2023 Astrology
Well 2022 has certainly been all that it promised. We have all been through tumultuous and tempestuous times – as we increasingly see, with great clarity, the bizarre reality that our world is assembled from and by whom and to what end.
None of it is for the well-being of the planet or the life upon and within her – it is all for the maintenance of a dark and dying age and the greed and corruption of the few. We saw through all the lies and manipulations of the plague, released from china, as to just what lengths these creatures are willing to go to – for the sake of power and total control of the narrative and the people.
However we are seeing it clearly now – at least those who wish to – who are waking – who can no longer deny what is before their very eyes. They have learned to say little in their observations – they recognise there is little point. All who are waking continue their own exhausting journeys, deep into themselves for healing and clearing the decks – ready for what – we have no real idea – [caterpillars and butterflies come to mind here lol] however we are increasingly clear we will not play in the world of fear – in the face of the rapid and powerful changes unfolding.
As we went into 2020, many were unaware that our world was about to change. History was being made and we are still in the middle of it.

In 2020 Saturn was moving through Capricorn and then later through Aquarius. Both of these Zodiac Signs lend Saturn authority. So, whether we like it or not, whether we believe in it or not, the governments and big business gained power. And they milked their creation of covid for all it was worth in terms of gaining power over us while lining their pockets with trillions of profit.
Throughout 2022 we have seen many patterns emerge during the major planetary changes we have been through. The personal, economic, social and political crises that have emerged this year have been full on. And while it is an extraordinary time to be alive at this collapse of one age in preparation for the next – these events have certainly left their mark on our personal realities.
Due to these patterns, we can anticipate the russian barbarism – the age old – east west conflict – to continue in ukraine. During 2023 it is likely that putin will not live out the year, however the horrors of the barbarism it is inflicting on europe will continue at least until then – and it is doubtful russia will welcomed back any time soon into the fold. The tension between america and china – the two great hegemonies duelling for power in that boring old dark paradigm – will continue. It is quite likely there will be some kind of sparring event going wrong over Taiwan – that will lead to a similar sanctions or blockade process against china. The middle east continues to fester ad nauseam.
China itself – like all nations – will be afflicted by food shortages. Due to both the rising volatility of the weather next year and because of how the world is run. However because it has been stockpiling most of the world’s gold bullion over the past decade [along with russia] – they will attempt – and to a certain extent – be allowed to – purchase all the worlds food that they can get their hands on – to the detriment of all other people. The food shortages will be real next year dear ones and now is possibly the time to stock up on some non-perishables and essentials – not because ashtraya cannot grow what we need – but because those corporations who control flow of food will sell it all away – just like they are doing with the gas currently – while paying no tax on our resource that they are selling to the highest bidder. The powerless hand maidens of corporations in gumment won’t stop them selling food, any more than stopping them selling our gas. Understand this – your government is not there for you – it is there for the corporations – period.
It is quite likely we will see diseases in food sources escalate next year also. Already across america, vast swathes of deer, sheep, poultry and cattle are being slaughtered over some ‘illness’ or other – while gates is busy buying up all farm land in america – while at the same time flogging lab grown meat and insects to be eaten – so expect to see these illnesses rise in animals in severity and number. It will add to food shortages in general.
The financial and social crises will continue to escalate as the violence of the weather of the planet continues to escalate. When the food shortages hit the third world [as usual] harder than anywhere else – and as profits will continue to matter more than lives – and the dark agencies of the IMF and the WEF and the Trilateral commission et al – continue to strangle the world – for greed and control – we can expect to see a vast increase in climate refugees flowing out of Africa into europe and from south america into north america.
This social disruption and the food shortages will expose the democracies for what they are – arms of the corporation. For when social disruption and anger reach new levels and the pitchforks come for the oligarchs of all persuasions [metaphorically as well as literally] – and there is rioting in the streets – we will see how willing they are to crack down – like any other dictators – on the proletariat. We will see the face that they have always been We have already seen a glimpse of it here in oz – in victoria during lockdowns – when non insignia wearing, black suited, helmeted things, fired actual rubber bullets – into peaceful protesters.

The Star we call the Sun is likely to increase its uptick in solar flare activity also next year as solar cycle 25 continues to ramp up, and as the geomagnetic field of protection of Gaia continues to weaken. It is only a matter of time before we get a pretty major event. And yes it could well be this year is the sense of possibilities of things. Interestingly things shift in the timeline dependant on consciousness of us all.
One of the major alignments to unfold in 2023 is that Pluto is on the move. Having dived to the depths of Capricorn souls and institutions of old authority for the past decade – much of this comes to a head in 2023 when its entrance into the air sign of Aquarius begins – much to the relief of all Caps I know – and there are quite a few. Beginning a sojourn here in Aquarius, for the next 20 years it will reverberate through the world, shaking up all blockages to the future age of Aquarius unfolding – which began officially on December 20th 2020. However the change of one age to another takes around 2 to 300 years and we are about halfway through the transition – and this transit of Pluto in Aquarius will really shake things up.
We look more to the future with this – although the institutions of the past will continue to crumble. The deluges will continue in 2023 and the weather will indeed ramp up – quite violently in many places – as we begin to see the beginnings of much fiercer storms, in places we are not used to seeing them. Places where rain usually falls it will not. Places where it usually does not – will continue to receive too much water. And just 2 weeks before Pluto moves into Aquarius we have – on March 7th – Saturn changing signs also into Pisces. And this will make our spiritual lives become much more grounded and practical as we move forward.

These two power houses of the harmony of the spheres changing signs so closely together – is a HUGE energy for the year ahead so we can expect some personal and planetary shake ups around then. Pluto returns to 29 degrees Capricorn for a last hurrah on June 11th for most of the rest of the year before moving permanently into Aquarius and during this final onslaught in Capricorn – all that has been stirred up here for the past decade – will experience monumental transformations now. Governments, countries, institutions, oligarchs, corporations, dictators and the status quo of the absurd age of lies and distraction in the cult of celebrity will fall. Jupiter in Aries from the beginning of the year to April 16th will kick start our need to change and when it then joins Uranus in Taurus here and we are thrown into opportunities to change our values, to consider carefully our resources and to take personal responsibility for our stability and security in the coming turmoil.
Mars will no longer be retrograde come January and as February moves in there may be a chance to bring some conflicts to an end – however putin knows he is finished when the invasion is finished – if death does not take him first – so he will work hard to keep the madness going. The indications are that it will not be until the second half of the year before resolution is found.
In the first half of 2023 the power structures in the old russia will change as sanctions continue to bite and with the blatant greed of energy companies and the dodgy deals they have stitched up with stupid or compliant governments will continue to plunge many country’s economies deeper into the mire. There will be no escape from this ultimately – and the world as we know it will become increasingly volatile.
The social unrest globally will continue to escalate as people become increasingly angry at the unfolding madness of the oligarchs and pirates ruling the world. The media will not be able to hide it this time – it will be too wide spread – and the media really will be abandoned more as they are recognised as willing allies in the deception ruling the world.
In america – going through its Pluto return now – the financial crisis will probably hit hardest – although chinese madness and insane lockdowns from their little lab rat escapee will ultimately do serious damage their economy also. The great divide in america will continue to escalate in the face of this and will shake the whole of american society before it is over. Biden’s health is likely to deteriorate through 2023 and the rise of the insane will continue – as trump does what it can to distract from his many looming criminal trials.
It would appear the people’s revolutions will continue to rise in england, france and germany as their governments grift and incompetence continue to be exposed. The aggressive stimulus programme of quantative easing [aka printing money out of thin air for the rich] has created a series of dangerous economic and social bubbles. The american private federal reserve bank in america alone printed 3.5 trillion dollars over the last decade – and now the piper must be paid – not by them – but by all of us.

All of the malfeasance and malevolence of the corporations and governments of the past two years has set the tone for what is to come. On March 7th 2023 Saturn will move into Pisces and this important cycle will shape many things. Here until May 24th – then a two month blip out and then back until February 13th 2026 – it will reflect many changes and bring a new Saturn cycle – not here since 1993 to 96 – give or take a retro or two. And here, the great planet of form, time, responsibility and karma – meets the sign of undoing, illusion, dreams and sliding doors. Saturn will bring serious order – that is its nature – to the wafting ethers and excesses of technology, big pharma and religious twisted spirituality and none of this will be pleasant as responsibility is finally brought to bear on their excesses.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac – when all the previous steps and stages have been encountered and dealt with in one way or another and now in Pisces – the planet of patriarchy, tradition and capitalism – the final reckoning of these structures and institutions must be brought to account – be it by revolution or rebellion – so that the structures can be got out of the way to allow new forms and ways of being to begin. Pisces is about the collective – the race mind – cosmic consciousness. This is the field of play of the higher mind – the soul’s journey – the detached mind of meta-cognition.
It is also the place of the mad messiah and for the next two years from here we are very likely to see the utopian [from the Greek ou-topos meaning ‘no place’ or ‘nowhere’. – it is a pun in fact lol] loonies rise and get lots of followers sadly – as more and more illusions are shattered for the masses and they desperately look to something to ‘save them’ – tragic really but it is ever thus with sleepwalkers. Judas and christ both came from the Age of Pisces remember – so if you must follow the gourd or the sandal – beware the viper within the messiah.
Saturn is the great master of getting your ducks in a row – wherever it is in your own chart will show you your hardest tasks – the ones you need to break open and break through. The planet of limitations and boundary definition, delays and obstacles, sacrifice and responsibility, status quo and religions [the billion plus congregation ones] – in your chart – will show you your challenges and fears, lessons and learnings, building and success – or not. We can expect that Saturn in Pisces will bring a crisis in religion – be it christianity, islam or judaism from the west or hinduism or buddhism from the east – or all of them. They are all overdue for a major shakeup. Saturn is about big religion and accountability.
During this time we are all going to be required to just be still – observe – process – care and be kind. To just be open and kind – to have clear boundaries – to not judge or attempt to control others. The sacrifice of the few for the many – the atmosphere of fear we are living in – we need to master these during the next year or two in particular – as the placement here requires us to do this – so we can avoid repeating the mistakes of the dying old age. Every aspect of our lives now is digitalised [ and lost to hackers regularly], is under surveillance, commodified and sold back to us in a white noise of overstimulation and distraction. We live in a nihilistic fervour of doom in the face of the Star changing our climate and Saturn here can provide the maturity and discipline to lift us out of the mire.
Some of the issues that may come to light and be brought to heel are climate mitigation strategies, buy backs and more equitable housing. The pornographication of the world is now likely to be examined and held to account for its role in the increasing desensitisation and violence to women. Children are likely to become more protected from social media nihilism and regulation is likely to finally come to the giants of the tech industry. The excesses of big pharma and things like the opiod crisis and vaccine injury are likely to be finally brought to public awareness and illusions shattered re modern ‘medicine’. The reckonings are coming dear ones – and they won’t be pretty. We are also likely at this time to see an increasing level of frustration and boredom with the woke community and their endless need for being perpetual victims, whilst receiving the benefits of being part of the few percent of privilege.

With Neptune remaining in Pisces also for 2023 – along with Saturn arriving here – we are going to see psychedelics and plant medicines going main stream and while most of this work is being done underground still – the actual research has been definitive and powerful as to their healing and rewiring of the brain – and the disgrace of governments that still refuse to allow their mainstream use – despite decades of research – will finally be forced to abandon many of their empires of stagnation and allow for real change here. So too can we expect the rampant self aggrandisement – of the past era of ‘wellness’ and ‘personal happiness’ – give way to connection with community and service and sacrifice. Saturn provides us with the wherewithal to look forward – to evolve and to swim upstream against the flood of much rubbish being washed away during this transit. We will all be asked to go within – to the silence – and to change our actual minds.
Because the Saturn in Pisces cycle affects generational turnings – this one affects Virgo [1960’s re Pluto and Uranus in Virgo which is about health] and it means that for 2023 the issues raised by the lab rat escapee of wuhan – will not be done with us yet. The sense of it is, that this may as much be the long awaited and perhaps to be dreaded – cumulative effects of the experimental drug placed into several billion people over the past two years. And as all of these are built on foetal matter also – well – you can see the religious theme building again – as the religious nutters again bang on about the sanctity of life etc – while getting shots in the arm loaded with foetal material. Oh the irony.

Also in March on the 23rd we have Pluto – transformation – entering Aquarius – sign of progress and the mass of humanity – for the first time since the 18th century. Travelling through this sign for nearly 20 years this time until 2044 – this dark master of transformation will change the next era unfolding in ways we cannot begin to imagine yet. Both the planet and the sign itself are about total regeneration and the combination of these have extraordinary power and ability to advance humanity however it is likely to get pretty messy along the way.
For those Aquarians coming into it – you have my sympathies – for those Capricornians who are just coming out of a decade of hell from this – well done for all the changes you have wrought – painful and all as they have been. I have my family and circle littered with Capricornians and I too am glad this era is changing signs. History tells us that Pluto in Aquarius represents the rise in feminism – tribes and system changes – as it cycles through here every 248 years. We may yet see the first female president of america.
During this epoch we will see profound shifts in justice – humanitarian pursuits – social justice for indigenous people – along with profound shifts in science and technology – space travel and genetic advances. Governments that work with the people – Aquarius is all from the ground up remember – will survive – those who do not – will be ultimately swept away. Those who are ready to work for the collective – to create opportunities for all to grow – who value all life and species – will flourish during these times.
Pluto – having created chaos and the irrevocable collapse of global power hierarchies that exploit life for greed – will arrive at 0 degrees Aquarius and stay there until June 2023 – when it will slip back into Capricorn for a brief hoorah tour until January 21 2024 – from where it will return to Aquarius for the next 20 years – yes – an extended stay lol. But next year the tone is set and the process begins. It will bring a huge shift of consciousness to the collective rather than the personal. Although Aquarian types will feel this powerfully. Aquarian secrets will be revealed – karma come home – Dionysian turbulence will arrive to demolish the Apollonian walled city state and set the women free from the kitchen to roam naked in the vineyards once again – awake and aware lol.
Aquarius – ruled by Saturn [structure, responsibility and karma] and Uranus [sudden and shocking change] will ensure a profound shake up of ethics, values and systems – moving them to a more egalitarian and equal fairness for all life. This will happen powerfully and will be an unstoppable force – irrespective of any collateral damage – as it is concerned with the big picture and not the miniature of individual lives. Change is difficult for humans as we know and this letting go of the individualism of the old age means all of our points of reference and beliefs will be shaken to the core as we move into a new group awareness. This consciousness evolution will eventually allow our minds to become the instruments that will do the work of our current devices. The keyword for Aquarius is – water of life I am, poured forth for thirsty men and women.
Whilst Pluto stations here – several planets will transit through Aries – the sign of war and aggression. We have Jupiter here in 2023, Neptune enters here from 2025 to 2039 and Saturn moves here in 2025 to 2028. More on that as we get closer to them lol. It will make for interesting clashes in the culture wars shall we say. Where control of intellectual property and innovative technology will be wrested once and for all from the oligarchs and handed freely to the people – resulting in the transformation of borders and identities. Jupiter’s transit here until May 17th 2023 has already initiated the arrival of a new band of warriors – ready to take up the cause for all. There is a sense of a new collective coming for all – not the united nations – but begun somewhere else and if it gets it right many nations will join.

In April and May we will have the last eclipse season on the axis of Taurus and Scorpio with a new moon eclipse in Taurus on April 20th and a full moon eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th – before the Moon’s nodes change to the axis of Aries and Libra on July 12th 2023. Venus will do one of her rare retrogrades on July 26th in Leo until September 23rd at this same time. The north node – the dragons head – is in Aries and the south node – the Tail is in Libra. Aries rules the military and titles and Libra rules peace and allies and enemies. What is interesting is this transit was in place – with Jupiter in Aries also from 1939 to 1941 – the commencement of world war two – and while I genuinely feel human collective consciousness will not tolerate a global conflagration – we are likely to see the symbolic repetition of the energies of the last world war – beyond what the mad russian is currently doing in Ukraine – as that energy is karmically discharged. “If you ignore the Dragon, it will eat you. If you defy the Dragon it will overpower you. But if you ride the Dragon you will take advantage of its strength and power” – chinese proverb.
The terrible financial strain on the world will continue until this change over from the money signs of Taurus and Scorpio happens in July and in the next cycle the world is really going to have to decide whether it is morals or money that rule the world from here on in. For a new world economy is coming with this – a new way of ordering the world – and we must ensure it is not the one global digital economy that all are enslaved to – and can be removed from – for not scoring the right social credits – at the flick of a switch. It is what the oligarchs of the world economic forum are reaching desperately for – however all signs suggest they will ultimately fail. In fact by the time Uranus has completed its journey in Taurus in 2026 – in truth we probably won’t recognise the world and how it operates. These karmic destiny points show where we are going in the north node and what we are leaving behind in the south node. This will be examined in detail as the time approaches however you get the idea.

However back to May 17th when Jupiter now enters Taurus. This will defuse somewhat the tension of the cycle of war of last century and bring a new awareness. Until then Jupiter in Aries continues to encourage air and fire signs to move everything out of the way – in all areas – to move forward. It has been somewhat exhausting in fact. Upon arrival in Taurus it will impact more on the water and earth signs instead and bring a bit of ease to all while bringing opportunities to those signs to move forward. The abundance this brings to agriculture in fact will mean strange bumper harvests in areas not decimated by weather conditions – which will help in the looming food crisis – the one that is manufactured as well as driven by climate change. A positive alignment with Saturn in June will bring improvement generally as well. However the Jupiter – Saturn squares coming after that will ensure the financial mess is unlikely to end much before the end of 2025 in truth.
These are the major influences of change for the year and the usual faster moving planets ingresses and retrogrades and eclipses will be discussed more at length in the usual posts pre meditations through the year. It is true that for many reasons – astrologically as well astrophysics – the deluges – as stated above – will continue into 2023. The northern hemisphere winter which began in the first month of autumn – will be relatively short and deeply cold and bitter with very destructive winds. It is likely by February it will warm early and cause its own problems with seeding and crop growth and it is likely the intensity of the weather will continue to increase in volatility and extremes. Covid will continue to erupt in our lives this year – both through strains emerging and through ongoing and increasing awareness of the severe side effects and deaths through the experimental mrna vaccines. We are likely to see a big uptick in autoimmune disorders re this and also exotic diseases through insect migration.
Mercury’s retro periods this year – that trixster planet sliding around – has all of its retro periods in the Earth element. This happens every year of course and when in fire we see disruption and chaos et al. In water it drives us in – reflectively. In Earth we will be asked to dig deeper and understand our relationship with what is solid within us and in our lives. It actually allows us to see the wood from the trees. Next year in December – at the summer solstice – Mercury aligns with the World Axis – where all four cardinal points come to a hot point and we will see a significant conglomeration of health, security, physical safety – come to fruition. It will be a volatile time indeed.
I have been a little repetitive here and there in this perusal as different elements bring forces to bear in similar and escalating ways – however it really is a year to focus on love and community – your spirituality will deepen and change and become more personal and community based rather than fearing some man made deity to get it right. Read on to see how other ways of looking at 2023 unfold.

Chinese Astrology 2023
The year of 2023 is the 4th year of the 12 year cycle of the zodiac and is the Year of the Black Water Rabbit. It commences on January 22nd. In a similar manner to the western astrology each sign represents personality traits and challenges and strengths as well as its impact on world events.
Our annual FengFest event will be held both in person at pre-cold levels and also via zoom – you can purchase tickets at this link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/feng-fest-2023-year-of-the-water-rabbit-tickets-480748771517
The Year of the Black Water Rabbit tends to be a harbinger of being able to sort through things – to not act too rashly before nutting things out – quite different from the turbulent year of the Tiger we have just been through. It is a year to trust your intuition which will be heightened and this will allow you to head troubles off at the pass and will be the key to a successful year. The year of the Rabbit allows for the rise of peace makers and collaboration in difficult situations. Be mindful of being over analytical though and to avoid any pessimism that can rise with this over thinking – it will be important to spend quality down time in nature and with friends and loved ones.
It is also considered the luckiest of the Zodiac animals and represents beauty, elegance and mercy. It is considered a lucky year for the Ox, Tiger and Snake. Black represents self-awareness – self mastery of career and release of old patterns. Your purpose becomes clear. The element of water represents the ability to be contemplative and not rush in and to accept what is there and deal with it successfully. The hostility and competition of the tiger year give way to harmony and collaboration and it is a wonderful year to bring in a baby if it is in your plans.
However the other reality of Yin – Water is that it is connected to rain, cold water and deluges. Water is the over element of wood and so Wood is also very prominent this coming year. What this basically means – without too much explanation – is to commence new projects early in the year – as this element weakens in winter. This could also impact on family ties and lead to moving away from your normal place of living. The influence of the rabbit will allow people who are impulsive or living in a distorted reality to think more realistically before acting in order to bring things to fruition. It is a good year predominately for all animal signs and a welcome relief after the fierce tiger year. Where you place the Tai Sui god as you prepare the feng shui for the year ahead matters and will soon have details for our annual Feng Fest to be held to help everyone to prepare – you will be able to attend both in person or online.
The tiger year brought much change – the rabbit is not a fan of change. There will be a veneer of calmness this year but many things may be bubbling along under the surface. Seeds are planted and take root. These 60 year cycles of the water rabbit are harbingers of later war or social and political upheaval. Dimplomacy is king. Yin wood years reveal root problems – food security, financial belt tightening, disruption to supply – land management and damage control will be front and centre. It is interesting that Chernobyl, fukashima, the myxomatosis virus unleashed on rabbits – all happened in a rabbit year. We will all be looking to get back to grass roots this year – battering, foraging, biodynamic farming and sustainability all gain ground this year and the weather will get colder still.
The things to be mindful in the Year of the Black Water Rabbit are a capacity to avoid the things we need to do to bring things to fruition and get unpleasant matters out of the way – deal with it and it will increase your money flow. Towards the end of the year our lives may feel monotonous – with a tendency to delude ourselves that all is ok – when in fact – the Rabbit’s dualism – means along with our enhanced capacity to make things easy and productive – we can also receive blows below the belt – financial upheavals and social turmoil.
It is a great year for starting or renewing romantic relationships and it matters a lot this year to follow your passions and take time out to do what you love. To do your best to harmonise all relationships that are left in our lives after the chaos of the past few years. So as the year begins reflect on all of this and be empathic and generous with what is left and take time for you and them and the things you enjoy. If you have a sign of the Monkey or Dragon in your life they may need extra care and support through stressful situations.

Feng Shui 2023
In regard to the Feng Shui of 2023 – the number is Kua 4 – and promotes intelligence – finesse in action and the uninhibited expression of previously secretive talents. A year of discovery – gather and travel bringing change physically and psychologically with many ‘firsts’ involved. Professional collaboration can bring promotion however any actions that are selfish or corrupt are likely to bring swift consequence and sanctions. Love is highlighted and regarding health – it will be important to understand and identify early any emotional disorders to redress before they cause major problems. The flying stars and harmful stars will be gone into at length at the workshop and how to enhance the good and repress the harmful stars in your home for maximum benefit for health, wealth and happiness at home and in the office – including your lucky colours and other things to be aware of to enhance success.
The flying Stars will be presented at the annual Feng Fest event at this link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/feng-fest-2023-year-of-the-water-rabbit-tickets-480748771517
Numerology – Year of Seven

Calculated by adding the numbers of the year together – 2+0+2+3 = 7 – and so next year is a Universal Year of 7.
To calculate your personal year – add the day and month to this – e.g. born on 5th of July – add 5+7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. Add that to the universal 7 for the year and you get the number 10 = 1+0 = 1 – meaning your personal year is 1.
A personal year cycle is nine years long and each year means something different. I will begin with the universal year meaning of 7 and then give a brief overview of what to expect in a personal year from 1 to 9. There is a lot of information here so I can only provide a brief overview however I can be contacted for deeper information – based on the Chaldean numerology system – if you contact me on the details below.
The Chaldean system is the one that makes most sense to me personally. The Vedic system is drawn from this however the Chaldean is simple and straightforward. The Chaldeans taught the Essenes who supposedly taught Christ his ministry so it is one of the most ancient in our current civilisation.
A Universal Year of 7 – This is a year of deep spiritual work. Intuition is the name of the game and symbolises a period of change and evolution and learning to trust yourself on a more instinctual level is very important this year. So make a point this year if following your gut as it were and know within, what is right for you and follow it. The number 7 represents seeing deeply into situations and wisdom in dealing with things. Do not fear new things for they will come thick and fast in the coming year and authenticity will be your best guide. Many are still attempting to figure out your path and goals from 2022 and if so – then 2023 is your year to achieve. There will be a lot of getting to know yourself and delving into the deep subconscious and unconscious to discover your hidden potential and maximise it. Be mindful of seeking legal advice when it comes to business and housing. Because of the deep inner journey on offer you may experience loneliness and isolation – go with it. And be mindful of defaulting into cynicism – just know what you want and go for it.
Personal year number 1 for 2023
This begins a new chapter for you and will bring many new phases and beginnings into your life. Career, home, people – may all come in to lead your forward so be prepared and embrace the changes gracefully will allow the new cycle to bring you forward. Assert your personal needs clearly – let go of what does not support you – dream big and seize the day. So this is the year to dream big – brain storm – allow your imagination to fly. This is a particularly fertile year for you so take strong steps forward and don’t censor yourself. You will shake the tree of non functional relationships this year and let go in – no uncertain terms – of those that don’t support you. There is no need to be cruel in the process.
Personal year number 2 for 2023
Keep growing – mentors will arrive along with friends and teachers or even new romantic partners in this period of your life. It is all about development, cooperation and planting seeds with patience for your future. So keep pushing yourself forward and challenging yourself to take forward steps. You are turning a page so be bold – know what you want and go after it. It may be a little like shifting sands beneath you this year however be mindful of slowing yourself down with too much over analysis. You are in the process of letting go of the old – in a way you will not regret – and you are fed up with feeling like you are on a treadmill so are looking for the right path. Keep the faith and you will be on track soon enough.
Personal year number 3
You are preparing a story to be told and are encouraged to share your knowledge now. To inspire and bring others forward – a new way of doing and being. This connecting to others and a deeper community will bring fulfillment this year. You will have a lot of energy in a three year – especially for creative projects. Your vision is clear and you are feeling confident and are pretty clear about your goals. You will deal with hiccups as they arrive and see the glass half full – and if you deal with this well it will fill up in the second half of the year.
Personal year number 4
A year of knuckling down and being self disciplined and well organised for the task at hand. This is a year to focus on what is right in front of you as you move to fulfil desires and ambitions. You may not be able to see the outcome yet and there will be many distractions this year – however if you stay focused and work hard you can trust you are moving to completion – even if it is not on the horizons. You will come up with surprising and innovative approaches as you trust more your intuition for answers. It is not the year for radical change however you will make good adjustments as you go along this year to keep your ambition on track. Be honest and act for yourself and it will go well.
Personal year number 5
This is likely to be an exciting year – full of adventure and excitement and there will be many opportunities to plant seeds for the future. The recent hard work and difficult hurdles you have overcome will bear fruit. However understand that hard work continues this year and your patience will be tested along each step and keep moving. You want to now share what you have been figuring out over the past few years. This is a positive year for you as you transform any lingering doubts and step into self belief with ease. You may meet people from many different worlds this year and some of this may well inspire you.
Personal year number 6
This is a year where you can shed many old wounds and heartaches that have been held for a long time. You will be quite family oriented this year and ensuring that you are handling all the responsibilities you have taken on there however it remains important to nurture to nurture other relationships that matter as some may fall away in less than necessary ways. This is also the year for you to put yourself forward in career and are not afraid to show what you have got. You won’t get bored this year and if single it is a good time to meet a long term partner.
Personal year number 7
If you are in a 7 year it will enhance the attributes of the Universal year of 7 however it could also be an emotional year as well as a deeply immersive into your soul’s journey one. These emotional shake ups may involve family or partners, colleagues or even from deep insights rising from within. You will witness clearly this year the mirror in all of your realities as your consciousness expands. Surprising support may come your way – to make a new and strong commitment to a new path – or even a profound love. You mind moves from the miniature to the meta-cognitive and the bigger picture becomes very clear. New and surprising paths may well open up as your originality and outspokenness could open some very profitable doors for you. Many surprises – personal and career wise – may come along to move you forward.
Personal year number 8
This is a year of finding balance and settling karma and brings many opportunities to transform and awaken. It is a year to practice gratitude and being in the moment and acknowledging the many blessings of your life. You are quite determined also and any difficulties you encounter will simply harden you up to complete your goals however make a point of not alienating important people – balance remember. Alternative options are good to keep in your pocket and you won’t hesitate to argue your case – even against strong opposition – however encourage dialogue so you don’t end up feeling isolated in the process. It is a good year to breathe new life into a long term relationship too – be creative.
Personal year number 9
This is a year of culmination and completion. If you have not made the necessary changes – they will be made for you this year for otherwise we become stagnant. You richly deserve the rewards you have earned this year so get out of the way what is needed to move on. A new level of spiritual awareness arrives this year also and a level of detachment is possible that can inspire those around you. You work out your priorities – you are more inclined to take a back seat to manage – letting your intuition be your guide. Any relationships that have survived will be enriched this year as the changes you have wrought will be shared. The toxic relationships are gone now – unless you resisted and if so – it will be sorted for you this year. Be at peace – it is a year of review and reflection and deepening.
For me personally it is a year of change – it has been a long sabbatical up here on the mountain – deep and transformative and as I enter 2023 and move house – there will be a programme rolling out for fun and transformative rituals and ceremonies and workshops and training – drawing on the transpersonal and shamanic paradigms which I have been immersed in for many decades now and quite frankly I can’t wait lol. The list of those activities will be forthcoming soon for now it is time to let the seeds planted to take root in the building of community.

Prue has worked in the field of psychiatry and mental health for over 35 years now and brings an eclectic and wide variety of techniques that facilitate clearing of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual realms of the psyche and the problems that arise therein. She has also walked the Shaman’s path for over 25 years now.
Working with all facets of existence from conception to dying and death Prue has developed powerful and effective tools that allow clients to get to the source of their current issue and move them out of the field to restore balance to themselves and the worlds they are creating and co-creating with others.
Weaving many years of experience and training in psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapy, principles of transactional analysis, energetic processes and healing from shamanic practice, shadow work, and deep immersion into the realms of the psyche in transpersonal paradigms – in the service of her clients.
This work moves deeply entrenched patterns of thinking and behaviour, emotional overload in the face of crisis and existential issues of meaning and issues of hopelessness and despair that can arise in the face of this – out of the daily aspects of daily life – her work is deep and efficacious.
You can contact Prue on 0419819089 for individual sessions in person or online or at www.thrivebydesign.com.au