very challenging one and on the other opportunities for stepping up – for growth – for transformation – are very real. The revolutionary energies are growing powerfully now dear ones and much will come to fruition this year. The potency of the two moon cycles already this year – one initiating us into the year of the rabbit – indicate a year of good fortune ahead if you play it well and act in accordance with your values and with what is in line for the greater good you will do well.
The requirement is to allow and encourage movement to your authentic self – to assert that in the world. This means examining your mind games – your motivations – with a fairly brutal honesty – own your own delusions – observe your projections onto others – stop indulging the monkey chatter in your mind. Everything is aligning more you to do this now and the energies designed to break you out of your old programming are very real now – it is up to you – as will be the ultimate outcome for your own life.
The whole Aquarius – Uranus reality of the year so far brings a higher social consciousness – encouraging us to step out of the box of the status quo – to stop being an obedient little soldier to the machine and doing what is right instead. With all the intense emotion and disruption entering this year – it will now take a little time to get your bearings so be patient with yourself as you find your bearings.

March is coming and the immense changes with it. Followed by an intense eclipse season in April that will really ratchet things up. Saturn – who has been marching through Aquarius since December 2020 – initiating us into the new age – will complete its transit here on March 7th .and move into the last sign of the zodiac – Pisces. It has shown us real freedom comes with personal responsibility and social conscience. And then Pluto on March 23rd leaves Capricorn into Aquarius [it will dance back and forth for a while, but it has begun] – changing the world. Here in Capricorn since 2008 it has brought us all to what looks like brink of extinction for humans and all life – in truth a whole new era is dawning on Gaia.

These two major movements indicate numerous and powerful endings as all is wrapped up in the natural clean up of an old and decrepit way of being. Major world events will be swirling through our lives then. The challenges coming for humanity and all life are complex and multi-faceted, powerful and overwhelming in appearance – to all of us – except the children – the future. There is a generation – under 16 now – that are quite remarkable.
This is a remarkable time to be alive as we stand on the brink of extraordinary opportunity – a time of tremendous advances in technology and invention and wild advancement in many areas of possibility – to dare we say it – solve some of the profound riddles of humanity. And for the next 6 weeks it is time to get to it and set things up – even if they are small steps – take them – the rewards will pay off now. Wrap up any loose ends – relax for the month of February as best you can – the rest of the year won’t be so peaceful. This is the month to kick start things so make tracks peeps.
On the 27th of January, Venus leaves a sojourn through two rather heavy Saturnian signs and enters dreamy Pisces until the 20th of February. Your ability to empathise here could easily help sort out any relationship issues that may have arisen over the past couple of moon cycles. Venus really has laboured through Capricorn and Aquarius however as it enters Pisces this day it is exalted here and will be the best Venus transit until 2026 – as the next few Venus transits will be hampered by Saturn in Pisces.

Exalted Venus is a genuine blessing so make love count – make an effort if you do such things as valentines – even if you are doing it for yourself – which is actually better than expecting some poor benighted ‘other’ to do it for you. And indulge all the other gifts of Venus here – appreciation of beauty – so beautify your home, your surroundings, your body – whatever speaks to you. And Venus’s over riding influence is to bring balance and harmony in all relationships. So if you have been fighting with loved ones, getting into conflict with neighbours, having issues with co-workers – this transit is a perfect time to put it all behind you. This is a powerful time to heal it all. And if you are having romantic adventures – make them magical – elvish and fantastic – glamour and fantasy – indulge the magical in you at this time.
Pisces here brings true love – agape – compassion – it truly is a beautiful energy. Our hearts soften and our focus shifts to include caring for others, volunteering – we all have an opportunity to reach out and fill the world with love – just get out there and follow your hearts instincts for kindness and healing and letting go. A note of warning before the Full Moon in Leo on the 6th February. In the week before – from the 1st to the full moon – Mars is square to Venus. This is tension between the masculine and feminine principles – within us – although we will see it first projected and reflected in the world. Own your own stuff here peeps. The libido charge of Mars can also lead to a lot of sexual tension or frustration in this week – if it comes to fruition at the full moon it will be potent lol.

Full Moon in Leo falls on February 6th [4.58am ACDT] and the meditation to dance with the energies to make them work for the changes we have unfolding within – will be held at 7pm on the 5th February. The major aspect is Full Moon square Uranus and this continues shaking us into readiness.
As always the Leo Full Moon is big and bold and bright and Uranus here will oblige us to create a needed change or innovation in a certain area of our lives – look to your own natal chart to see where that is likely to be. Change could be very abrupt here – the nature of Uranus – so be prepared to release [full moon’s gift] and renew here and with all the forward momentum of planets this is a wonderful time to clear the past and open up to new possibilities and all things Leo are big and bold so cut loose with this lol.
Esoterically the Leo energy supports us going deeper into our consciousness to discover our soul’s purpose in this life. Leo enlightens all human hearts with love and wisdom. It was in this sign that the first awakening of individual consciousness began. The development of mass consciousness is completed in Cancer. The birth of humanity had begun.
The symbol of Leo is the lion. Symbol of leadership, sovereignty, persuasion. Over time and incarnations the impulse to control others is redirected to self-control. The focus moves from identifying with the ego to utilising it with detachment – as one moves through perceived limitations and illusions to unity consciousness – while individuality is maintained within.
Leo’s opposite in the zodiac is Aquarius and this reflects this movement. The thesis and anti-thesis form the synthesis of the whole. The whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. Leo is governed by the Sun – on three distinct levels. The first is the physical and reflected in the physical Sun. The second is the soul level and is called the Heart of the Sun. the third is source energy and called the Central Spiritual Sun. These three symbols and influences direct the story of the evolution of human consciousness from ego to god realisation.
The Keyword for Leo is: “I am That and That am I”
The Full Moon in Leo is a very regal moon and in this decan of 2 has power behind the throne – strategizing and managing. This is a social moon – fitting well with Venus’s arrival in Pisces and we will capable of being warm and hospitable to all. We are very organised at this time and will sweep others along in our enthusiasm and warmth for creating long lasting alliances and connections and new adventures now. It behoves us all not to get too caught up in party mode though and not go over the top to get what we need to grow – do not create debts that are unnecessary when your persona and charisma and the rightness of the idea is indeed enough.
This is also a Full Moon that is powerful for protecting children’s rights and for encouraging the arts in all forms – from therapy to intercultural exchange to wonderment. This is to do with the great mother bear of Ursa Major having influence at this moon also. Those who are inclined to rise up for children will be quite outspoken here so we may see exposure of further crimes against children exposed as the great reveal gets ready to unfold later this year. We are quite fearless with this moon and anything that fires us up we are likely to express an opinion on.
Jupiter is involved here as well as ruler of Decan 2 of Leo and this combination can give rise to some energy that wants to lord it over others. Now those touched by this can be wonderful leaders and fabulous organisers – but may come across as a little bossy – however don’t throw the bathwater out with the baby. Learn here if it arises. These peeps will do what most will not and will make things happen. This Full Moon in Leo will cut the crap out of chaos and not do it politely and sometimes that is exactly what is needed – especially in today’s insanely politically correct madness lol. Ceres alignment at this Moon will ensure the information to sort the bullshit will be delivered effectively and with the best motives so try not to be precious if caught in it.
Moon square Uranus will have us more aware of children too and issues around abandonment early and or early childhood traumas. It can make those touched by this appear moody or ‘out there’ – however this energy brings innovative electric sparks of genius and inventive solutions to intractable challenges. If touched by this you will be challenged in all probability however your ideas are good so hang in there. You will find friends on the edge – dancing on the thin ice – go there to dare to be different – with the outliers – they will get you at this moon. It could get quite rocky so be aware and keep your mood swings in your back pocket lol. And even with the beautiful exalted state of Venus in Pisces – this aspect may give rise to a desire for freedom in relationships – so weigh things up carefully before galloping off into the sunset with some exotic stranger – it won’t last lol. You are allowed to ask for space in your relationships if that is what you need right now.

On the 11th February Mercury enters Aquarius until the 2nd March. This is a fabulous placement for the mind and brings us again to the realms of thinking outside the box and flashes of genius. Reason and invention come together here in a weird kind of brilliance and don’t throw them away – these diamonds in the rough.
The 15th of February is a dreamy delightful day of stars and love – Venus aligns with Neptune and the desire and fantasy here can not only reach new heights – it can blast you into a different universe! Be mindful of being swept off your feet by those who know how to wield such energies – or at least understand it is going nowhere – and keep your reigns on the purse strings if diving deep. For those who are rebuilding or repairing or deepening relationship this energy will transport you to powerful possibilities.
February 16th Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius – this is the last time we will experience the Sun and Saturn coming together in Aquarius for the next 28.5 years. There have been so many karmic lessons for us personally and collectively over the past 2.5 years however its work is coming to an end and this is the last hit of reminding us that freedom means total responsibility for self – moving forward.
February 18th until 20th March – Sun moves into Pisces
The last sign of the zodiac calls us now and brings a sense of completion and wholeness as we start a new round of awakening again for the rest of the year. The principles of yin and yang come together here. Here we recognise everything is the paradox – including us. Wind up what needs to be wound up as you set new patterns in motion in this lovely month of endings and beginnings – before we move into a whole new world from 20th February with the New Moon in Pisces. This is the third new moon we have had at one degree of the sign they rise in and this really accentuates the new beginnings unfolding now – so stay open to the creative flow of this watery sign of dreams and sliding between the realms. More on that next time.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. She has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 25 years now.
Working with all facets of existence from conception to dying and death Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue and move them out of the field to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at www.thrivebydesign.com.au