
Evolution is unfolding within us powerfully now and through a new energy bathing the planet – the synthesis possible – of the living flame that we are – is here. Our consciousness is learning to connect across the realms and dimensions – through holographic realities activated through our energy systems – built in to the chakras. From the sub atomic to the supraliminal. We meld within – the sacred marriage within – of the duality – as earth births herself anew – along with us.
The veils of oblivion are being lifted – and you will receive what is proportionate to your evolution – there are no lessons – there are no teachings – your soul is remembering exactly what it needs to arise. The great galactic current sheets are carrying towards your solar system what ever it needs now to arise. To release yourself. Your own star will accept and transmute this energy to suit you – and radiate it out. Trust.
It is all such a paradox – victim consciousness – truly 90% of our pain results from suppression of emotional baggage of the past – utilising most of our energy to suppress energy – and trauma is manipulated powerfully by those who control – preventing you from healing – to keep you enslaved. The longer you stay within the pain – the deeper it becomes – remember that 96 million cells in your body renew themselves every minute – if they are continually being recreated in pain – then that is what you are doing – recreating receptor sites for repetitive patterns.
The subconscious mind then recreates this and creates shortcuts to this pain – helping us because that is clearly where we want to spend time – the older you get the harder it can become to shift this – the conscious mind reacts to the emotional pain and over and over again – you go on – repeating and recreating it – truth is not real – truth is based on your mad mind’s regeneration of patterns of pain in this way. You do not see reality – you see your programmed addictive patterns of emotional – mind pain reality – repeated ad nauseum – daily. Of the 60k thoughts you have today – 59,999 of them you had yesterday – and the day before.

The ego and spirit mind – and your race mind – reaching for different realities – can create great confusion. The ego mind – personal – constantly preoccupied with what needs to happen – now – in the next few hours – in the next few days – and ruminating over what happened yesterday and the day before – and all the rules and regulations and stories about how to do what your story tells you – that you have to do – to stay safe. The race mind is all about how you will live and die – connectedness – god and religion – survival – and other cultural realities.
The spirit mind knows you are source and that all is held within you – and is here to serve – to raise awareness – to maximise the lived experience of the dream – for compassion and the return to source. It behoves us all to allow the spirit mind to guide the ego mind – rather than allowing it to be the wild elephant ridden by the mad monkey – trampling everything – including your life – before it – as the great buddha describes it.
Throw in past lives and ancestral wounds and here you are – manipulated and enslaved by the programme that keeps you in repetitive patterns of emotion and mind loops and you are an absolute feeding machine for fear and going nowhere for life. And yet here you are overcoming all of it. You have been in a box for a long time – and now you are emerging – and it brings forth interesting new gifts. And only you can do it – it has to come from you.
Your innate ability to see repetitive patterns for what they are is growing – you are no longer irritated by it – you see it for what it is and can let go – you deal with it differently – things that made you uncomfortable or anxious are now no longer problems – let yourself see this – it is an aspect of rising consciousness. The disconnect between you and others is increasing – you feel this powerfully and are now increasingly disinterested in engaging any of it – at all.

You are increasingly aware that your family is not really your family. They are increasingly not who you think they are – as you increasingly see Gaia herself – as the source of what family is to you. There are physical attributes of this including needing more sleep. Usually in aging it means less sleep but no longer. Why is it – do you think – that all other life sleeps when the sun goes down and rises when the sun rises. And now you are joining this – and discharging a great deal in sleep – permanently – and you need a lot of sleep to do this.
And we are all familiar with the three am waking process – as part of the discharge of subconscious material. Your diets are changing dramatically – allergic to things you never were – eating things that once you could not. These signals are benevolent and loving – observe and learn. Sometimes you long to not be here – to simply stop – to just find peace – in the midst of the storms – so emotional disinterest in dramas is rising sharply now. As you are awakening your emotional spectrum is fluctuating – you have been in a steady box of anxiety and inadequacy and now – as you are breaking free – then your emotional being is stretching.
Some are even noticing that the culture you were born into is no longer appealing to you. Your sense of connection to that part of the story is fading – you feel more deeply connected to all life – not one aspect of it – but all of it. You will be building a new culture now – inclusive – diverse – embracing of all life.
You are becoming the god you seek – on all levels of your being. Doing – thinking – feeling, dedication, love – witnessing. Gaia knows where each and every
one of you is and how you are.
The way of learning is changing from here on in. All knowledge is held within. As you learn to access the living library of all things that you are – then the learning you undertake now becomes obsolete – it is that simple. The old adage of “Know yourself and you will know All” refers to this. The dimming of the light in all divine humans is over. As we approach new cycles unfolding and the benevolent physics of them – we connect deeply through our heart to all that is and to Gaia.
Release all fear. It is deliberately manipulated to freeze your evolution – it is deliberately vomited from the hell scapes of your gumments and their overlords of darkness – to prevent you from raising your vibration – it must be suspended if you are to ever break free. Those who can, will rise and journey with Gaia to the next dimension of vibration. Those who can’t will be swept away to continue their journey in fear in another 3D reality until they get another opportunity in the future – to grow and set them selves free.
Part of the changes Gaia is going through is that her core is reenergising and recalibrating – it is not a molten ball of iron in there by the way – remember the electric universe. This will bring significant changes. The ancients knew of these cycles and left messages about it – however you have been deliberately kept in the dark – so the changes initiated were not utilised in the optimal way. However movement continues.

Ascension is happening – you will feel it in your body – in your perception of other realities – even if others cannot. Everybody can do this – not all will. The process is accelerating change and we are none of us good with change – just surrender and let go – all things pass – even this. Some of the adjustments going on may be very uncomfortable however it is just a part of the freeing process. Joy and contentment are your birthright as a human being on this planet – and that was what was stolen from you.
You are all getting used to strange vibrations in the body – in the third eye – in the crown – and this is just part of it. The process will accelerate as time goes on. It is necessary for your unshackling to continue. You are all becoming more aware that you are more than your physical body and that time is not what you have been taught it was – a sold linear movement in one direction. Your deep connection to the race mind is greater than you realise. You influence it and it influences you – be mindful of this.
It is why meditation, conscious non judgement and distance healing has such power. Always return to calm – in the face of whatever you tune into. The machinations of the dark of violence, poverty, disease and hunger – still at play – can be challenged by simply tuning into your power and transforming yourself in peace and ease and this is what goes into the collective. Why do you think they go to such trouble to constantly bombard your senses with fear – it is for the exact same reason. But it is such a low vibration it needs to be generated moment by moment.
Love on the other hand is a very high vibration and travels a long way with minimum effort. What you do in this regard has tremendous power. Your body already knows this as it increases its own frequency to match Gaia’s rising frequency. The new earth is unfolding and the golden age is beginning. No darkness can reside at this frequency and will be gone forever. Time and space will no longer be barriers to your adventures at this frequency level.
The purification and purging unfolding is unpleasant and uncomfortable however it is a necessary part of the process – for all of the suffering and held pain of your incarnational cycles here on Gaia – cannot go with you – and so relax and allow the work to be done – get help where you need it – stay on course – especially in the face of many who will continue on the old path of obedience and fear. Leave them to it. Nothing is ever what it appears to be.

There are many time lines existing at the same time here on Gaia – it is why so many people are falling away from you now – for many are on a time line in which the past creates the future and this no longer applies to you. Your ego and all its machinations are changing profoundly. It does not like change and will resist your changes in order to survive – this is where rumination over past pain comes from – where suffering and suicidal ideation comes from. It has a false sense of what is real for happiness and it depends on thoughts to promulgate itself.
Thoughts are just waves of the mind however if you focus on them then they become real for you are a creator god remember. The ego has a totally delusional view of itself and what it requires for happiness – you must be aware of this. For it perceives what is actually going on – as an existential threat to itself – and will do whatever it can – to cling on. This is how the dark manipulates you. To free yourself in self-awareness – allows this to fall away – as you tune in to what is actually possible. Choose love over fear – again and again – and you bring yourself closer to your god self in incarnation.
Keep opening yourself to source energy – as your systems evolve – bringing joy and freedom from fear. Your physical and mental and emotional bodies are releasing all that is no longer needed. Everything speeds up. Many of the next changes may be shocking – even to those paying attention. Everything is changing – appetite – social – work – interest in the world – all of it – changing profoundly. Many continue in the duality madness – building tiny little worlds of the have and the have nots – the competition and greed and madness – grasping in desperate behaviours.
This is just a cycle – regularly repeated – offering a new way of being as we rebuild – clearly remembering the created barriers designed to keep us apart. Be calm – stay sane – be kind – be here – in love – you are much stronger than you realise. The anguish of the sheep is real – most have no idea what is unfolding and will behave in increasingly erratic and dangerous ways towards others. Be compassionate – do not engage them if you don’t need to – their path is also perfect and will take them where they are ready to go.
The split is here – the great divide unfolds – from a reality of personal power – in the solar plexus – of the masculine need for control – to the heart – a presence beyond the physical – of love and compassion and immediate manifestation and materialisation. From dystopia to utopia – two worlds – parallel – as we work out where we are going and with whom. The old or the new – it is unfolding now – it all depends on what you choose now – so choose wisely – the past does not matter – it can all be released – it is up to us which path we choose now.
Our bodies are being entrained to hold greater levels of light and love – and learning – that to respond in the old paradigms of retribution – when all truths of the dark are finally revealed – simply leaves us locked in the old way. Our planetary orbs are the vehicles of awakening consciousness. And all are bending themselves to the task at hand now. Awakening – the race – into the leap of faith. Trust. Keep your eye on the prize as you transform into a new structure – in which you will be unaffected by the shifting timelines and new era unfolding.
As we learn to control the ego – addictions and begin to work with the astral body – we will then understand and learn about the power of thought and creation – of cosmic plays and the power of sound and colour in creation and healing.

As your awareness grows now you become aware of the power of your own thoughts – their creative abilities – that we can break out of the programmed foolishness that has bound humanity for far too long – and create differently. With love – as your self esteem and self worth grows – you must learn to control your mind – totally – it is how you are managed – by having your mind shaped and controlled in fear by your dark overlords.
You are going through the break out stage right now and it is exhausting – literally – and the minions of the dark are doing their very best right now to poison you all – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – however nothing can change what is unfolding and while they seem to be getting stronger they are not – just becoming more desperate. There is a future you cannot yet imagine however it is coming. All you need to do is simply focus your thinking into new ways – into what you desire rather than what you fear – as you have been powerfully trained to do.
It is the only way out. This savage brutal world – under the monstrous patriarchy – is coming to an end – they know it – which is why they are so desperate – to capture and enslave as many as possible before the great divide unfolds fully – simply step back – stay no – train your mind – let go – dwell here now. The consciousness that you are cannot be created or destroyed however you are in the process of transmuting it to a higher vibration and reality.
All things are interconnected. Relative to each other. Through the entire universe – as above so below – as within so without – one shift affects everything. Everything is a vibration operating at a specific frequency – thought is the first vibrational cause – sound is what gives it geometrical shape through the fractals and platonic solids of sacred geometry – emotion is its most powerful feeder – love is the fastest and fear is the slowest. There are 12 dimensions which are constant and universal – portals exist between them – the higher you go – the less dense it is – the portals exist – as chakras – all 12 – in your body and on the earth. The swinging of the pendulum of duality is a given and will continue as karma – until you own it all.
You are a sovereign being – to know who you are – the own source of self – without a leader – in a responsible way – doing no harm – working to improve the quality of life of all – requires you to know yourself – this is not possible until you do – and until then you will have false masters ruling over you for you have chosen not to know yourself and rule yourself.
The process of transformation is well underway and now is literally like a runaway train that cannot be stopped. It has been a very hard slog to get here – and we really have lost touch with a lot of the joy and magic that is inherently natural to our state of being – and yet that is what comes next. Remember this year is all about family and values and the creation of tribe. The end of solitude as it were. Knowing what works and letting go of the rest. Keep clear boundaries – for the shattering of beliefs has people behave very loudly and strangely.

Be kind – you have made the shifts – many have not. This is being the lighthouse in the coming storm and creating a new reality with new energies. It is discombobulating as you feel you have worked so hard to get here in the face of overwhelming odds and the disbelief of those around you – that it can be hard to release the struggle – but do so – that is what is being in the moment in love is about – it is a strong and powerful energy – so much stronger than the fear being peddled by the desperate and dying overlords.
Let love lead – every time – be open to receiving – you are so used to the struggle – all lightworkers come from this place and it can be hard to release – however you are ready – you are there in fact. It is happening – you are on a different world now – and need to build a new civilisation as this old tired behemoth of madness and tyranny collapses under the weight of its own corruption. We are capable of all and responsible for all and the storm is coming dear ones – as powerfully as the caterpillar emerges from the chrysalis to follow.
Use the power of your imagination – I cannot stress it enough – as the great philosopher Terrance said – the first act of freedom is learning to imagine differently. It is quite extraordinary how powerful you are and how deeply it has been hidden from you – but it is real none the less. Start seeing the world you desire rather than the world you have been so powerfully conditioned to fear. Switch off your machines. They are filled with hate and fear and violence – truthfully what do you think that is doing to your creative energy. Where attention goes – chi flows. Why do you think such drama and pain and horror are fed to you across all media as ‘new’ and ‘entertainment’. Switch it off. Stop listening to the empty mouths of your empty so called leaders in your empty technology – built solely for the purpose of your mental enslavement.
Get on with your new awakening life – spend time in nature – be with loved ones – control your mind – do not let it dwell in drama or pain or fear and if you cannot shift it by yourself – get help to do so. It is going to be hard soon to hide the accumulative data of the negative effects of the experiment of enslavement and even the doctors who have so willingly shoved this into people – will start to rebel and share what they know – this will become an avalanche of information and rebellion – it is the push to stab small children that will be the turning point in fact. As more wake up they will join you and the speed of change will accelerate. The great galactic current sheets of plasma bathing your planet now helps significantly to clear the decks. The Solar flash is coming dear ones.
As your DNA continues to unfold and the kundalini field rises – everything changes. Foods that appealed no longer do. Foods you have never eaten are suddenly attractive. Vision, hearing, feeling is changing – we can be extraordinarily perceptive and sensitive – it is time to stop trying to ‘normalise’ who you are and embrace the changes of what you are becoming. Listen to the gentle voices within you. The guidance to be somewhere – even if it makes no sense. Continue to delete the dark voices created by the programme you were raised in. sometimes this can be hard – for you have listened to them all your life – however there are people out there who are very good at dispelling them – ask around. It lightens the load considerably.
Your heart is the key to everything – the wisdom of the awakened heart will set you free – dwell there – imagine from there – connect to the divine that you are through there – it will bring you home and set you free. You are ready – and so is your great mother Gaia – buckle up – hang on – in love lol xxx You got this. And you are so much more important in the scheme of things than you can possibly imagine – yes you xxx