It is becoming sooooooo apparent that what is rising in all human’s is the power of the feminine – in both women and men. It is quite disturbing to some people – both to those to whom it is happening and those who are the friends and family of those to whom it is happening.
What I see in people is a new kind of truth and an increasing inability to tolerate the old ways of playing dormouse or what ever else has been needed to be, in order to stay safe.
The Eve-Olution – a Women’s Initiation – to be held this year – will focus very powerfully on this.
Even though the journey will, as always, be into the deep aspects of self for awakening and restoration – we will be working powerfully this year to awaken this new aspect of the feminine rising and accessing the gifts she brings – so we may return them to the world where they belong.
For an age now the emphasis has been on power and subjugation of nature rather than having a relationship with it and the return of the Sacred Feminine – with all of its mysteries – is now returning to consciousness.
The power and numinosity of the Divine Feminine is emerging to provide a new vision for the new future – wholeness and balance are what is on offer and a movement away from the concept of a human born flawed and sinful, separate from divine consciousness – to a recognition that we are the divine in human form – with all the grace and radiance imbued in that.
Remember that the serpent, snake or dragon – long symbols of the primal feminine – is the traditional guardian of the ‘treasure’ – the mysteries of the ‘all knowing’.
The journey of the serpent goddess – the Kundalini – from the base of the spine to the radiant expansion at the crown – symbolizes powerfully the transformation of the life energy from unconsciousness to the connection with the divine essence that illuminates all.
It is the restoration of the feminine within, that we look to in this new aquarian age with hope and longing as the symbols of the last masculine age crumble and fall around us.
The difference is profound for in the old world there is a god head that rules the world with commandments and eternal cruelty and damnation for failing, whereas in the new world the Goddess and the divine feminine does not rule the world – She is the world!!
And so at the Eve-Olution – a Women’s Initiation this year – we seek to recognize the goddess in all – as the salvation of what we have sunk to.
In this reality the divine feminine is nature and fertility – responsible for both the creation and destruction of life.
She who is immanent in nature – acknowledging the sacredness of all living things and in which the model that acknowledges the wheel of her turning – from birth, life, death, transformation and rebirth – can truly be seen as an acknowledgement of its ecology – a flourishing for all things within nature.
At this weekend we invoke the Goddess of the divine feminine and to do this is to awaken the Goddess within – to truly become that which we invoke – for the healing of all, the awakening of the feeling mind and thinking heart, the merging of spirit with the soul within and the raising of the planetary consciousness!
To become “the Woman cloaked with the Sun, with the Moon under her feet and the crown of 12 stars on her head…”
With this return of the power of the feminine so shall we see many things returned to the natural reflection in nature – the natural time of the cycles of the seasonal 13 moon calendar as apposed to the 12 month erratic Gregorian calendar based on time equals money.
This is the period of incubation, of the seed murmuring under the soil and at this years Women’s weekend we shall bring it forth into life!
There is an early bird registration for this event in the Coming Up section below and if you book before August 31st you will get this life changing weekend along with all the prep beforehand – for only $450. So do come and play – discover yourself – and awaken to the new energies unfolding for you and the planet.
Just a teaser for this years Eve-Olution – a Women’s Initiation to be held in the Adelaide Hills
I love how this wonderful weekend grows and evolves each year and what there will be a lot more of this year, is ‘sound as healing’ and ‘movement as empowerment’!
This journey is already shaping up in a new way, reflecting what has been spoken above and we shall dance the dance of recall and remembering.
This year the energy is all about the return of the sacred feminine and so we will be working with the Kundalini energy this year – allowing and facilitating a gentle awakening of this vital life force and always associated with the rising feminine and why the serpent is so powerful to the myth of the feminine and why it has always been so frightening [as in let us make the snake the bad guy] to the old and dying patriarchal religions of the black or piscean age.
This will involve a lot of healing with movement and sound this year and it is a lot more involved with future trajectory as well as release from the past!
This remains one of the most powerful intensives of the year and I strongly recommend you to come and play xxxx
A Shamanic Journey of Transformation and Renewal
This shamanic journey into womanhood is a celebration of life and transition, which draws upon thousands of years of feminine wisdom, taking place in both community and solitude, in the Adelaide hills.
This is the ritual that allows us to leave the things of childhood behind, a ritual that allows us to stand fully in the power of that which we truly are.
Utilising myth, ritual and ceremony, writing, art and clay work, sacred sound and movement, nature in all its beauty and connection to that which is greater than our selves, this face to face gathering of mutual concern, love, understanding, fellowship and sisterhood facilitates a deep personal connection with the power within all women
– the Goddess.
“the most incredible and life changing event I have experienced….”, “I am a different person now…”, “ I will be thankful for this gift my entire life…..”,” One of the most rewarding and valuable experiences of my life…”,” Inestimable worth…”,” My initiation was the beginning of a new life.. filled with love and compassion…”,” My life has not been the same since…”,”I will be forever grateful to have done this weekend of ritual and ceremony…”,”Highly recommend this life embracing event to everyone…”,”Life changing..extraordinary…”,” Your life is not the same after this!…”,” the fog of my life is lifted…”,”this should be a rite of passage for all women…”,’thank you from the bottom of my heart…”,”The best thing I have ever done…”,” In one weekend I feel like I have made sense of the trauma and difficulties that have bugged me for a life time..”,” I feel different in my skin as a result of this…” etc.